View Full Version : Never Mind eh

11-15-2020, 02:57 PM
So today Sun 15th Nov. should have been the first full day of Helen?s holiday but Covid has meant that it?s had to be postponed till next year. Saturday would have travelled, plan was to change on route and arrive enfemme and stay that way for the next 7 days. Bags would be unpacked, Dresses hung, drawers found for underwear, shoes and boots lined up, makeup and toiletries sorted.

If previous years were anything to go by, then today I?d have awoken, dressed in my nightie, made myself breakfast and as the song Parklife goes ?Thought about leaving the house? after of course giving due consideration of what to wear.

Today it?d be shopping for provisions, a quick trawl around M&S checking out the lingerie and buying some hose, Boots to peruse the makeup, Cruise Debenhams before grabbing a drink and a bun in their cafe? and may be a walk along the sea front weather permitting.

Evening back to the house and either bringing home a takeaway or make myself a meal. After that if it?s not too late and the weather?s dry perhaps a drive to go check out what?s on at the cinema and local theatre for things to do throughout the coming days.

Last thing, open a bottle of wine and watch a bit of TV or log on to this place and check what everyone else has been up to. Shower and clean off the makeup, sleep forms and nightie on and think about the coming day as I doze off to sleep.

But alas it?s not to be. Can?t lie, I?d like to be able to get out dressed again but it is what it is and you have to live with it. I?m rebooked for Feb ?21 but I?m all too aware that Covid could still put a spanner in the works so I?ll wait patiently for the day to come when Helen can go and mingle with the muggles again.

Cheryl T
11-15-2020, 03:02 PM
Good luck with your trip Helen.
I certainly understand how frustrating it has been with all the lockdowns and stay-at-homes we've had here in the U.S. I'd love to be able to get out and do a little traveling but so many things are closed or restricted it just makes more sense to stay safe at home right now.

February will come quickly and hopefully you will be able to enjoy your trip then.

11-15-2020, 03:09 PM
Such a dissappointment for you , i am so so sorry, but look on the bright side, February may bring better weather and with better weather comes nicer mor colourful easy to wear things. So don't be to disheartened think of oh well there wil be another time.

11-15-2020, 05:10 PM
Be-twine the weather, and the Virus lock down's, it seems you just can not go anywhere to get away form
this mess. Like the Chicago Baseball Teams always said. "Wait until Next Year"

11-15-2020, 08:22 PM
What is the reason(s), u need to leave town to dress, Helen? It sounds as if u really don't in your post?:straightface:

11-16-2020, 05:03 AM

In the closet to all so going away gives me the freedom to dress fully and do a bit of outandaboutery safe in the knowledge that I'm unlikely to bump into anyone I know.

Even if I decided to come out to those close to me I'd still find going out in my local area to be something I'd find stressful and that would take the joy out of it.

These weeks away allow me to be enfemme 24/7 so even if out to the household doing the same would be difficult.

11-16-2020, 08:05 AM
So sorry Helen. It is a disappointment, but being safe in this deadly world is far more important. Explore other alternatives if you can, but please don't risk your life just because of a need and a desire that can sometimes be put on hold even though that is not comfortable to do. Vaccines will be available in a few months and at least two are showing very high effectiveness. So, please just hang on a while longer.

Be careful; be safe.

Kimberly A.
11-16-2020, 08:23 AM
Aww dang Helen, that just sucks. :( That stupid virus has put a dampener on almost everything. I think the worst part about it is, not being able to visit family, especially if you have members who have medical issues and are at high-risk of having serious symptoms from Covid-19. But I look at it this way..... Everyday is another day closer to this pandemic being over. :)