View Full Version : Everybody knows now!

11-15-2020, 06:46 PM
So about 8 years ago I told my mother I was a cross dresser. She did the standard "I love you no matter what" spiel. After that she said just promise me you wont post that crap of Facebook. I would post Halloween pictures and she would almost always make some snide remark. Nothing mean, just had a not approving tone to it. Now fast forward to a few months ago. Combining Covid-19, shitty things happening at work, and a FB feed that was mostly bashing the political arena it was getting very frustrating for me. I kept telling my wife I was going to get pissed off enough I was going to vent on facebook. More then once she stopped me. I started to mellow out in October and stopping thinking about it. October 30th I called my dad (actually stepdad, but he raised me since I was two). Now he is a man's man...raised on a farm, 6'5", in a way intimating sometimes. We talked for a bit and out of the blue I asked him if he knew I was a cross dresser, thinking my mom might have said something to him. OOPS!, guess she kept that secret to herself! We talked for a bit about it and he said everybody has their peculiarities. So the next day, on Halloween, I posted the following on Facebook

Happy Halloween 🎃! Well, to be honest this picture was from June 1st of this year when My wife and I went to Ohio by ourselves. The fact of the matter is that I am a crossdresser and have been for a very long time. I have keeped it hidden through my military career and two ex wifes that did not approve. Most of you already know and the others are now saying "that explains a lot". I can't imagine it's a shock to anybody that knows me. I am just at a point where I have no more give a ****s and rats asses to give out. I made a promise about 8 years ago that I would never post this. Well, the promise is null and void because the person is no longer here. Two questions that get asked the most I will answer. No I am not gay, and no...i like my winky doodle and so does my wife

The reason the promise became null and void is because my mom passed away Dec 19, 2019.
I had a lot of very nice comments on that post. I work in a machine shop and was really expecting some kind of harassments there, but nothing. As a matter of fact one guy tells me "I dont get it, nor will even try to understand it, but you have some huge hairy brass balls to post it and kudos to you!

So basically, nobody really cares what you wear as long as you're a decent person. (At least that my take)

11-15-2020, 07:00 PM
Good for you! And condolences for your Moms passing.

See? the world didn't end, no cops or reporters showed up on your doorstep, the world continues to spin on its axis. :)

Lana Mae
11-15-2020, 07:07 PM
Congrats! Best wishes on your journey! Hugs Lana Mae

11-15-2020, 07:08 PM
Very good story, and thanks for sharing it!

11-15-2020, 08:16 PM
Congrats, Carroll. Coming out for T's who wish to present or live as females can be very rewarding and life affirming!:thumbsup:

But, for CD's who neither need nor want that? it can be a huge, unnecessary, distraction. Or, even life damaging!:thumbsdn:

11-15-2020, 11:21 PM
Congratulations Carroll glad you?ve had enough of the hiding and maybe feeling shame or whatever. It does take a lot to come out like that but it?ll make things so much better for yourself and your nerves. I know nerves used to get to me gave me ulcers and sick stomach many times until I said the same thing. All the best to you just be careful and enjoy what you have without any remorse. If people don?t like you now fir you coming out, you don?t need them in your life anyway. As you too see let them merit you on how you are In everyday life a decent person. You go girl.

11-15-2020, 11:45 PM
If you're a decent person and someone abandons you because you're a cross dresser, then you do not need them in your life. Glad things are working out. It's too bad your mom made all those unwanted comments.

11-16-2020, 07:12 PM
Way to go Carroll. And I learned a new English colloquialism today thanks to the last section of your FB post :)

11-21-2020, 12:03 PM
That's a great story! Thank you so much for sharing.