View Full Version : Instagram account

Angela Marie
11-22-2020, 08:52 AM
I had an Instagram account under my male name that I just deleted. I want to set one up under my female name. Is there any chance that someone on my Facebook, which is under my male name, page would see my instagram account. I not one of those who has hundreds or thousands of friends on Facebook so i'm pretty confident that there would be no overlap. Still i'm not intimately familiar with the issues I just mentioned. Any help would be appreciated.

11-22-2020, 09:40 AM
Possibly , mine is not under my everyday name at all and I get friend /contact suggestions who are my friends/contacts on FB also . You have to remember though that they are owned by the same company. Kat had both FB and IG under both M and F names .

bridget thronton
11-22-2020, 10:45 AM
Do not use the same email address for both and do not have links to any common friends - should help prevent discovery

11-22-2020, 10:49 AM
The risky thing about Facebook is that it will suggest people you may know to friends and relatives. I am not sure how they gather information but if it somehow connects the two it could get awkward. I don?t know if that is even a thing with Instagram. I have one private email address that I use exclusively for anything I want to keel to myself. I do not tie it in with anything else and access it through a private browser tab. I won?t even install the app on my phone as they tie these accounts together when a person uses the apps.

Helen Waite
11-23-2020, 01:11 AM
Use different browsers for male and female accounts, plus the private browsing function. That should prevent a significant amount of cross-pollination. Also, block contacts from account 'A' in account 'B' and vice versa. That also helps deter the data mining.

Connie D50
11-23-2020, 06:25 AM
First I should say I hate computers, so I'm by far no expert. I think you also have to be careful using the same PC could link all accounts together.

11-23-2020, 09:44 AM
If being outed is a concern, you might want to skip the Instagram.

11-23-2020, 10:59 AM
I accidentally deleted my previous post trying to edit it. Stupid mobile site never works right...

Anyway as I said...

Internet Posting Rule Number One: If you don't want someone to see it, don't post it on the Internet.

Because once you post it, you have no control over who sees it, downloads it, and who they share it with.

Even after you take it down, it could still be there in some Internet archive... Forever...

So if you have even the slightest fear of being discovered and are not ready to be out to the world. Don't post pictures of yourself anywhere on the Internet.

Not even in the Picture forum here.

As no matter what the rules are, there is simply no possible way the moderators can protect us from someone downloading and sharing pictures from here.

11-23-2020, 11:57 AM
I have a facebook that has a few posts outing me as non-binary but most are bland and gender free for the unaware. I have an instagram that is linked to my name and public and mostly pictures of my outfits that I don't want to post regularly to facebook. I don't follow anyone I know unless they follow me first. I am out in real life and to most people I know so I can't really be outed on instagram since I am already out, though some might not realize the depth of it :)

11-23-2020, 01:09 PM
Others are more well versed than I, but I was always annoyed and concerned by the way Facebook was able to identify people I knew, though I thought I was very careful in maintaining anonymity. I think they used my IP Address to link my FB account to other accounts. I quit FB and Twitter as a result of these security concerns.

Aunt Kelly
11-23-2020, 01:27 PM
I had an Instagram account under my male name that I just deleted. I want to set one up under my female name. Is there any chance that someone on my Facebook, which is under my male name, page would see my instagram account. I not one of those who has hundreds or thousands of friends on Facebook so i'm pretty confident that there would be no overlap. Still i'm not intimately familiar with the issues I just mentioned. Any help would be appreciated.
I've said it before, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter et al comprise an industry that trades on the value of what they can learn about you. They are very good at learning about you. Any friends that you have in common with your multiple accounts provide the obvious link, but your behavior, both on social media and on the Internet in general, feed those profiles they have about your identities. Consider also that, unless you are using an anonymizing proxy, your logons are almost certainly coming from the same IP address; instant connection.
Now... because of typical privacy regulations and practices, those connections that social media engines make are often not available to other users, or even advertisers (unless anonymized), but they are clearly there (if my experience is any indication).
So, what to do? Use an anonymizing proxy (often mistakenly called a VPN) when accessing social media. Use your browser's "incognito mode", making sure to close it (completely) before reconnecting to another identity. Better yet, use different browsers (using aforementioned precautions) to access different identities. Make sure that your identities are as distinct as possible; email address from different domains, e.g. Google and Yahoo, no common friends, interests, pictures, or browsing habits.
Sweeping up the trail of bread crumbs we leave in our Internet wake (sorry for the mixed metaphor) is tough, but it is doable. I leave it to you to decide if the effort is worth it.

Good luck.

Angela Marie
11-23-2020, 01:59 PM
Thanks everyone for the advice. I did sign up for an Instagram account; but even after disconnecting it from my Facebook account I was not comfortable that there would not be spillover so I deleted it.

11-23-2020, 02:42 PM
i have IG for "her" and I don't use the same email address that my "he" side does. if anyone cares..."ashlee.delmonico911"

Alice Torn
11-23-2020, 02:49 PM
I had a FB account in my male name, and one for AT. Sadly, all my "friends" on my male account got Alice friend suggestions, and i am sure i was outed to some, and they will have nothing to do with me now. I deactivated the Alice acct then.

11-23-2020, 02:51 PM
That is the safe choice. To illustrate how much they know, I purchase guitar gear online sometimes and they somehow attach advertisements to my web browser. The other day I followed an email sales link and got a phone call from someone stating that he noticed I was browsing gear and offered his help. Then I got a second call a couple days later for the same things. I wasn't shopping but when I see adds in emails or browser I sometimes like to check out unfamiliar items, mostly effects pedals.

11-24-2020, 11:20 AM
Fear the Internet! By that I mean, don't put anything you don't want made public on the Internet, Facebook, Instagram or anywhere else. Facebook has facial recognition software and will recognize your face in photos. That's just an example. It seems all I have to do is think about purchasing a product and I begin seeing ads for it on Facebook.

So what about this site? Well, I suspect we are pretty safe here, but I still limit what I post. "Krisi" is not my real name, neither is "Homer". I will admit to living in the USA, but that's about as personal as I wish to get.

In real life, I don't look a lot like my photo. It is my photo, but dolled up and with a wig. And boobs.

11-25-2020, 10:24 PM
I recently deleted both Facebook and Instagram. They are extremely unsecured and getting worse by the day.

Brandi Christine
11-27-2020, 06:14 AM
I would be very careful, and like others at a minimum I'd use different browsers. After I came out to my wife she found my pictures I had posted on pinterest. They are still there (she knows) but are now private. I had a facebook some time ago but was too bombarded by unknown people so I deleted it. I had a deviantart account too, and deleted it after my wife objected to any pics of me as Brandi online, but if you search by my email address (since deleted) you will still find some cached pics on google. Thankfully one thing have never had happen is finding my pics "en femme" while searching for my real name on google, bing etc...

11-27-2020, 06:32 AM
Anything you put internet has a shelf life of about a Million years

11-27-2020, 02:29 PM
Unless you want it preserved, in which case it will get lost due to a site going down or something.

- - - Updated - - -

I have tried hard to keep my two sides separate. I use different email addresses for everything (except, for some reason, this forum; I think I was so happy to find it my mind just glitched). The only social media my girl side are on are a couple of CD/TS-specific forums, Flickr, and Fetlife (are we allowed to mention Fetlife?). Since my divorce and some bad news about my heart (life is way shorter than we think), I have been privately coming out to friends with the goal of being able to go out in public here and have strongly considered a Facebook account for my girl side. (I actually have one that's over 10 years old but the profile is completely blank.) I look at all CD-related sites in an anonymous window. Still, all of the ads I see on sites are for women's clothes or makeup, so I've already been connected on some level.

April Rose
11-27-2020, 04:06 PM
I tried to start a Fb page for April. The first thing that came up was a friend suggestion for the guy that sat next to me at work. I immediately tried to delete it, but couldn't do it completely.

Here's the kicker; I never had a facebook account in my male name. I had a Linkedin account on the computer I shared with my wife. All they need is a URL and they are off to the races.

11-27-2020, 11:42 PM
I have the following accounts as Alice Bridge:


I have them all as my regular guy self as well, except I don't think I have Instagram for myself.

So far I've never had any issues except for a few friends, like eight, who know of my Alice social media.


11-28-2020, 01:12 AM
There is a setting in IG where you can opt out of being recommended as a friend or whatever for people you might know. Everyone should turn this on, even if setting up an account from a different email if discreet.

I setup an account and went though a panic attack when it started being up people I knew as suggestions under an unknown email. That's how I found this out.

I mean, now that I'm presenting fluid not a big deal but it was when I was undercover.