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12-02-2020, 10:13 AM
Two things

1) One thing you would love to have or wish you had?
The perfect dress, acceptance, more time to dress or whatever your biggest wish would be.

2) What-do you love most about being a cd?
Being your true self, the clothing, an escape from your male life ect What do you love most?

12-02-2020, 10:24 AM
1. I wish I had the courage to go out in public. I feel close, but not quite there.

2. I think I might be more on the TG side of the fence. Being in Gwen mode makes me feel whole. I feel more confident and actually enjoy the way I look. I didn't really imagine that was a possibility.

12-02-2020, 10:27 AM
1. More than a snowball's chance in hell of actually passing. I love coming in here and seeing pictures of hose of you that do and it is so inspiring. It would also be nice to live in a more accepting world, can i put that down as a 1.5?
2. I love the feeling of normalcy it gives me, it just feels right and the feeling of a skirt or dress as it dances around my legs is hard to beat.

12-02-2020, 10:28 AM
I have a bucket list but nothing that's so pressing I really desire it . Acceptance is very near 100% , having the perfect dress means having the perfect figure !!

Perhaps not directly linked to dressing but living alone has given me the freedom to be ME ! The fact I live as Teresa is a wonderful bonus , so I guess being your true self , finally being honest with yourself so you can be honest with other people .

12-02-2020, 12:35 PM
Di, You always have such great questions, Thought provoking :) :) :)

1) One thing you would love to have or wish you had?
For me it would be a true soul mate companion to walk thru life with and totally accepts all facets of me, :)

2) What-do you love most about being a cd?
For the longest time, while I was dealing with working and the stresses of every day life
It was a great escape from the world for me, When Raychel was around it was like a vacation for me
Now the works life has ended, now it is mostly just the comfort of the clothes

Again, Thanks for the questions :)

Joyce Swindell
12-02-2020, 12:48 PM
Thanks for the questions...

1. I would love to have a more fem figure. Not too fem but with enough that the dress hangs better. I use all the tricks but would love a little bit more butt/hips.

2. I just love showing this side of me, feeling and showing both sides simultaneously

12-02-2020, 01:32 PM
1. Nothing. I have everything I need.
2. There?s so much I enjoy about my dressing. I love the feelings both physically and mentally in my wearing women?s clothes and that includes underwires, hose, heels, shapewear, etc.

12-02-2020, 01:37 PM
I would love to go back to 20 or 21 and be more open and accepting of myself and less worried about what others think. Then again I suppose I can do that now, except I wouldn't have the body I had then :P
I love how it has allowed me to be softer, even when not presenting as female.

12-02-2020, 02:23 PM
Turn the clock back and be a pretty young thing again.
And I love ordering a new party dress from eBay and it fits perfectly!

12-02-2020, 02:35 PM
Thanks everyone for joining in really enjoy reading your answers.

12-02-2020, 02:49 PM
Two things

1) One thing you would love to have or wish you had?
Actual enthusiastic appreciation from my wife. I get willing acceptance at present and am thankful for that. But, I wish she could truly my taste as an ideal rather than a diversion into a flawed reality.
...Oh, and I'd like to get rid of most of the body hair without the upkeep.

2) What-do you love most about being a cd?
I enjoy seeing the expansion of my masculinity rather than an exploration of femininity. I have yet to feel feminine in the things I choose any more than most women feel masculine wearing pants.

12-02-2020, 03:46 PM
I would like to be able to go out 3 or 4 times a year. My wife and i have a deal on just twice a year.

My cousin asked my what i got out of crossdressing, I told her that it is a calming and relaxing.
Sara :)

April Rose
12-02-2020, 04:15 PM
1)A full head of Hair.

2) When I am dressed the feeling of something being missing is diminished, and I feel in tune with my feminine energy.

Rachel Lea
12-02-2020, 04:21 PM
Wish I could just dress in the clothes I want to, and then go about my regular day. I.e. like a real woman is allowed to.

12-02-2020, 04:24 PM
1) One thing you would love to have or wish you had?

There?s so many ways I could go here from materialistic to spiritual. But if I could have just one wish be granted it?s to be able to express myself as I feel I am without judgment from those I love the most. True acceptance.

2) What-do you love most about being a cd?
Being your true self, the clothing, an escape from your male life ect What do you love most?

Gosh, all of the above really. The clothes are a big part. I love feeling feminine and pretty. I love the looks and playing with all the options. I like being a male at times but I feel I lean mote female than anything. I love pretty things, all things feminine and gorgeous and lovely. It feels more natural to be that way.

12-02-2020, 04:43 PM
1) I don't think it's any secret that I'm immobilized by my own fears and it's holding me back from having talk #2. So, my first wish would be the same thing that the Cowardly Lion was in search of....courage!!!

2) The feeling however infrequent it is that things are right with the world. I think back to last year at this time when I "volunteered" (wink, wink) to go up and do some work at a shared family lake home. Sitting there dressed looking out at the moon shining over a newly frozen lake and fresh coat of snow. Life felt amazing for that one night.

Angela Marie
12-02-2020, 05:13 PM
1. Wish that transgender people were as accepted in my youth as there are today.
2. Just love presenting as a woman and letting my feminine side take over..

CD Rachel
12-02-2020, 05:32 PM
Two things

1) One thing you would love to have or wish you had?
The perfect dress, acceptance, more time to dress or whatever your biggest wish would be.

2) What-do you love most about being a cd?
Being your true self, the clothing, an escape from your male life ect What do you love most?

1) I would go with acceptance of who i truly am. Acceptance by both myself and by my loved ones.

2) I love the feeling of being whole. The dressing completes me.


Lana Mae
12-02-2020, 05:40 PM
1.) Wish I had all the surgeries which I can not afford!

2.) I love being me and living as myself/the Real Me!

I am a Pre-op Transwoman and felt the same way when still a CD!
Did not mean to crash the CD party!
Hugs Lana Mae

12-02-2020, 05:52 PM
1. Some CD friends to talk with,shop with.
2. The way I feel and look fully fem. 👗 💄 👠

2. I love how I feel and look fully dressed. 👗 💄👠

Brandi Christine
12-02-2020, 06:03 PM
1) My Wife's acceptance, understanding & encouragement, maybe even participation too?

2) The feeling I get when dressed up, the stress leaves, I am at peace and so happy as me!

12-02-2020, 06:54 PM
1. I would like more tweed skirts! :)

2. Crossdressing is like sitting down with a cup of tea after a tumultuous day. It just sets everything right.

12-02-2020, 07:17 PM
1 I would love my son to accept me for what and who I am, and for hime to realize that deep down I am still the same loving dad he has always had except that I prefer to dress 24/7.

2 I love the mere fact that at last after so many years of fighting it back, not knowing, afraid of what people might think, I can at last be me. I found the answers and the relief of that alone set me on the path of contentment. And here I am in the depths of rural France able to lead a peaceful life with fully accepting neighbours, and some friends too.

12-02-2020, 09:24 PM
1) The perfect figure!:battingeyelashes:

2) Hanging and partying with other dressers!:hugs:

12-02-2020, 09:33 PM
1) To create a situation when I could see/experience dressing out 100% -- full facial make up and all.

2) Feeling cozy when the outfit fits and feels just right.

12-02-2020, 09:42 PM
My two things: Acceptance from my wife. We can talk about it but we need to go deeper than that.

B). I do love it when a dress and everything else comes together and I feel perfect.

12-02-2020, 10:17 PM
1) I wish I could bring myself to talk about me with my wife. `I would love to be her best girlfriend! I'm just not so sure how she feels about crossdressing. She knows I am a crossdresser, but I think she doesn't KNOW! She has never brought it up, so that makes me feel like she doesn't want to know. I would like her acceptance, I'd like to be able to dress completely, anywhere - I just don't feel comfortable building a wardrobe I'll never get to wear. Since I'm not out with her, I can't exactly hang women's clothing in my closet.
2) I love the clothing - the fabrics, the colors, the styles; I feel women's clothes allow one to be much more expressive. Alas, I settle for underdressing. But, since I made the change to full time panties and occasional bras, I believe I have become a more gentle person, more patient and more caring. It's not necessarily an escape from my male life; I just feel more "me".

12-02-2020, 10:46 PM
1) One thing you would love to have or wish you had?
More time at home to dress.
2) What-do you love most about being a cd?
My wife accepting it all.

12-02-2020, 11:55 PM
1) My wish would be for more time. Time to enjoy life as it is now, time to continue to explore how my life can change still.

2) What I love most is the feeling that the world is right when I am dressed and expressing my inner girl.

12-03-2020, 02:42 PM
Thanks for taking time to answer:)

12-03-2020, 03:10 PM
1. I wish the gender fairy would come and visit me. She could leave me two bottles of pills. Take the pink pill and in about 30 minutes you would turn into a perfectly passable female. Take the blue pill and you change back to your boy body. Too much fun. I do OK at presenting a female persona (been out and about multiple times) but the pink pill would be a hoot!

2. I feel complete and a little special when I'm in girl mode. Found this as early as when I was nine years old and dressed up. Somehow I found a part of me that was missing.

12-03-2020, 03:31 PM
1- a good reason to be a woman
2- not being a man for a while

12-03-2020, 05:09 PM
1. A wayback machine to my 20's, grow a pair and tell my (future) wife.
2. It's like walking on the moon. In an alluring spacesuit.

12-03-2020, 05:11 PM
A number of ways to answer these excellent questions. :thinking:

But off the top of my head, at the moment...?

1) One thing you would love to have or wish you had?

I suppose the term would be something like "ubiquitous normalcy"? :strugglin

Like, I could be anywhere, with anyone, at any time... Presenting whichever way I felt like... And everyone automatically & subconsciously understanding it was perfectly normal & fine.

Plenty of CD'ers, including yours truly, have had actual dreams of this. Like, you're just doing whatever silly dream-thing you're doing with people you may or may not know, then you suddenly look down, realize you're all dolled-up, and perhaps start freaking out a bit because of that. *Yet*... The entire time, no one has said anything about it, given you any strange looks, not talking about you, nor legit thinking that how you look is weird or anything. They're simply carrying on as normal, not even batting an eye.

Yeah, that would be pretty darn awesome, IRL. :thumbsup:

2) What do you love most about being a cd?

While at times it may seem to be more of a curse than a blessing ( :heehee: )... The simple fact that GG's have *waaaay* more options when it comes to presentation. The styles, the colors, the fabrics, the prints. The whole beautiful diversity & expressive nature of it all. A trillion & one ways to create a slightly or totally different look or mood or tone. The sky is definitely the limit.

And I simply can't sit idly by while they get to enjoy an exclusive lock on all that. I'm joining in, too! :GD:

Stevie Allyn
12-03-2020, 06:52 PM
Two things

1) One thing you would love to have or wish you had?
The perfect dress, acceptance, more time to dress or whatever your biggest wish would be.

To have had the knowledge that being trans was not a perversion and that I was not the only one.

2) What-do you love most about being a cd?
Being your true self, the clothing, an escape from your male life ect What do you love most?
Having a wife and family who accept me for who I am.

I realise how lucky I am.

12-03-2020, 09:45 PM
Hi Di :hugs:,
#1 - I would love to have a lovely Wedding Gown,

#2 - CDing lets me have the Best of Both Worlds,

>>>>>>>>>>>>Orchid **O:daydreaming:O**

12-03-2020, 10:16 PM
1. More acceptance. Not to necessarily dress in front of my wife, but ti have a bit more freedom to dress withour worrying about her coming home early etc. She knows but is not a fan.

2. I find that being a CD is an escape from the pressures and life I have as a male. That's why I do not want to be "out" where I live. It would defeat the purpose of doing it for me.

12-03-2020, 10:20 PM
1) One thing you would love to have or wish you had?
The courage to walk outside dressed as how I truly imagine Christina to look like and proudly walk down the street as Christina.
2) What-do you love most about being a cd?
That I can feel relaxed when I put on this different persona in private. Right now I don't mind it being private. But I would love to take it further.

Tracy Irving
12-03-2020, 10:51 PM
1) A larger closet.

2) Trying on clothing at thrift as well as retail stores.

Cheryl T
12-04-2020, 10:37 AM
As someone else said...I would love to have a full head of beautiful hair so I could forget about wigs.

What do I gain ... I like myself. I feel good about who I am, how I look, how I feel and I don't look for others approval anymore.

Felicia M
12-04-2020, 11:16 AM
Great questions....

1. Cultural and societal understanding and acceptance. I believe my life would be massively different if the world were a more tolerant place. Putting on my mother's clothing at the age of four and then foundering around for the next 30 years to attempt to understand who I was and how I fit into the rigid binary societal structure was not ideal. We are getting there slowly. I am at a place of complete acceptance and peace now but given the opportunity to go back to my twenties I would have definitely tried HRT.

2. I love being a woman. I am a happier and more centered soul and also a more confident one.


12-04-2020, 12:04 PM
(1) My wife and I are in a very deep "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" marriage. She says nothing, nil, nada about my cross dressing. I guess that is better than being hunted down like a rabid dog with her searching for and screaming about my feminine wardrobe.

I'd love to have full acceptance of my Stephanie side. I prepare dinner more than half of the time. I'd love to be able to be attire in a pretty dress, hosiery and heels and a wig. Not being able to do so seems to be a rejection of a significant part of who I am.

(2) Being in a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" marriage the question comes across like "What do you love best about being in jail? Aside from the fact life would have been a lot less stressful at times if I was not a cross dresser, I'd have to say being en femme brings about tranquility. I hold the belief there is some dna in my genetic makeup that is more aligned with perceived feminine traits. Over my lifetime I have seen many men who treat their mates as if they have not evolved past the cartoonish "cave man" concept. I view women as my equal. I have often stated on this forum Stephanie frequently arose in my past when I was having difficulty handling issue attributable to military service in Viet Nam.

Paulie Birmingham
12-04-2020, 01:33 PM
1. I have a muscular manly body. Most things just dont look good on me. I wouldn't change my body, but maybe more things that look good on me.

2. I love the sexual thrill I get from dressing. One of my favorite fetishes. Even better when I can share with my wife. But see number 1. It's just not a sexy look. She plays along, but understandably not her thing.

12-04-2020, 05:58 PM
1. A SO that excepted who I am.

2. Younger skin.

12-04-2020, 11:52 PM
1) Acceptance of CDing as not necessarily the norm, but not unusual or at the least, not an oddity.
2) The significant comfort of dresses and skirts over typical men's clothing, and the opportunity to put together outfits that are practical, coordinated and comfortable.

Jade P
12-05-2020, 02:10 AM
1. Acceptance from others (Spouse, Family and Friends)
2. Crossdressing makes me feel complete because I am genderfluid.

12-05-2020, 10:01 PM
Two things

1) One thing you would love to have or wish you had?
Some vintage 50's and early 60's dresses / outfits. In regard to available fashion - I was definitely born too late.

2) What-do you love most about being a cd?
The clothes, the variety available. As an added bonus, my wife likes to take me shopping with her - she says I give her honest critiques of things she is interested in.

12-06-2020, 11:04 AM
1. Time, I wish that I can get back the time I wasted trying to figure out who I really was, plus the time I wasted not telling my wife for the fear of what the consequences I assumed was going to be, but ended up with someone who accepts me as I am.

2. I love the sense of completeness when I am able to be my true me.

12-06-2020, 02:27 PM
1) I wish I'd had the courage to accept this side of myself, like truly, years ago! I wasted many years on hiding/shame/purging/etc. I feel so much happier now that I have accepted this side of myself and opened myself up to my wife.

2) I think I just love being able to create something beautiful out of myself. Not to say that I think my male appearance is ugly or anything, but the feminine beauty that I've managed to create, however amateur it may be so far, is something I take great pride in when I'm done up and look at myself in the mirror.

Genifer Teal
12-06-2020, 02:50 PM
GwenHerself, great look! Go knock'em dead when this covid crap is over. You are closer to being ready than you think.

12-06-2020, 03:17 PM
1. Greater TG/CD acceptance, so that i didn't have to hide who i really am from relatives/friends/colleagues. :daydreaming:

2. Di, this is a really good question. (For a long time i struggled to describe to my wife why i am like this.)
I think it is the happiness of being the person that i want to be, rather than the person society expects me to be. :)

12-07-2020, 06:45 AM
1. This first one is very simple. My biggest wish would be to have the time/opportunity to be Sarah.

2. The second would be one is the the transformation that I go through to release that inner woman and then share it with friends and others as Sarah.

12-07-2020, 11:43 AM
1. Even though I am 99% dressing how I want, I still wish for 100%.

2. I just love skirts and dresses. They are just so comfortable and why men should be so confined is ridiculous.

12-07-2020, 12:57 PM
1) I wish I had a beautiful ballgown with a large hoop skirt, in baby blue, with white stockings and matching heels
2) The thing I love most about CD'ing is the soft feminine fell of the clothes and the variety to choose from.

12-08-2020, 05:53 AM
1. I'd wish for 100% acceptance/encouragement that this is me and it's OK -especially from my wife.

2. What I love most is when I'm fully en-femme and I sort of forget That -underneath it all- I'm still in a male body.
It's these times when I feel most complete and right with the world.
The fear, the uncertainty, the worry about what others might think - they all fade away and I can just BE.

12-08-2020, 12:16 PM
Thanks everyone I love reading your answers.

Anne E
12-08-2020, 02:28 PM
1. I wish I had some kind of role model at 20 to show me that cross dressers were just normal people being happy. That it?s not weird or scary or crazy and that it can just be being yourself.
2. I love the way that I finally feel comfortable. Honestly, by finally dressing as myself, I?m not cross dressing any more.

12-08-2020, 05:20 PM
1) is my wife be a lot more understanding and tolerant and understand what I am going through. Maybe even transition.

2) calming effect to be able to become my alter ego let say Leann would really like to come out and be her.

12-09-2020, 11:34 PM
Oh that is hard! I've been lucky in getting most of the things I've wanted. I liked the women's clothes of the 50s and 60s. Probably a beautiful prom dress and able to wear it to prom. I still remember girls wearing sheer blouses with a lace slip hiding their bra. I was lucky enough to have a couple of the outfits which I wore out.

I guess the ability to wear sensuous clothes. I love silk blouses and cashmere sweaters. I love when women friends check my bra band as they give me a girly hug to avoid our boobs getting in the way.

12-10-2020, 06:29 AM
1) One thing you would love to have or wish you had? More time. With adult children in my home, I have zero time.

2) What-do you love most about being a cd? The tactile feeling of women's clothes on my smooth skin.

12-11-2020, 03:54 AM
1) One thing you would love to have or wish you had?
The perfect dress, acceptance, more time to dress or whatever your biggest wish would be.
Natural woman's figure...

2) What-do you love most about being a cd?
Being your true self, the clothing, an escape from your male life ect What do you love most?

That I am a part of a exclusive group individuals with similar fashion, sexuality etc...

12-11-2020, 06:17 AM
I too wish I had the courage to go out while fully dressed on a regular basis and amongst people

I love that being a crossdresser just helps me be me, no confusion, I am what I am and as I write this fully dressed, I feel calm and at peace with the world and right now that is a fantastic place to be able to go to

12-11-2020, 09:38 AM
1) More money to buy the dresses, heels, lingeries, makeup, perfume, wigs etc that I always want!

2) More shallow of a reason, however I enjoy looking sexually attractive to men.

Sam x

Just Dana
12-11-2020, 02:23 PM
I'm also somewhere on the TG spectrum. That said, and skipping any sort of magical intervention (sigh)...

1) I wish I had a big pair of brass err... boxes full of courage, so that I could be myself all of the time.

2) Dressing makes me feel like the outside matches the inside and that seems to make everything right in the world - well, my little bit of it, at least!


Lacy PJs
12-11-2020, 08:56 PM
1. Long torso and larger fun clothes that fit. Teddies, leotards, one-piece swimsuits are almost impossible to find when you are well beyond 6 feet tall and on the "curvy" side.

2. I really do enjoy the relaxed feeling and contentment with what I'm doing. It took a while for me to get to that point but it sure feels great that I'm there now.

Lacy PJs

12-11-2020, 09:59 PM
Work on my appearance and wardrobe.

12-15-2020, 04:48 PM
1) I wish i had an accepting GG to share this part of me with.

2) The switching off and relaxing. ( and looking in the mirror) :battingeyelashes:

12-18-2020, 08:33 PM
1. More opportunities to wear publicly. The dresses I wear are not exactly what you see publicly so I would fit in more at conventions and such, but some of my southern belle dresses would fit nicely in a flower garden somewhere.

2. I do enjoy the escape from reality and getting to live the dream of wearing the dresses I have. Being able to see myself all dressed up in the mirror always puts a smile on my face and I enjoy the moment of seeing myself like that!

12-22-2020, 07:10 AM
I feel like my answers are shallow compared to some of yours, but here they are.

1) One thing you would love to have or wish you had?
C cup or larger breast. It would make it easier to explain wearing a bra. And It would force me to get comfortable being fem full time since there would be no way to hide them.

2) What-do you love most about being a cd?
The options. More colors, more styles, etc.

12-22-2020, 07:25 AM
I wish I had smaller feet 😂. Shoe selection is severely limited by big feet.

I especially enjoy escaping my regular life and routine. Spending time out and about as Monica is better than therapy.