View Full Version : This happened again.....

Kimberly A.
12-06-2020, 12:22 PM
Hey y'all! :) Well it's the weekend as y'all know, so I went out dressed yesterday..... Pics will come later. LOL Anyway, while I was on my way home last night I once again came up on a sobriety check-point, WHILE still 100% en femme. I got a little bit nervous, but not near as bad as last time and this time, I did NOT try to turn around to avoid the check-point. I just slowed way down, stopped behind the vehicle in front of me who also stopped and got my driver's license out of my purse. When I got up to one of the cops who was checking driver's licenses, he asked to see it. I showed him, said "That's me, I'm a crossdresser" and he said, "I understand, be safe". So I went on about my way and that was it! LOL

Ok, I know some of y'all might say "Well you didn't have to tell the cop that you're a CD"..... Well, you know what? I did tell him, big deal! Who cares?? I know that CD'ing is not against the law, I hadn't been drinking of course and I just didn't want him to think that I had stolen someone's driver's license. LOL So please, don't tell me that I didn't have to tell him that I'm a CD, cause I already know that, but I did it anyway. :bs:

Just thought I'd share this with y'all because it's just a part of my CD'ing journey. :)

char GG
12-06-2020, 01:31 PM
Good for you Kimberly. (At least you didn't do the U-turn thing!) Nice that you owned it. I'm sure the police don't care how you're dressed as long as you are sober.

It makes me wonder if that stretch of road is safe! (Or was it a different road). Maybe there are a lot of drunks out there, lol!

Stay safe and have fun.

12-06-2020, 02:00 PM
Well done Kimberly!! up front and just being you counts for a lot, the Police have seen everything but you justifying your dress was the right thing to do just in case your level of passing was of such a high degree that it might have been difficult to tell the diffrence.
Its always best to be straigh and honest.
In any case you now have so much more confidences should this sort of thing happen again, again well done!!

12-06-2020, 02:06 PM
Good for you to own it! Honesty goes a long way with law enforcement. They've probably seen everything and it's no big deal.

12-06-2020, 02:21 PM
Way to handle the situation and keep a level head! And awesome that the police were just able to move on with their evening and not try to make anything of it!

Stevie Allyn
12-06-2020, 02:30 PM
Good for you Kimberly and good on the cop for his reply!

Genifer Teal
12-06-2020, 02:39 PM
You did fine. They don't care. Best to be up front. I had an incident they let me go (said i was marginal). I was ok just tired. Regardless, I think the officer didn't want the extra hassle of dealing with a trans individual. I was really ok and he could see that. It was easier to let me go than to worry about following special handling procedures.

Angela Marie
12-06-2020, 05:30 PM
Good for you; acknowledging who you are. Most police really don't care. Given the state of the country today they have more pressing issues to deal with.

12-06-2020, 05:36 PM
I've been stopped once at a sobriety check-point when dressed. It was Halloween, and I was in a French Maid outfit. No explanation needed and the cop waved me on after lending in to smell my breath and asking if I had been drinking.

Police see a lot of weird and crazy stuff. Crossdressers are petty Ho Hum to them these days.

Kandi Robbins
12-06-2020, 06:25 PM
I've gotten two speeding tickets dressed (six years apart). I fought the second one with two court appearances and I dressed for those as well (I won). A complete nonissue. We worry way more than is necessary.

12-06-2020, 06:45 PM
When I came out here as a dresser here 23 years ago, I felt like my CDing was somehow against the law!:doh:

Everyone here assured me it wasn't! Not long ago, while shooting topless pics in my silicone prosthesis in a park, I was reported to the local police by a hater. I was covered up by the time the cop arrived. He was calm, cool, and not unfriendly. When I explained what we were doing, he took all me info and a crowd gathered. When he found no warrants out on me, he let me off with a warning. "That if folks thot I was topless, that was enuff to cause problems!" :eek:

After that, I'll never worry about being addressed by the police. Unless I'm caught speeding again!:doh:

12-08-2020, 03:15 PM
I think you handled the situation appropriately. Being open and honest with the officer goes a long way. I'm sure the officer appreciated it. Too many people today just try to challenge authority with every opportunity. If more citizens just acted appropriately, this would be a much happier and pleasant world.

12-10-2020, 09:36 PM
Kimberly, You handled it perfectly. I'm just glad I love in a jurisdiction where checkpoints are illegal.

12-11-2020, 12:25 AM
Great job. Most cops have seen it all and honestly DON'T CARE if they're dealing with one of us. You relaxed, were up front, didn't cause any problems for him or you. WIN says I!

12-11-2020, 05:35 AM
Hi Kimberly, All they care about is that you are Sober, >Orchid**O:daydreaming:O**

12-11-2020, 07:34 AM
That's better you can do it ! It might have been amusing if he'd said , " Oh you're the girl that did the U turn last time ! "

I'm not going to make a big issue of why you told him you're a CDer , I'm sure you'll reach a point where it doesn't need to be said , as you say it's part of your journey .

12-11-2020, 08:12 AM
Good for you Kimberly as a crossdresser I don?t want to have the officer guessing what?s going on so my plan is to be upfront like you. I do have a CD story many years ago one of my wifes friends cousin is a highway patrol he pulled over a woman that was driving intoxicated arrested her and took her to the police station she turned out to be a he the dresser said he had bad fight with his wife got dressed and went out drinking. Not to hard to figure out what they were arguing about.

Sometimes Steffi
12-12-2020, 12:50 AM
I've actually been at a police briefing where they said that there is actually training for interacting with a crossdresser.