View Full Version : Bottom surgery consultation

12-13-2020, 07:31 PM
On Wednesday December 9th, I finally got to have my preliminary surgical consultation with the surgeon who will be doing my bottom surgery. Dr. Geolani Dy at Oregon Health Sciences University, in Portland, Oregon will be my surgeon. She was a delightful woman to meet! Warm and accepting, obviously pleased with how well socialized I am as a woman, and how well prepared I was, mentally, emotionally and in terms of my having all the necessary support resources already lined up and ready. The bottom line is that the only remaining gating factor now for scheduling my GRS surgery is getting electrolysis done on the surgical site! And on Wednesday of next week, I will be meeting with the lady who will be performing the electrolysis.

The day before the consultation, OHSU sent me a very detailed, 90-page document detailing the steps leading up to surgery, the surgical options and procedures, the recovery steps, and the ongoing maintenance processes after healing is complete. It was extremely helpful and comprehensive - pretty much answering the few remaining questions that I had about the operation.

When we met the next day, we discussed all the medical details and options. I am bisexual, with no current romantic partners. I at least want to be able to self-pleasure myself, . I expect most of my future sex partners, if I gain any, will be lesbian women, but I want to be able to enjoy sex with a male too, if the right guy comes into my life.

I opted for a full depth vaginoplasty, with the ‘robotic assisted’, partially laparoscopic method, where a two-surgeon team forms the deepest part of the new vagina from inside the abdomen, by using material from the peritoneal wall at the lower extent of the abdomen. Then that is connected to the rest of the vagina and the new clitoris and vulva that are formed via more traditional full-depth vaginoplasty methods. The advantages are that more depth can be created, and the new vagina will generate at least some moisture/lubrication on its own (though additional lube would still be needed for penetrative intercourse.)

I was particularly impressed with the photos that they shared, showing the surgical results from past efforts by their team. Not just ‘before and after’, but also immediately post surgery, then at various time intervals until everything is healed. They also showed me very good photos illustrating some complications which ai might encounter, so I have realistic expectations, and know what is normally expected, as opposed to problems that might need follow-up care. After discussing recovery needs, I will plan on staying for tge first month post-surgery with a sister in law in the same city as the hospital, for faster access to follow up care and services. Then I will return home to complete my recovery.

Between now and the surgery, I, along with one or two of my support people, will attend several information classes on the process, so we know exactly what to expect.

I am so ready to do this! My top surgery, performed last month, went very well, and is healing faster than the surgeons expected. My body is in the best shape I have been in since I was 25 - and I am now 63! I can hardly wait to get this last part of my transition accomplished.

bridget thronton
12-14-2020, 03:22 AM
Thanks for your informative post -hope things go smoothly for you

Stevie Allyn
12-14-2020, 04:22 AM
I think I detect a little excitement in your words. As with Bridget I hope everything goes smoothly for you and thanks for the informative post!

Lana Mae
12-14-2020, 07:56 AM
Again, Ceera, I am so happy for you! Best wishes on the surgery and recovery! Hugs Lana Mae

12-14-2020, 08:32 AM
Best of luck with your surgery. :)

Leasa Wells
12-14-2020, 10:44 AM
Hi Ceera

Thank you for posting, we are both closely in age. I will be meeting with my doctors in September of 2021 to discuss GRS. It looks like your information is very detailed I hope mine is the same. I have been battling with my sexual side so far I too haven't settled on where I stand. I only dated women an feel that where I might be. A good friend who is French said to me love is love. I feel that its not something I need to settle on. My mother remarried when she was in her late eighties so I hope I live a long life an have lots of time to explore my sexuality.

12-14-2020, 11:52 AM
Ceeera this is fantastic! What a great holiday season for you! First a successful BA, and soon all the right parts! The consultation and written primer appears to have been particularly comprehensive. Although it has been awhile, your post made me recall my own op, so I get both your excitement and any of those hidden fears invasive procedures carry with them. So think positive at all times. Our expectations always overide any natural surgery concerns, and you are well on your way to realizing both your dream and destiny. Isn't it wonderful?!?!
You are going to do great as it sounds like OSHU has this down. Please keep in touch so we can chat about the before and after.

12-18-2020, 02:09 AM
Follow up:
On Dec 16th I met with the local lady who will do the electrolysis to remove the hair as needed for the bottom surgery. She can coordinate with a doctor in town to get a local anesthesia done, so she can do a huge amount of work in a six hour session, with much less pain to deal with during the process. However, she confirmed that because of the need to allow the remaining hair to regrow between sessions, so any stragglers can be removed, the whole process will likely take eight months, at best. Longer, if done as weekly one hour sessions without the anesthesia. So in all probability, I have another year before the bottom surgery can happen. I will, at least, be able to interleave treatment to remove my facial hair too, though my insurance considers facial electrolysis ‘cosmetic’, and I will have to pay 100% of that part out of pocket.

*sigh* Why can’t the insurance people approve the electrolysis to take place during the already 1 to 2 year long wait while you’re undergoing HRT? You would think that the psychiatric letters of approval should be sufficient to start that. But no, the insurance bean counters won’t pay a penny until the bottom surgeon provides a ‘letter of medical necessity’, which I just got this week. And the bottom surgeons won’t provide that letter until you’ve had the first consultation with them! Grrrrrrr.

Oh well, at least now that my top surgery is done, the most visible primary indicators of my gender will all read as female. I can tuck well enough to pass in a skimpy bikini, now. So unless I have to take my panties off, nothing overtly male has to show.

12-20-2020, 04:40 AM
This is really good news Ceera. I always said electrolysis was job 1. And now you have a vibrant plan! As unpleasant as it is, you know the reason for insurance protocols. It's all about the money.
Lol regarding your "skimpy bikini pass". During that phase I thought my male name should have been Tucker. :heehee:

Leasa Wells
12-20-2020, 12:04 PM
hi Ceera

I didn't know that the grs electrolysis takes that long "However, she confirmed that because of the need to allow the remaining hair to regrow between sessions, so any stragglers can be removed, the whole process will likely take eight months, at best." :doh:

Devi SM
12-20-2020, 02:01 PM
Ceera, again thanks for be open and share in detail your journey with us. I noticed that some censure was needed because your openess....lol.
It is acomplete report, I have just one comment/ question: I'm a little behind you but as my electrolysis is being done in the Trans wellness center, a non-profit organization, people I now around year and a half, every week I have conversations with them so the bottom surgery has been in tha late chats and they recommend me to start soon with the down there hair removal as you mention, but knowing is painful, they recommend do laser before and after that electrolysis will be easier and less painful...the whole process, depending on the abundance, color of skin and hair, would take around a year, foenthe meantime I can schedule top surgery....then be ready for the bottom....

My thoughts...


12-20-2020, 10:42 PM
Devi, unfortunately, my hair in that area is almost all white, so laser is not an option for me.

My electrolysis lady said she could do weekly one-hour sessions, and it would take 12-18 months to get everything hairless; or we can have a doctor who she works with do local anesthesia for the surgical site, and then we do a six hour session that covers the whole site, with at least two follow-up sessions, two months apart. But it can take as many as four follow up sessions, all two months apart, because they really need to be sure we cleared away 100% of the the hairs. Unlike facial electrolysis, where stragglers can be dealt with as needed, some of the surgical area skin ends up inside, and inaccessible after the surgery.

12-21-2020, 04:17 AM
Yes Devi & Ceera... the perineal area is definitely an area where you need thorough attention. The lengthier sessions certainly seem more efficient and will provide that comforting sense of quicker progress.

12-22-2020, 09:06 AM
Ceera so happy for you. Praying that all goes well you are very brave and I enjoy how excited you are to finally achieve a life long dream.

Crissy 107
12-23-2020, 10:29 PM
Ceera, Good luck with everything, I have always enjoyed reading your posts and all the terrific progress you have made.

12-25-2020, 05:51 PM
Good luck with everything, and wish you the best it is allot, but so worth it in the end, good for you