View Full Version : Gift from my neighbor

12-29-2020, 06:13 PM
I live in one city and work, play and socialize in another. I'm out in the city I work in and am very much NOT out in the city I live in.

I live on a nice quiet street in a historical district and my garage is a converted carriage house that leads out to the Alley. From there I can access a cross alley and never once drive on my street. i also drive a very common car in a very common color. My bff is a tall blonde GG and my neighbors are quite used to seeing her come and go, so I don't worry toooooo much when I leave the house, especially as most of my neighbors are at work by the time I leave.

About four years ago we had some new neighbors move in two doors down from my place. Perhaps a week after moving in the community had a yard sale and being a very friendly street some of us decided to go greet our new neighbors. We all chatted for awhile and it seemed we were all getting along. That is until the boyfriend started to ask "my other half" questions about my education and work. It did not take long to see that he was trying to establish himself as the "Alpha Male" and was not happy with my responses.

As it happened people started to stop at our houses and we all went back to our homes to deal with shoppers. Perhaps an half hour later one of my neighbors and I went over to chat with our new neighbors some more. When we got there, we said "Hello" and neither one would talk to us. Not a single word. i thought it was perhaps me, and left. My other neighbor, a woman, followed me about three minutes later and told me that they had turned their backs to her till she left.

After that no one in the neighborhood would talk to them except for an old woman who lived on the other side of them. They were just rude.

Maybe a year ago the Police came and settled some fight they had and the boyfriend moved out. Some of the neighbors became friendly with her, and her new female roomate, but I honestly had no desire to be friendly to someone that rude. I do however turn at the corner he house sits on to access the cross alley that takes me to the highway. I have seen her out in her backyard a few times, but mostly at night and really gave it little thought. Especially as I learned years ago that be nervous can give you away a lot faster than acting casually.

Christmas arrives and so do eight inches of snow. I'm out shoveling snow and I see her trying to do the same and watch as her shovel breaks. I go over and shovel the street out in front of her car so she can leave and then a quick pathway to her porch.

As I am turning to walk away she comes out of the house with small flat wrapped box; hands it to me and says "I got this for you. I Just haven't been brave enough to hand it to you. I open it and inside are a beautiful pair of black lace panties....

I look her in the eyes in surprise and before I can say anything, like "you got the wrong box", she said "You don't have to hide who you are from me. It took me a minute to realize that it was you in the car, that I kept seeing, and not your friend. I realize I was a real witch to you. I'm really curious about you and I need new friends. All my friends in this town are his friends. I moved here from out of state to be with him and now that we are broke up, I have a good job and own my own home and I just can't afford to move back to NYC. I would really like to get to know you. The real you".

So we are having dinner tonight. In an hour. Part of me is happy, but the rest worries that if things go wrong all this careful work to go unnoticed in my neighborhood will be gone. She is the only one, btw that does not have a fence in her back yard, and hence is the only one that could possibly see me on a regular basis coming and going.

Lol..I have a lot of questions for her. Wish me good luck.


VS Fan
12-29-2020, 06:35 PM
That’s incredible! :) so many places this could go for you! I envy you and your excitement and anticipation right now ... my life is so boring by comparison!! Good luck!!

12-29-2020, 07:05 PM
Very cool, and also scary at the same time! I hope dinner goes well, and your secret remains as safe as you want it to be.

12-29-2020, 07:23 PM
Michelle, what a surprise outcome. What a soul you are to have dinner. I think it's going to be a wonderful experience for you and her. I believe you will learn alot from the conversation. What a treat. Enjoy it, live it, love it. Be who you are. Love - Stephanie

Crissy 107
12-29-2020, 09:58 PM
Michelle, Great post and such an interesting read. I hope to hear you both had a very enjoyable evening. I cannot wait for your followup post.

Rebecca Cross Bracer
12-30-2020, 12:44 AM
This encounter sounds amazing. I can?t wait to read the next part of this developing saga!

12-30-2020, 01:35 AM
Over the years I've had people who have caught me dressed or put 2+2 together. Ironically none ever quit being friends. I think people sense if they want to be friends with you. I would make an effort to be friends with her. Not long ago one of the neighbor guys asked if I wanted to go hunting with him. He told me he didn't care what I wore, we could still be friends. I was once outed but I didn't loose friendship with people I cared about. Enjoy life.

Janet Devon
12-30-2020, 04:59 AM
This sounds like a new and exciting friendship could be coming. I wish you all the best. Keep us informed please. So far none of my neighbors know about Janet. I don't go out often at home. So it is doubtful that anyone ever sees me.

Connie D50
12-30-2020, 07:00 AM
Michelle wow she made a great gesture I don't know how you don't take her up on it. Please keep us posted, and of course good luck. Connie

12-30-2020, 10:29 AM
To me, the most touching part is that her response was very much premeditated. To go to the trouble to purchase and wrap a gift like that shows a sincere desire to make amends and a connection. Seems like a quality connection to be sure. With that kind of thoughtfulness, it seems like sympathetic discretion would be a byproduct. Wishing you the best with your new friend. Please keep us updated.

Tricia Lee
12-30-2020, 11:08 AM
So we are having dinner tonight. In an hour. Part of me is happy, but the rest worries that if things go wrong all this careful work to go unnoticed in my neighborhood will be gone. She is the only one, btw that does not have a fence in her back yard, and hence is the only one that could possibly see me on a regular basis coming and going.

Lol..I have a lot of questions for her. Wish me good luck.


Jealous! Sounds like it could turn out to be a really great accident that she saw you. The cat is already "out of the bag" with her, so I don't see much risk in getting to know her.

The only thing that occurs to me is, if you've been coming and going as long as you have, and she managed to see you, then despite your attempts at remaining stealth this might not be as much of a secret in the neighborhood as you hope?

char GG
12-30-2020, 12:40 PM
I open it and inside are a beautiful pair of black lace panties....

The neighbor must have been very sure of your reaction. If someone had given panties to my husband, he would not have appreciated that type of gift.

12-30-2020, 01:47 PM
Her previous odd behavior is a red flag. Be cautious.

12-30-2020, 09:04 PM
Is she a hottie? Is sex gonna become an issue if you let it?
I am sure your going to be cautious with what you do and tell her, and you also know you do not have that safe house like it once was.
I wouldn't be promising her any meetings with Michelle any time soon.
Promise neighborly friendship and TAKE IT REALLY SLOW!
If she seem the opposite of her jerk BF, then share a bit more around her and the other neighbors.
You should be sure she can keep a secret...that should the defining aspect of your friendship.
She blows that and I would go back to building her a free alley fence and doing what you did before this encounter.
Getting out of your comfy routine is never easy....good luck with this new aspect of your once comfy lifestyle....

Maria 60
12-30-2020, 09:23 PM
That's interesting because I believe I have the same thing happening. We have a new young couple across our house, they talk to almost everyone else on the street except us. When talking to other niebours they tell me the women is a real snupper and nicknamed her niebourhood watch because she knows when we get company, when they leave and even deliverys people get. I guess if she did see me I guess she never mentioned it to any one because they don't understand why it's only us they don't greet or make small talk. Now that I read your story I'm looking forward to the box with the black panties. Lol

Tricia Lee
01-01-2021, 03:01 AM
The neighbor must have been very sure of your reaction. If someone had given panties to my husband, he would not have appreciated that type of gift.

The OP doesn't seem to be married?

Paulie Birmingham
01-02-2021, 08:05 AM
Did u wear them at dinner? Did she ask to see?

Great story.

01-02-2021, 08:29 AM
So no follow up? This was supposed to have happened a few days ago.

Is this real or just a flight of fantasy?

01-06-2021, 12:12 AM
Over the years I've had people who have caught me dressed or put 2+2 together. Ironically none ever quit being friends. I think people sense if they want to be friends with you. I would make an effort to be friends with her. Not long ago one of the neighbor guys asked if I wanted to go hunting with him. He told me he didn't care what I wore, we could still be friends. I was once outed but I didn't loose friendship with people I cared about. Enjoy life.
In my old Boston neighborhood had to par park on the street. The one middle-aged woman we called “The Watch Lady,” seemed to notice everything, gossiped about everyone, and was thus the one neighbor I didn’t want anything to do with, approached me one weekend, told me she had seen me, described several outfits, and was genuinely curious about what/why. She ended the conversation with words to the effect, “You go girl.” You could have knocked me over with a feather. We had several more sidewalk conversations. To my knowledge she never told as soul, as her husband was a truck driver and his behavior towards me didn’t change.

You just never know.