View Full Version : Goofed up on conference call

Sandi Beech
01-19-2021, 10:01 PM
It was not that bad, but kind of funny actually, so I thought I would share.

I have been trying to grow my nails out again into an almond/oval shape. I got in a habit of shaping them while on boring conference calls for work. The other day did not realize my mic was still on, but no worries as I was not making much noise, or so I thought. One of my coworkers says - what?s that scraping sound. Oops. Apparently the mic is more sensitive than I thought. So I just said I had to file down a broken nail. Now I have to remember to mute as I do not want them hearing it again and think: why the heck is he filing his nails all the time.

My nails are coming along nicely anyhow.



01-20-2021, 05:02 AM
It's the little things that catch you out.

Crissy 107
01-20-2021, 05:48 AM
Sandi, I would think that would be an easy one to happen as these calls are still somewhat new. That said I do not recommend polishing your nails with the camera on. :)

01-20-2021, 06:25 AM
It's not just you that gets caught out , I had to do an online driving awareness course using Teams , we had a short break at lunchtime . I made myself a coffee and sat waiting for the restart , while I waited I could clearly hear a conversation between a couple the contents of which I wouldn't repeat on the forum . The guy concerned had nominated not to show his identity which was probably just as well .

Lesson learned hit the " Mute " button when doing other things .

01-20-2021, 08:10 AM
Wearing dangling or hoop earrings while talking on the phone (the kind you hold to your ear, not a cell phone) is another, lower tech thing that can get you in trouble.

01-20-2021, 07:01 PM
Now I have to remember to mute as I do not want them hearing it again and think: why the heck is he filing his nails all the time.
ON the contrary, back when I was a teen, and working as a volunteer in an e.r., I was privy to overhearing lots of discussions that the nurses had amongst themselves, and one in particular remarked at how she really admired men who take care of their nails, because of one such bad experience with a man who had his poorly maintained, jagged, sharp fingernails coming in contact with her private parts.
I've kept my nails pristine ever since.

Beverley Sims
01-21-2021, 06:47 AM
I have slipped up on occasions, once on the way to work I had to get rid of some gel nail polish.

I sorta panicked for a moment. :-)

01-21-2021, 06:53 AM
The mute mic button is far too close to the start video button in MS Teams for comfort.
I don't think my BOD would appreciate seeing me in a strappy top or bra.
Doing audio call while dressed still feels strange but I'm getting used to it. Problem with noise cancelling headphones is paranoia that somebody has walked in and I've not noticed even though only wife has keys and she's at work for 9 hours LOL.
Love Rach

Sandi Beech
01-21-2021, 08:01 AM
Right on the camera buttons, some of the software we use is easy to accidentally turn it on so I have a small piece of black electrical tape over my work computer cam. I just felt awkward when someone asked what the nail file noise was. It kind of spooked me : )
