View Full Version : Went Out for 2 hrs Today!

03-06-2021, 01:05 PM
Hello fr Toni G. Went for a 2hr outing today-- to the "ettiem" and back. Used my Girly-Blue Rollator that I recently aquired. "Granny-on-the-sidewalk"---- nothing spectacular. No contacts, or conversations. Blu/wht/gry Tunic-- over gry slacks. Blk Sweater, blu maryjane flats. Gry silk facecovering. Gry Crossbody bag. Silver gigi wig from PY. Silvertone jewelry. No glam--just lady-on-the-sidewalk. Used my new Rollator 3 times to stop & rest. Had some cyclists to dodge that were Not in their "bike lane"--- but no other problems Wig survived the breezes!! IF Health allows--- may go Out again b4 it gets too Hot. The multiple-bus Mall trips are too much trouble--so wont do those anymore. So--- Dont be afraid to Dress & Go Out---- even if u hv Health issues. Get Out There. Blessings.... Toni G..

bridget thronton
03-07-2021, 03:49 AM
What is a Rollator?

Karren H
03-07-2021, 06:15 AM
It's a walker with wheels.... Arizona like Florida are full of them along with Grannies!

Christy Diane
03-07-2021, 06:22 AM

Glad you where able to get out and enjoy yourself. Your outfit sounds lovely

03-07-2021, 06:55 AM
I went to Cosco to get a few thing as a man. The only thing I wore that was fem was a pair of hi heeled boot. They sounded great on the concrete floor. I don't know if I got any looks, but nobody said a thing. To bad

03-07-2021, 09:13 AM
Congratulations Toni.

03-07-2021, 09:38 AM
Back in the late 60?s they used to make men?s low cut shoes/boots with high heels. They were commonly referred to as Beatle boots as the Fab Four wore them on Ed Sullivan and ensured their popularity. One of the next acts on TV was the Dave Clark Five and their heels were even higher. We used to put metal cleats on the heels and they made a racket on hard floors.

Your experience brought back that memory and I wanted to point out that there was a historical precedence of men wearing noisy heels.

03-07-2021, 11:44 AM
Tnx, all. Yes-- a rollator is a "walker" with wheels & brakes. Seat that comes in handy!! Have two of them-- a Blue one for use when Dressed--- the other is brown/camo colored. Also hv a Scooter. IF I used the Scooter, or the brn. rollator--- would be clocked by all the neighbors Immediately!! So I use the girly-blue one Only when Dressed. Dont go Out often-due to non-covid health issues----but look lk the GGs in my Senior area. Toni G..

03-07-2021, 03:22 PM
So happy for you that you were able to get out and about.
It is starting to warm up here in Northern Illinois as you don't have too many more days under 90F.
So keep getting out and about!
I was looking at some of those Rollators on line and some look pretty cool!
I like the style of the Traveler 3-Wheeled Walker by Nova ...some even come in Pink!
What color is your rollator? Oh, I see you answered that already.
They make accessories so you can doll them up too....I think a bicycle bell would be cool to ring when those bikers terrorize the path!