View Full Version : Today is International Women's Day

03-08-2021, 12:13 PM
YAY!! :yippee:

How will you help forge a gender equal world?


I didn't realize this until just now.

But... I'm already in femmy guy-mode. All women's outfit, including padded sports-bra, plus some moderate make-up.

Just puttering about my apartment complex, doing some things like laundry, taking out the trash & getting the mail.

I suppose I'm just honoring the GG's in my weird little way, putting myself in their shoes just a wee bit.

That's all I got! :roflmao: :o

03-08-2021, 12:23 PM
Laundry, trash and other chores do not honor women any more than a woman honoring men by mowing the lawn or painting the trim around a window. These are things that all people do. All people, even those dastardly non-binary types.

03-08-2021, 12:28 PM
Not that I'm doing those things, specifically. :p

But the fact that I'm partially dolled-up -- while doing things that may bring me into contact with the public, who may or may not judge me on my femmy appearance.

You know, something that can & does happen to GG's.

Like I said, it's all I got! :heehee:

03-08-2021, 01:53 PM
Spending International Women's Day en femme, enjoying being a woman and send off greetings to all my favorite women!

Miel GG
03-08-2021, 06:43 PM
YAY!! :yippee:

How will you help forge a gender equal world?


Just wondering if some of you are interested in answering to the above question :thanx:

About IWD [...] Collectively every person and all groups can make a difference within their sphere of influence by taking concrete action to help build a more gender equal world.

03-08-2021, 10:40 PM

I'm not in a position to draw up policy. At ground level, though, I am a candidly unreceptive audience for sexist remarks/jokes ( that equally applies for other groups in society who also get cheaply targeted: religious, origin, LGBT, etc ), and I make that known either with emotionless facial expression or by turning the said comment back at whatever made the speaker feel unified enough with me to say it in my presence. There is usually no shortage of 'qualities' that I can return fire upon.

I know it's just a handful of water out of an ocean, and it doesn't stop sexist talk from happening. It just isolates me from the circle in which it is done --and I take pride in people of that inclination not getting along with me. It is, however, one less person to whom discriminatory comments are spread.

- L.

03-08-2021, 10:52 PM
Welp, took a while, but earlier this evening I finally got my contact with the public...

4 separate parties (total of 5 people) in a tiny bank walk-in with just 2 ATM's. Talk about that timing! :roflmao:

I don't normally wear make-up these days in guy-mode. Plus my choice of outfit showed things off a bit too much.

I felt on display. I felt vulnerable & exposed. I was so happy & relieved when a GG walked in, instead of yet another guy.

It was an odd experience. But obviously it could have been much much worse.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like it's something similar to what a GG can sometimes feel & go through? :strugglin

Nothing happened, per se. But it was this internal thing that was very real to me.

I had forgotten what that felt like. Good to be reminded every now & again. ;)

Anyway, I also intentionally wore my bra for like 9 hours today. Such a relief finally getting that thing off! :heehee:

I'm with you, ladies. :)

Finally, I gave a small gift to a GG who I kinda-sorta know in a real-time online group setting.

It was done anonymously, in front of everyone else. It meant a lot to her, and she was so happy & grateful! :thumbsup:

Karren H
03-08-2021, 11:15 PM
Like a good bra.... I always support women!! :battingeyelashes:

03-09-2021, 01:00 AM
My contribution to support women was to make sure my daughter graduated from college debt free. My wife and I stood by her financially (tuition and room and board) for a fifth year rather than have her drop out after a miserable first year. My policy was she was going to be entirely self supporting, have a marketable skill and have no need to stay in a bad marriage because of financial hardships. Too many women get stuck in bad marriages because of economics.

bridget thronton
03-09-2021, 02:54 AM
I spent my day helping several women get one step closer to graduating as software engineers

03-09-2021, 06:29 AM
Last night I ventured into a lesbian bar that's a few towns over from me and bought everyone a round of drinks in cebration of Women's Day. Fortunately for me, there were only six women present at the time. They were amused by both me and my gesture. I hung around for about 40 minutes but it was clearly not my scene. Let's hear it for women.

03-09-2021, 07:22 AM
Just wondering if some of you are interested in answering to the above question :thanx:

That is a very difficult question to answer.
If I were to mention any definite act that I do to "promote", "acknowledge", or "differentiate" my behavior when dealing with different genders, then I can be accused of failing to treat them equally.
If I treat women and men equally, then I can be accused of being "clueless" or "insensitive" to women's issues.

For my part, I am guilty of the following:
I have been known to moderate my language in mixed (or female only) company - lesss "colorful" words.
I still will hold the door for women - though I'll also do it for men if they're right behind me.
Now that my "mate seeking" days are past, I find myself more comfortable in female company - though that could be my "other" issues.

What I am NOT guilty of:
feeling superior or treating others as inferior,
Criticizing women for dressing in traditionally masculine ways - or men who do the opposite.
Trying to dominate.
Sexist humor.
wolf whistles, cat-calls, or other "objectification"

I have worked with, for, and around women most of my life, and in only a few cases did their gender have any bearing (ex: need help lifting a heavy box). Overall, at work I just didn't care what sex they were.

In short (too late?) - I feel that there isn't any THING I can do to "forge a gender equal world" beyond being an equal.

Is this an answer?:strugglin

03-09-2021, 08:53 AM
"How will you help forge a gender equal world?"

I would start by not having an "international women's day". If we are going to be equal we have to stop singling out gender, race, etc.

03-09-2021, 10:06 AM
Krisi, I totally respect & agree with that angle.

There's usually more than one way to look at things. And your point is quite logical & valid, IMO.

Of course, others can & do feel differently about that. Hence, we have what we have with this.

Gotta respect & agree with that, as well, as I see where they're coming from.

To be honest? I probably would have done those small but meaningful things, regardless of what day it was.

But it did help me to be reminded & reflect more on all that. :)

03-09-2021, 10:23 AM
When you're behind, you don't catch up by going the same speed.

- L.

Alice Torn
03-09-2021, 10:30 AM
Krisi, My sentiments exactly. No special days for anyone, except veterans. If we are all created equal, we don't need to trumpet any one group. It we, do, then we would need a special day for thousands of groups. Why not celebrate every day as a day for all life on earth? NO SPECIAL DAYS FOR ANY GROUP is best.

03-09-2021, 08:22 PM
I went out as Teresa and bought a Mother's Day card , a box of chocolates and a plant and dropped into see my mum for a chat and cup of tea and give her Mother's Day gifts .
It was lovely to chat with her for a couple of hours, it was also the first time she's seen me in a skirt . I guess it was a nice way to also celebrate a special Women's Day .

I can only see more good than harm done in celebrating days like this , as most of us want to emulate women we should all be happy for the opportunity to join in .

From a personal point of view my acceptance has come mostly from encouragement of women , we should appreciate they have a slighlty different perspective on life .

03-09-2021, 11:58 PM
Yikes, Teresa! 🎯 *Bang!*.

Even 365 women's days would not overturn the decades of privilege. It's not as though on women's day, they earn more money and get the top jobs.

Stopping taking more privilege is the easy part. Handing back the privilege already banked separates those who are serious from who aren't.

- L.

Miel GG
03-10-2021, 05:15 PM
Just wondering if some of you are interested in answering to the above question :thanx:

About IWD [...] Collectively every person and all groups can make a difference within their sphere of influence by taking concrete action to help build a more gender equal world.

Thanks for your responses.

I was first disappointed that no one posted about the true meaning of the IWD, although Elbee, by writing in bold the thema of the ongoing year, gave to all readers a large clue to know exactly what it is about. International Women's Day is in no way the "GG's Day" or "Female Day", but is on the contrary a special day to celebrate the rights gained (the hard way) by the GGs and to define the next inequalities to fight. Because, of course, there are still inequalities, although this idea might no please some. Facts ands statistics are obstinate !

Therefore giving any gift to women is completely off the mark. We don't want flowers we simply want equality in law and in the RW. So taking time for in-depth thinking about gender inequalities or about our personal behaviour with women, asking a close GG friend about the sexism she may have faced, learning about gender discrimination etc. will be a perfect way to celebrate this particular day ! You even can join a women's right march to show your support ! Yeah !

I believe you can all become allies of gender equality !

@Lydianne, I share your concern about the discrimination faced by other groups. Please don't depreciate what you do on a personal level to fight sexism, refusing to participate is the first level, well done :) And above all you are concerned by the inequalities.

@Stephanie47, your point is very important. Women's financial independency is vital but as long as we are paid less, are mostly part-time workers, are employed in 'female' underpriviledged sectors (care, education, ...), there will be women stucked in bad marriages.

So as a consequence, it is cool that @bridget thronton, as her occupation, teaches software ingeneering to young women so they can access valued professions.

@Sara Lin, thanks for your honesty :thumbsup: You are already conscious of a lot of male inappropriate behaviours and you act differently, I think women around you shall appreciate a lot. About holding the door to women... So iconic of the token fee given to GGs who had no rights or respect otherwise ! But on my part I think that courtesy should apply to both genders because we collectively should respect each other. And in RW I always hold doors whatever sex of the person is !

Again, thank you all for feeling concerned.

03-10-2021, 06:33 PM
Miel, with all due respect, some believe in carrying on traditions that started long before quite a few of us were born.

Also, not all GG's may agree with you on everything... :)

Mimosa flowers are absolutely ubiquitous in Rome and in Italy in general on International Women?s day (or la Festa della donna, as we call it): men give them to women, women give them as a present to other women, mothers give them to daughters and students normally present their teachers with big fluffy yellow bouquets.


How did the mimosa flowers tradition start in Italy?

This tradition is not particularly old and it is said to date back to the month of March of 1946. That year Rita Montagnana and Teresa Mattei, two activists fighting for equality of women, came up with the idea of marking the UN international women day (8th of March) with a symbolic gesture and started offering branches of mimosa to other women, as a gift and a sign of mutual respect and support. They made the humble flower the symbol of the day and, since then, the tradition took hold: for the delight of some women and the displeasure of others, who feel flowers are a patronising, stereotype-perpetuating gift, the tradition is still very much alive today.


Anyway, see you on November 19! :wave2:


Alice Torn
03-10-2021, 07:42 PM
Every woman, man or child is a unique individual. and i am just sick of putting people in boxes and groups and group think. I am a unique individual, and so are all of you. Every individual is different.

03-10-2021, 08:47 PM
Sherry has actually met a few "international women"! And, we had a ball together in other countries!:hugs:

(I have permission to post this pic!)

char GG
03-10-2021, 09:06 PM
Thanks for your explanation, Miel.

I just finished watching a movie based on a true story, that was set in the late 50's. Ugh! I will just say that I am very grateful that women have come a long way in equality as far as property ownership, jobs, education, voting rights, personal relationships, respect, and choices.

03-11-2021, 11:22 AM
I’ve always been a supporter of women’s rights, even before it was popular. In the early 70’s I worked in an office where the women were expected to go get coffee for everyone even though we were all working the same job and had the same rank. I found this irritating and began getting the coffee myself, for everyone. Even as a child, I couldn’t understand why women were treated differently. If you can do something well, why can’t you just do it? And be rewarded appropriately for doing so?

Someone mentioned life in the 50's, and that reminded me of something. In the 1950's most women didn't know how to drive. When my mother took me shopping we'd get on the bus and go downtown. Downtown areas were necessary because all of the major stores were in walking distance from one another. Then in the late 50's and early 60's, most women learned to drive, and two-car families became the norm. This spelled the slow decline of downtown shopping areas, and the rise of shopping malls. Businesses could move out to cheaper land at the edge of town, with lots of free parking. Even to this day, women spend most of the family’s shopping money. It also spelled the end of the corner store and the rise of supermarkets. In the 50's, there was always a little corner store within walking distance of home. Not so today.

Miel GG
03-11-2021, 05:33 PM
Also, not all GG's may agree with you on everything... :)

Oh yes, you can find some GGs who are against the International Women's Day too. But just ask them if they are OK for : not being allowed to vote, not being authorized to have a personal bank account or to own any goods/properties, depending on a man's (father, brother, husband,...) authorization to access job or education. Bad luck for them, these are some of the long list of rights gained at a high cost by Feminists ! Sometimes all you need is a little thought and some fairness...

How did the mimosa flowers tradition start in Italy?

Really ? ... Unless you are Italian, I don't think it's relevant.

And you miss the more important part of the 'tradition' :

This tradition is not particularly old and it is said to date back to the month of March of 1946. That year Rita Montagnana and Teresa Mattei, two activists fighting for equality of women, came up with the idea of marking the UN international women day (8th of March) with a symbolic gesture and started offering branches of mimosa to other women, as a gift and a sign of mutual respect and support.

And I regret that your post was not sent in good faith because you cut out a significant part of the article you quoted :

[...] Some women do not like to only receive flowers on the 8th of March, wishing they was no need for a ?special? day for it ; others consider the gift a way to re-affirm stereotypical gender roles in society and find it patronising and plain annoying.

So, before running the risk of offending someone or to be misunderstood, ask yourself : are your actions during the rest of the year respectful? Are you treating the women in your life as peers, do you show appreciation for them as much as you do for the men in your life? [...]

As a consequence I am not surprised that you posted about the International Men's Day... But Men are already celebrated every day... Don't you see statues of great men everywhere ? Have a look at street names in Europe... great mens everywhere... Just try to name 5 scientists or historical figures: how many famous women among them ? And yet they have taken a large part in History and Science. Just think.