View Full Version : The greatest day of my life since I started my crossdressing journey

04-17-2021, 10:14 PM
As I said before, I had intentions on going to Scarborough Renaissance Festival and dress up like a lady. Today I made it happen, but it did not start out so smoothly.
First, we are in the process of moving, and I had to make an excuse to be gone all day because we had tickets, and I was not about to miss out on my golden opportunity. We got to the festival, me with my breast forms and wig in a bag, and I was informed that there may not be any costume rentals because of COVID19. Sure enough, the rental place was shut down. I was disgusted and upset. That was the bad part, but now comes the good part....
I decided "Screw the money, I'm gonna buy an outfit!", and that's what I did. I decided to go with a fair maiden outfit, explaining that I wished to look sexy. I knew I was gonna be sexy too, because I was wearing a corset with it. The ladies inside the nearest dress shop were extremely helpful. I got a blouse, skirt, corset, and a belt pouch. The whole thing came to $300 and it was money well spent IMO. This was the result....
I fell in love with the look and totally loved what I saw looking back at me in the mirror. I told anyone who asked my name that it was "Mary". I got a little confused for a second when someone called me "Ma'am", but quickly remembered I was dressed like a woman, and I wished to be referred to this way. I walked around with my head held high and my breasts sticking out proudly, showing no fear at all and just immersing myself in the whole environment. I was unsure of which bathroom to use, but found ones marked "unisex". I started out wearing my blonde wig, but decided to make a wise investment of $40 on a red-haired wig, which matched the outfit better.
The highlight of my day came when another girl approached me from behind to tell me how lovely I looked. Everyone who saw me could most likely tell I was a guy underneath those female clothes, but again I presented myself en femme and soaked it all in. I took time at the end of the day to thank the ladies at the dress shop who helped me out, and promised that I would come back to the festival again before they left town in May.
The day did not end there. We left a half hour before the festival closed and went to the next town to get something to eat, inside the restaurant. I was feeling so good in my outfit, I did not want to take it off. Yes a few people looked in my direction, but nothing else came of it. I figured they knew the festival was nearby, and that me and my friends had just come from there. Finally I got to my friend's house where I left my car, changed clothes, and went back home. I kept hoping this was a dream so I could do the whole day over again!

04-17-2021, 11:42 PM
OMG! That is so awesome! I love it when things turn out great from a "slow" start. I'm so happy for you! You look great! Thanx for sharing!

bridget thronton
04-18-2021, 01:56 AM
Great outfit - you wear it well

Lori Ann Westlake
04-18-2021, 02:11 AM
Wonderful, "Mary"! You look fine in that dress. A good decision. I'm glad the day went so well.

04-18-2021, 04:41 AM
Great result. You look great.

Connie D50
04-18-2021, 05:00 AM
What a wonderful day sounds like soo much fun. Hope you have many many more just like it.

Karren H
04-18-2021, 05:10 AM
That is awesome! I always love going to ren fests but have never gone enfemme. Or even worn a kilt! Good for you!

04-18-2021, 08:25 AM
That is awesome! I always love going to ren fests but have never gone enfemme. Or even worn a kilt! Good for you!

Oh my, you should definitely try it! The look and feel is absolutely amazing! Best part is, not a single person judges you, whether you fully pass as a woman, or they know its a man underneath! I say go for it! WARNING!!! You used to be able to rent a costume (don't know how much it costs) thanks to COVID19, so if you want a costume like mine, you'll be spending about $300 depending on what you get! Believe me when I tell you, it'll probably be the best $300 you've ever spent! I had such a great time, I'm going back!

04-18-2021, 08:25 AM
I love Renn Fest and go to the Maryland one most Sundays. I know of a couple of gurls that go and I have seen quite a few guys dressed in ladies outfits. Some were passable and some not so, but everyone has a good time. As for people staring at dinner, that happens no matter what kind of renn fest outfit you have on!!!!

04-18-2021, 07:29 PM
What a wonderful day, RD!:thumbsup:

I've had those results at Cosplay, Halloween, and other "costumed" venues! The people there seem to be very open minded and accepting. Even of transwomen!:hugs:
Especially the younger GG women!:o

In fact, something quite similar happened to me yesterday!:) But, I'll post about that separately!:tongueout

04-19-2021, 09:28 AM
RainbowDash, Sounds like a Cinderella story. Thanks for sharing.

Sometimes Steffi
04-19-2021, 04:09 PM
I guess the first time I went out en femme was at the Maryland Renaissance Fair. I did get to rent a wench costume, including a white chemise a linen skirt and a bodice, It was truly amazing, Of the thousands of people there, most of them didn't look twice. A few girls gave me smile and a big thumbs up. One guy wanted to take my picture and I wasn't happy with that, Eventually, his GG companion dragged him away, Another tine, a drunk guy walked past me and said, I think that girl is a guy. Be fore it escalated, his friends dragged him away. I did see a couple of other CD'ers similarly dressed. It was so great.

04-19-2021, 05:39 PM
And now I realize I missed pirate fest. Oh well. I'm 24 7 fem so that's not an issue. But would have liked to go to pirate fest it has always been fun.

04-19-2021, 07:40 PM
Congratulations, and you do.look nice and presentable. At the restaurant, you experienced the same thing I always do. People look but almost never comment. Except for the women who are always complimentary when they speak up.