View Full Version : Name Change

04-18-2021, 07:08 PM
Has anyone here changed their female name? I don't mean on this forum, but in general. The name Frannie came about after a visit to Janet's Closet and I was asked my "femme" name, I went "huh?" and then it was explained that many crossdressers had a femme name. I thought quickly and came up with a name similar to a female version of my dad's. I have always thought I might change it, but then decided it was too much bother. Thinking of the name "Donna"-- any opinions, experiences, tips etc.? Thanks

04-18-2021, 07:16 PM
I have had several friends change their chosen names. Some have done it many times even tk the point if I don't know what to call them sometimes. I have only had Jennifer so not much help on that. J can tell you changing names every where Is a tedious task. But that David has to go I can't deal with it any more.

Lana Mae
04-18-2021, 07:18 PM
I am officially Lana Mae W------! Social Security and Drivers License are first! Then it is everything else! There is no feeling equal to looking at these with you femme name on them! Total name change is a lot of work but is well worth it! And something always seems to pop up to change! PM me if you need more info about my experiences! Hugs Lana Mae

04-18-2021, 07:23 PM
Hi Lana: I wasn't thinking a permanent legal name change but rather a change in the name I am referred to when dressing or on forums like this. Thanks for giving me the chance to clarify that.

04-18-2021, 07:36 PM
One of the great advantages of having a name that works for either gender is that I do not have to worry about name changes.

04-18-2021, 08:46 PM
So this might sound very strange but i got my femme name from my wife. She had a co-worker at one point who was named Darla and she was the most suspicious person we had both ever heard of. This woman's husband was going on a business trip out of state and she didn't trust him to go alone do she went with him. Mind you she couldn't go to the meeting place or anything and had to stay in the hotel but she HAD to do.

I told my wife that name couldn't be ruined like that so that is the name i used when i started going online.

Lori Ann Westlake
04-18-2021, 11:08 PM
Frannie, if this isn't a legal issue I'm not sure what the difficulty is.You can ask the Mods to change your name on this forum, and I assume you can do the same on most other forums too. You might want to add a tagline saying "I used to be Frannie, now I'm Lulubelle" or whatever, so that people know. And if you've got friends who know you as Frannie, just let them know.

04-18-2021, 11:19 PM
Frannie, with no legal angle to worry about the world is your oyster.

I suppose it will be confusing for anyone that knows you, but that will pass.

I started out with Emma Louise but only used it once with other people when I paid my only visit to the Transformations shop near Euston Station.

When I joined the forum I picked my current name, which was fine till I went full time at work. For awhile it didn't sit comfortably now that it was being used by others, and I considered a change. Unfortunately it can't be shortened very well but my colleagues have distilled it down simply to H.

Donna sounds a good choice.

04-19-2021, 04:09 AM

If you look at the top of the section you'll find a sticky on Female names. That might help you out.

Karren H
04-19-2021, 05:29 AM
My name has been Karren since my mother told me that was the name she was going to call me when I was born... supposed to have been a girl according to her. And did add a middle name - Lorraine ... a few years ago

04-19-2021, 05:50 AM
Way back when, the first name I chose for myself was "Amy." It was after a girl I liked. But - it never really felt quite right for me.
Eventually, I shifted to Sara. It just felt more like who I felt like as my femme self (Sarah- Plain and Tall :heehee:)
Lately, because I'm doing lots of the housework, my wife has jokingly started calling me Becky (as in Becky Home-eccy)

In here though, I think that I'll just stick with Sara.

Angela Marie
04-19-2021, 06:12 AM
I chose Angela simply because I always loved the name. Also I’m Italian and Angela seemed like a good fit for someone who looks Italian.

04-19-2021, 07:29 AM
Since I only use a feminine name on this board, no, I have never changed it. If I could get my wife to call me by a feminine name, it would not be "Krisi", it would probably be a feminine version of my male name.

Jillian Faith
04-19-2021, 08:12 AM
To answer your question yes I've used several femme names over the years, Melissa, Elizabeth, Debbie and finally Jill. A couple of years into my second marriage I told my wife that when dressed I went by the name Debbie. She looked at me and said you don't look like a Debbie you look like a Jill. From that day forward I went by the name Jill. Fortunately, I used Melissa and Elizabeth before having a digital foot print. In order to transition from Debbie to Jill electronically I had to set up a new email address and notify anyone I had contact with of the name and email change as well as login ids in places such as CD.com. It was a lot of work but I believe my wife appreciated the gesture.

04-19-2021, 08:26 AM
Hi Frannie, I never had a female name until I joined here, I just never really thought about it. I like Frannie, but,, Donna is a pretty name too.

04-19-2021, 09:31 AM
I can call you Donna if you wish, it's a great name.
My femmme name rhymes with my real name so if I get a shout out, I will be sure to turn and look.

Cheryl T
04-19-2021, 10:37 AM
I had gone through several name changes over time.
Then when I came out completely to my wife and we joined a support group I thought long and hard and selected Cheryl for myself. That's been my name for 16 years and will be always. I'm very happy with what I chose.

The only thing I regret is one Halloween, before I came out for good, my wife helped and I dressed in a borrowed costume. Wig, full makeup, stockings and heels and a lovely dress with accessories. I was a Spanish Flamenco dancer and we took lots of pictures. When we showed them to my parents my mom said to my dad, "see what your daughter would have looked like if we had one". Little did they know. I wish I had asked her what they would have chosen for a name.

04-20-2021, 03:51 PM
I've tried several. Think about changes as it takes time to take in your brain.'

Some consideraions:

-- some sounds like male name, so when someone calls the name, you recognize the name and not, "well I wonder who they are hollering at?"

-- often people will select a name of some favorite female, but the catch here is you want to associate the label you. On the opposite side, some good names have to be discarded as they evoke too strong memories of a negative female person in your life.

-- to encourage "passing" select a more common name for your geo area and not moonchild, daisy mae, or hot pants type of names.

Good luck and have fun.

April Rose
04-20-2021, 04:13 PM
Darla; your story cracked me up! It reminds me of my sister in law who, whenever she gets a new dog, names it after a coworker she doesn't get along with.:eek:

Victoria StJohn
04-25-2021, 01:31 PM
Hi Frannie, seeing it's not a legal matter, when do we start calling you Donna? You may need to get a new email address and changes to any forum sign-ins. Good luck with whatever decision you make. We will still call you a 'friend'. Cheers, Victoria.

04-25-2021, 02:31 PM
This is a super interesting question because I've given some thought to this as well...

"Becca Death" is, in my head, kind of a character that I invented for a game...but I like the gimmick so I stuck with it, that said...I'm open to change.

What I'd *really* prefer is for my wife to name "femme me" but a) that's a lot of pressure for someone who doesn't care about it all that much and b) I'm sure not going to ask her to do it because of "a"...so...I guess it's just going to stay Becca for the foreseeable future :D

If it comes up naturally somewhere down the line I'll be sure to let y'all know lol