View Full Version : First GNO is 18 months

Sometimes Steffi
04-25-2021, 11:19 PM
The first post-COVID meetup for the DC Trans Girls is scheduled for May 22.

How long does it take to go from male to female?

I've grown a full beard since the beginning of COVID, and I've kind of gotten to like it. A lot. But, not as much as going out dressed with a bunch of like minded girls.

I'm going to have to get psyched up for a complete shave, and then make sure that it's OK with my wife if I can still go out.

Rhonda Darling
04-26-2021, 04:05 AM

First, having seen you in both modes at prior Meetups, I cannot picture you with a full beard. I suggest that you shave it sooner, rather than later, so that when you have the discussion about going out with the missus, the beard is not part of the discussion.

Second, I know your wife is a roadblock that you need to detour around when you go out. Find a way — your missing the first gathering since Covid descended on us will no doubt cause you lingering resentment in your relationship.

Third, say hi for me to any of the old croup that know/remember me. I’ve successfully retired and moved to North Carolina - a brave new world for me. I definitely miss the old DC groups.

Oh, and shave that beard. :battingeyelashes:

04-26-2021, 07:28 AM
Well yes, you need to shave. Unless you want to be seen as the "bearded lady".

04-26-2021, 12:21 PM
GNO= Girl's Nite Out, Steffi?

I've appeared out in public 3 times recently with a full beard and stash! Including in my avatar pic!:eek:
Masks can be quite helpful, u know!:heehee:

Sandi Beech
04-26-2021, 02:43 PM

I bet you are really thrilled about getting to go out again. I am sure you will have fun.


04-26-2021, 04:22 PM
Have fun, send pics if you can :daydreaming:

Sometimes Steffi
04-26-2021, 08:19 PM
The DC Trans Ladies Meetup group has be "in business" for almost 3 years. There are over 1000 pictures posted.

I fixed the link

The link is (https://www.meetup.com/Washington-Transgender-Meetup/)

The group is public, so you can just click the link, go to past events and see all the pics.

I've been to almost all of the meetups, except the group pic on the invite (I think it was last Halloween, and I was too fearful of COVID to go). Feel free to play, "Where's Waldo (Steffi) on any group pic. Sometimes, you'll find me front and center. Other times, I'll just be a head shot in the back row.

BTW, if you're going to be in the area, feel free to sign up and bring a friend or two. But, no chasers please.

04-26-2021, 10:23 PM
looks like fun. BTW the link is broken , you need https:// first : is missing