View Full Version : If some of your Xs had pics of you in Frilly Nighties do you think they would share

05-18-2021, 03:04 PM
With what you know of your Xs and women in general do you think all of your Xs would take your secret to the grave even if they had pictures of you in cute nighties or other Lingerie. I only had one X who had pictures of me in her babydolls decades ago so I often do wonder ?

05-18-2021, 03:33 PM
One ex-girlfriend I am pretty sure has told a few people. She was emotionally abusive towards me in regards to CDing. Others? I don't know. I really don't. I imagine that those that drifted away and lost contact probably feel there's no reason to keep it secret anymore, and probably regale their friends with their ex-boyfriend that used to like to crossdress, much to the giggles of the company hearing this. Meh.

05-18-2021, 04:06 PM
I can think of a couple that probably would. I do wish such pictures existed though.

05-18-2021, 04:31 PM
My wife said if we break up she would tell everyone.

I work with a guy who wears dresses so I think I'm OK there.
My son and daughter know and my brothers and sisters know I use to dress.

05-18-2021, 06:21 PM
This post reminded me of my ex-wife. When camcorders were popular, we had rented one so we could film our kids at the zoo. The night before we got a wild hair and she used the camcorder and I modeled some of my lingerie for her. A couple days later I didn't feel right about having me in lingerie on VHS tapes so I taped over it. The funny thing is, after we broke up my ex-wife told me she showed some of her relatives the tape. Since I was on vacation that week I knew she didn't have the chance to show anyone, so I think she was just trying to get a reaction from me.

Also she move 1/2 way across the country when we divorced, and I got a phone call from some guy (that she knew) and he asked me if I wore women's clothing. I said yes, and he didn't have a response, he ended the phone call real quick after I admitted that I did wear women's clothing.

With my current wife I have no concerns about her telling anyone. And far as pictures I have some on my computer and my phone, but I have no worries that she would find them and share them with others.

Marcia Blue
05-18-2021, 07:57 PM
My ex more than likely told anyone who would listen. She has a bad reputation for lying or making things up. People that knew her for any length of time knew this.

Crissy 107
05-18-2021, 08:11 PM
I have an ex sister that if she knew she would have announced it to the world

05-18-2021, 08:14 PM
So my pictures are on this site, so the cat is sort of out of the bag. My ex-wife would have told everyone and shown them pictures. So glad I never told her.

05-18-2021, 10:06 PM
No my wife is not the vindictive type. That is a true character flaw

05-19-2021, 12:22 AM
I have an ex FWB who helped me start dressing many moons ago. She enjoys seeing me in lingerie, and I have sent her pictures of me in lingerie recently--like today.

Lori Ann Westlake
05-19-2021, 01:54 AM
To keep a secret like that I wouldn't trust an Ex as far as I could throw her. With one hand--against a strong wind.

(Thanks to the late great Eric Frank Russell for that remark.)

Fortunately I have no Exes. Not with pictures, anyway. I did have an ex-girlfriend who knew I dressed, and another I hinted about, but they were so long ago and so far away it dioesn't matter anyhow.

I would trust my wife, but she's never likely to become an Ex, and she's good at keeping secrets anyway. Maybe if I died, but that's different from splitting, and I think she'd still keep it to herself.

05-19-2021, 03:30 AM
Years ago I had an ex who was understanding and even encouraging. With that said, I allowed to take pics of me dressed. As soon as we broke up, she posted them everywhere and told all my friends/family/ and coworkers.
Besides trust being destroyed...and the whirlwind in my head over it all, it ended up being the BEST thing for my self acceptance and guilt/shame of being in the closet. Those who found out, couldn't of cared less, and some saying WELL DUH!, "about time", or "I always had a sneaking suspicion". Not to mention the *secret* was out..... by biggest source of guilt, shame, self hatred, confusion....*Poof* gone!

05-19-2021, 03:55 AM
The great thing about be out and about in the world is that no one has any hold over me. Tell my partner? They know. Tell my family? They know. Tell my friends? They know. Tell my work? They know. If you can get to that point, and not everyone can, it's a happy place to be.

Karren H
05-19-2021, 05:32 AM
Most of my ex's became my ex's on very poor terms so pretty sure to a one, that they would all tell the world, especially if I was wearing their frilly nighties or lingerie... which I used to a lot since I typically chose my girlfriends based on their bra size and dress size compatibility to mine... I don't miss then (my ex's) but I do miss some of their clothes. lol

Connie D50
05-19-2021, 06:03 AM
Good question, my wife has many pictures. I don't think if we broke up she would show or tell. She knows it would hurt our daughters. I do also believe she feels after being with me so long people would wonder about her also. (daughters my best safety net lol)

05-19-2021, 06:43 AM
I have never taken any pics of myself in lingerie. They just don't exist. It's not a chance that I am willing to take. Having said that, I have no doubt that my wife would leverage any advantage that she might have in the event of a divorce, as would I. I don't think that she would tell the world for the simple reason that it would reflect back on her as well.

05-19-2021, 08:20 AM
My wife said if we break up she would tell everyone.

I work with a guy who wears dresses so I think I'm OK there.
My son and daughter know and my brothers and sisters know I use to dress.

Since the most important people already know, I would guess this is not much of a threat. Vindictive behavior has a way of backfiring. In the least it defines character and provides insight on trustworthiness that could be damaging to future relationships. Anyone that rejects you because of a meanspirited bit of gossip (regardless of veracity) is not a worthy friend.

Karren H
05-19-2021, 09:17 AM
I have never taken any pics of myself in lingerie. They just don't exist. It's not a chance that I am willing to take.

Wow. That is amazing! Seriously, none enfemme? Guess given my tera-bytes of photos.....

05-19-2021, 11:24 AM
My wife said if we break up she would tell everyone.

When my wife and I had "The Talk" she said the same thing. Her mother and grandmother had divorced their husbands. In the case of her grandmother she was married five times. My wife's motivation was to stay married to me. Later, she said, if we were to get divorced she would not disclose my cross dressing. I have never had any thoughts through fifty years of marriage to divorce her. I think it was her way of making sure I was not going to jump ship for greener pastures.

As to picture taking, once in the late 1970's I took some still pictures with a film camera (remember those?). I kept them for several years before throwing away the disc (remember disc film cameras) as well as the prints.

05-19-2021, 11:48 AM
My first wife knew and supported Sidney side. Divorce had nothing to do with dressing, we had just grown apart. Her and I are still friends as she is with my present wife of almost 30 years. She probably has pictures but if she hasn't shown them yet I'm not worried. 1st has been to dinner with me and 2nd numerous times when I have been dressed very femine. I suppose #1 and #2 have discussed me. No I know they have because they do it in front of me. LOL

05-19-2021, 12:53 PM
Mine doesn't have any. So, she can't!:devil:

05-19-2021, 01:48 PM
I guess if I had an X I wouldn't care. I have often wondered if my wife has told any of here friends I don't think so but I have said I won't care. The reactions I get when I tell people and I don't tell a lot of people, usually they don't believe me and I don't push it, they don't care and say nothing or would love to see me dressed and lets go out. That has only happened once.

05-19-2021, 01:57 PM
My first ex-wife would have for sure. She used my dressing against me during the divorce. (It didn't help her.) There were/are no pics of me like that.

Beverley Sims
05-19-2021, 02:55 PM
Those that knew me years ago could and would share amongst each other, but they were shared with other girlfriends.

05-20-2021, 12:07 PM
So glad to hear from some of you that when X wives brought up crossdressing at divorce hearings it was not a big factor

05-22-2021, 08:39 PM
For a while towards the end of our marriage, my ex pretended to be okay with my dressing, and collected a nice assortment of pictures of me dressed up in girl clothes, of course with my face easily recognizable in all of them. Then she lowered the boom, had me served with divorce papers, and blackmailed me, saying that if I didn't give her everything she specified, she'd distribute copies of those pictures to family, friends and at work, and let everyone know what a pervert I was.
I gave her what she wanted. As far as I know, I 'purchased' her silence about my crossdressing, and she lived up to her end of the agreement. I haven't seen her now in about 20 years. Hope I never do, again.

05-23-2021, 05:24 AM
For what it's worth - my second wife threatened to "tell everyone" about my dressing. At the time, I was in such pain about the breakup that I didn't care. So I said "go ahead, see if I care."
After she left, she did. From what I heard, she told everyone within earshot about me.

But surprisingly, there was little "blowback" from anyone. About the only thing I heard was a GG friend told me what the ex was up to, and one GM friend who also filled me in, adding "I don't know if it's true and I don't want to know. I just thought you should know what she's saying."

I was pleasantly surprised by how very little effect her efforts to "out" me really had.
No mocking or bullying.
No mobs with pitchforks and torches.
No lost friends.
Pretty much nothing.

Go figure.

BTW - she didn't have any pictures. What few there were, I had. And no, I don't believe there were any lingerie shots anyway.

Cheryl T
05-23-2021, 09:25 AM
One former girlfriend knew about me and had some photos.
She never shared my secret and took it to her grave.

marsha leanne
05-23-2021, 05:53 PM
One former girlfriend knew about me and had some photos.
She never shared my secret and took it to her grave.

I wish that could be true, but,... the only picture that exists is my avatar. Thats it.

However, my ex used my "secret" everywhere she could, including my son. Who called in tears one night because of what she had said etc. i gave a nonchalant answer about being a cheerleader in high school at a powder puff football activity and offered to show him pictures.
It quieted him down, from that point on, he ignored his mom and we get along great now. (we always did). My parents put it off as anger and never brought it up.

She also went through all our friends and forced them to choose sides. pretty sad on her part, really.

05-23-2021, 08:39 PM
Hi Robbie, :hugs: I have a Keeper for 57 years now and no one is going anywhere, >Orchid**0:daydreaming:0**

05-25-2021, 03:50 PM
I know my exs have pictures of such. I dont know if they would share. You could ask them. Thing is I don't care if they do or not.