View Full Version : What an amazing grandmother

Maria 60
05-23-2021, 11:21 PM
When I was younger my grandparents would come from Italy and stay with us sometimes 5 to 6 months at a time. My parents would go to our summer cabin and I would be at home with my grandparents.
I would go out and come home late and my grandparents would be asleep and I would go into my mothers room and take her slip and pantyhose and I would lay on the couch and watch TV. I would fall asleep on the couch and I would get up at 2 or 3 in the morning and go to bed. The funny part was I would get up on the couch and I would have a blanket on me and maybe being younger and naive it never dawned on me where that blanket came from.
My grandparents ended up staying with us and when my grandmother died I told my wife about the blanket situation. My grandmother came to cover me with a blanket and must have seen me dressed like that and never said a word to me or my parents or anyone as far as I know and she took it to her grave.
That's amazing I would say, and now I'm wondering has anyone here ever had a situation where a person knew something and never said anything and nothing ever was said?
Just wondering

bridget thronton
05-24-2021, 01:33 AM
You have an amazing support network Maria

05-24-2021, 03:46 AM
When I was about 14 (early 1970s), my mother found under my mattress a stash of panties and pantyhose I had pilfered from my older sister. We had a brief conversation. The only part I recall is she asked if I wanted to talk to some kind of counselor. I said no, and that was the end of that. I never saw any indication that she mentioned it to my dad, and she never brought it up again.

I am forever grateful that it was not turned into any kind of big deal.

05-24-2021, 03:59 AM
Yes, my daughter when I "came out " to her and the words she used were "I always knew there was something there"

05-24-2021, 04:29 AM
Hi Maria:hugs:, That is a lovely story, Thanks for sharing it with us, >Orchid**0:daydreaming:)**

05-24-2021, 09:37 AM
Nothing like that ever happened to me but I can relate as a grandparent. What kids do at grandma and grandpas house stays at grandma and grandpas house. That usually means looking the other way when they eat too much candy or stay up late. It would be interesting to see how my wife would react if she found one of the grandsons wearing a slip.

05-24-2021, 10:40 AM
Deleted by Teresa.

05-24-2021, 11:00 AM
As people age there seems to be more reflection upon life's journey. You sort of figure out what was important, and not for important. I think grandmothers of by-gone eras realize all the crap that was heaped upon them and are more flexible than grandpas. As a general statement grandpas seem to be entrenched in their beliefs and are too rigid.

Maria, your grandmother probably gauged you as a cute, good kid. So, he wore a slip and pantyhose. Big deal.

05-24-2021, 09:14 PM
Maria, What a great story.