View Full Version : Rock Star Robert! Is it getting crazier out there or is it just me!?

06-12-2021, 01:54 PM
Ok, I recently posted a pix thread where I was out at a packed vanilla club and was greeted nicely be many of the 20 to 40 folks there. Mostly women. I was pleasantly surprised to say the least! :heehee:
Because I present as a fit, attractive young woman from behind. But, with a 70+ year old wrinkled, male face that would top a clock!:doh:

Then, last nite happened!:eek:
Another vanilla venue with a live band and maybe 500 pay to get in attendees? Most were 30 to 50+? It was inside a huge Bierhall in Old Town Village in SoCal. Because of the Octoberfest themed location I thot I'd dress like one of the servers there and wore a similar costume. I was there with a GG friend and my good T buddy, Cindi.

All the picnic style, long, tables were taken when we arrived, just before the band began playing. So, we waited in line to by drinks and just milled around for a bit. My 2 friends left to go back to her car and I went out on the dance floor. That's when the weirdness began. It was only 8 PM, so few were smashed that early.
But, women kept coming up to compliment my outfit and/or dance next to me! The dance floor was packed! So, moving around on it was difficult! My friends returned but the attention I attracted just kept increasing! Soon, all sorts of women and men came up to chat and/or shoot photos of and with me! Old, wrinkled Robert! Not, pretty youthful Sherry!

And, this went on all nite! Wherever I went people smiled and chatted, or asked for photos. Maybe a few even flirted? One older man introduced me to his old friend. Joking about setting us up! I've never had older men joke around with me, dressed. They seem to be too insecure or homophobic to relax and just have fun! Yet, a number of older men there didn't hesitate to smile or chat with me.

A woman invited me to join their table. Even tho I said I had 2 friends. Altho, her husband seemed a bit put off when we finally came over. But, everyone else was very welcoming and shared their wine and snack food with us. Even her hubby came around later. I'm not used to this kind of acceptance. Much less the notariety? It became a bit overwhelming.
So, I went outside to get away from everyone and take some Sherry photos. But, even masked a woman asked if she could help by taking photos with my camera. And, another group insisted on pix with me!:eek:

While walking out later, we were chatting on a curb out front and people still kept shouting and asking for photos! Cindi asked, "Well, how does it feel be a rock star?" And, Vicky added, "Yeah! U got all the attention. No one even noticed us all nite!" It felt both weird and amazing!:devil:

But, I'm wondering? Could a simply costume have caused al that activity? R trans becoming popular? R folks so happy to be out again after Covid they love everyone now? No masks anywhere last nite. Is this simply a SoCal phenomenon or is this happening around the country? Except for nite events I don't go to vanilla venues dressed. Those of u that do, have u noticed a different, more accepting attitude out there?:thumbsup:

Sandi's posted recently about similar results where she lives. So, something's going on. I just don't know what it is?:straightface:

The door to the bierhall is behind me. That's the moon way up over my head!

This sign was so relevant until recently here in Cal. It's an antique collector's item now. No masks or distancing here tonite! Our whole state opens up on June 15th.:tongueout

There was a large biergarten outside the bierhall, too. Few out there. Mostly just couples and smokers with the band playing inside, tho.:hugs:

The rest of Old World Village was closed by 11:30 when we left.

Mods: I asked these women if it was OK to post this photo in line and that said, "Sure!":thumbsup:

06-12-2021, 02:36 PM
Doc, I am confused! Are you saying you were not wearing your "Sherry" mask, and just you naturally hansom guy mug while wearing a wig and dirndl?

06-12-2021, 03:42 PM
The only time I was Sherry was the half hour I took these photos!:battingeyelashes:

Rest of the nite I was an obviously ancient MIAD!:sad:
Sorry, I didn't take any photos of Robert. Even tho there were countless taken on other's phones!:heehee:

char GG
06-12-2021, 03:59 PM
You were certainly a celebrity! Obviously, it's not all about Sherry, lol. Robert has his own following.

Also, lovely venue to take pictures.


I want to add that most likely, Robert was out there having fun, wearing a costume, dancing, talking to people - not sitting in a corner. Happiness is contagious!

06-12-2021, 04:29 PM
There's only one thing I can add, "Rock on"

Sandi Beech
06-12-2021, 07:33 PM

Sounds like you had a great time, and it is definitely wonderful to get to interact with people again. I do not know about others but for me, I have a new appreciation for social interaction. Maybe that is part of it for others as well after being cooped up so long. Whatever it is, I am with you on wanting to get out and have some fun. I hope to be back out clubbing again in the near future. The last few times I have been out were great. I love it.


06-12-2021, 08:41 PM
Hi Sherry :hugs:, That is such a lovely Dirndl, >Orchid**0:daydreaming:0**

06-13-2021, 02:07 AM
I think you had a confluence of people who
- are happy that they can go out again
- got a smile from the effort you put in
- admired your audacity of Robert's head on Sherry's body
- also it's "pride month"

A few years ago a few friends and I were socialising at a pride event. It was a hot day and one of my friends says it was too hot so goes wig-less and ventures out in her short grey (but slightly curly) natural hair. Well, women went wild for it! She received so much attention it was astounding. So perhaps Sherry, you too experienced something of this nature?

06-13-2021, 07:09 AM
Sherry, Lovely pictures. Sounds like a great time at the club.

06-13-2021, 09:29 AM
Doc I am so glad for you . I wish I had been down there to party with you !
You know some time ago I saw some pics here of you at a get together without your mask and you are defiantly NOT ugly ....
You just keep on being you Rockstar Robert <3

06-14-2021, 05:52 AM
Oh waitress, another bier please :)

06-14-2021, 06:26 AM
We live in such different worlds. My weekend was spent puttering around my back yard.

06-14-2021, 06:42 AM
Ummm. First of all, you look fantastic. Second, the whole mask thing gives you a rubber doll vibe that is somewhere between cute and totally smoking hot fetish taboo. That would rank very high on a scale of attention-grabbing things to see at a nightspot. Glad you had a blast.

06-14-2021, 09:38 AM
Sounds like a wonderful fun time! I do like those type of get together, where you can feel feminine and be accepted in a positive light.
Thanks for sharing the experience and your cool pictures!

Leslie Mary S
06-14-2021, 10:17 AM
Lovely Drindl. I wish I could fit into my wife's Drindl but I just can't think of any way to get her dress on. She was 120 lb 5'2" when we had it made. I am 200+ and 6' tall.
I love to read your adventures.

06-14-2021, 12:55 PM
Thank u, Blue and Leslie Mary for reminding me that German dress style has a name, "dirndl"!:)

Ummm. First of all, you look fantastic. Second, the whole mask thing gives you a rubber doll vibe that is somewhere between cute and totally smoking hot fetish taboo. That would rank very high on a scale of attention-grabbing things to see at a nightspot. Glad you had a blast.
That's a good point, Monica. For some it may be that. But, for other folks including other trans? It often freaks people out, as my T buddy, Cindi, explained to me recently!:eek:

06-14-2021, 08:08 PM
Sure, it might seem creepy to some people but those folks are no fun anyway. On a more serious note, the combination of the mask and costume are brilliant and fabulous. Maybe wearing a mask with a normal outfit would conjure memories of some B-Movie serial killer. What do I know!

robyn rose
06-17-2021, 01:52 PM
Well I'm not surprised you were the centre of attraction you look amazing! What a wonderful experience it must have been for you.

06-17-2021, 07:09 PM
It was indescribable, Robyn!:eek:

I've never received that kind of attention before in my life! No matter how I was dressed! And, it was all so positive!:hugs:

06-19-2021, 04:18 AM
Doc, where did you find an OktoberFest waitress costume? Really, your dressing closets must be the size of Universal Studios (only with more choice).

06-19-2021, 04:41 PM
You're close, Diane!:heehee:

I've been buying props, clothing, and misc. gear from Hollywood studio auctions for over 15 years! I live about 45 minutes away from Hollywood.
U wouldn't believe some of weird crap I've collected!:eek:

06-19-2021, 06:28 PM
Doc, please make a thread in the clothing forum about some of the weird things you have collected!

06-21-2021, 01:09 AM
That's a great idea, Angela! It mite be entertaining for some folks!:heehee: