View Full Version : Always Rewarded

Kandi Robbins
06-14-2021, 12:44 PM
It seems that I have always been rewarded for being me in a very public way, being proud of it and exhibiting great happiness in doing so.

This past Friday, after a wonderful afternoon and early evening, I headed home but couldn't call it a night just yet. I stopped at a restaurant I had been to before, but not in a while. The parking lot was packed, the outdoor patio full. I was wearing a white maxi sundress, spaghetti straps and pink accessories, including a hair bow and finger and toe nail polish. I parked myself at the crowded bar and ordered a glass of wine. Just one, a nightcap. There was activity all around me. I enjoyed my wine and asked for the check.

While waiting for my check a woman asked if the seat next to me was taken (it was not). We then made small talk while she waited for her husband. I gave the waitress the check and my credit card only to be informed my drink was taken care of by another patron. Sadly, she was gone so I could not thank her, but it was a woman across the bar there with her date or husband. I was floored! The woman seated next to me then offered to by me another drink if I would stay. I told her I would stay if I bought my own drink and ordered another glass of wine. What ensued was about an hour conversation with her and her husband. They were in town from Pittsburgh and we talked about everything, family, sports, concerts, you name it!

During this conversation one other bartender came up and recognized me from my work at The Cleveland Museum of Art and then informed me my second drink was on the house! Oh my! He and I talked quite a bit as well. Then from behind a lovely woman politely asked if I wouldn't mind if she told me how beautiful I was! Now I am by no means beautiful, but what girl doesn't love to hear that! I almost broke down in tears, the kindness of all was overwhelming.

So after my third glass of wine I bid my friends a farewell and she asked if I wouldn't mind a hug. Anyone who know me knows I am a hugger! I then also said good bye to my two new favorite bartenders, gave the one $20 for a $7 glass of wine and told her to keep it. I live for no other reason than to pay it forward and I felt compelled to do so on this evening.

So, what is the morale of the story here? The world is not a big scary place for those like myself. If you are smart, if you are appropriate, if you are confident and if you are visible, good things will indeed happen.

By the way, this was a 100% mainstream establishment.

Check out my blog and Flickr page for more stories like this!!

06-14-2021, 04:51 PM
Lovely. Buying drinks for strangers is common enough that I have been on both ends of it. It has always been women that buy them for me, either secretly or after chatting. And I in turn will do the same. It is a small gesture but one meant with love (a variant of it anyway).

Rogina B
06-14-2021, 06:16 PM
I have always enjoyed great "bar conversations" ! And I enjoy paying any "drink favors " back..Sometimes, it is best to wait "till next time" as "sinking" a friend isn't always the best !lol

06-14-2021, 06:29 PM
Sound like the time I was with a few girlfriends and 2 mothers from The Learning Channels TV reality show "Cheer Perfection" wanted to join us at our table as we were having so much fun. Another time a Asian lady chatted me up at the bar while I was waiting for my Chi-Chapter meeting to start. Or when I was still a smoker, met a lady outside and she chatted me up about how boring her wedding reception (she was a guest) was. It is amazing how many nice men and women are out there. They truly seem inspired, happy, curious, and bubbly when interacting with myself or me and my friends. It really makes the whole evening that much more memorable.

Sandi Beech
06-14-2021, 08:18 PM

I can totally relate to your experiences. All I can say is that life as a woman is a heck of a lot more fun. I remember the first time I was in a bar and the bartender said all my drinks were taken care of and I never even found out who bought them. It is interesting how the conversations with women come so much easier while dressed. Relationships seem to be the most frequent topic of discussion and gee do they tell all. I feel like a therapist sometimes.

Sounds like you had a wonderful experience that day. I wish more of our online sisters could experience what you have as it is really a cool thing.

Cheers to you.


06-14-2021, 08:54 PM
Hi Kandi :hugs:, Thanks for sharing such a wonderful story, >Orchid**O:daydreaming:O**

Crissy 107
06-14-2021, 09:16 PM
Kandi, What you relayed here does not surprise me at all, with your outgoing personality and being so comfortable with yourself it is a natural. You and many others here are such good role models for us without even trying.

06-15-2021, 06:00 AM
Sounds as though you?re living the dream , Kandi

Teri Ray
06-15-2021, 06:13 AM
What a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing.

06-15-2021, 08:18 AM

Thank you for sharing your awesome experience!

06-15-2021, 12:41 PM
I have NOT experienced anything like what u did out dressed at vanilla venues like Dennys, WalMart, or the mall, Kandi!:doh:

But, I've experienced EXACTLY THE SAME recently at vanilla bars and clubs! I strongly encourage other girls to get out amongst the Muggles! When they r drinking and partying, the women in particular r quite friendly and accepting. Even curious!:battingeyelashes: