View Full Version : Finally!

Linda K.
09-19-2021, 04:54 AM
I finally dressed and went for a drive! It was at 2:30 in the morning, but it was still a great feeling to be outside while dressed. I went to some areas that were not very populated and was even brave enough to park somewhere and step outside the car for a bit. However, I was a little nervous because I still haven't bought any makeup or a wig so I wasn't completely dressed, not quite sure which wig or makeup to buy yet. Plus I still have a roommate, who happens to be out of town this weekend, and I am not ready to get these items in fear he may see them one day. Slowly, but surely, I am building confidence that one day I may be able to go outside, fully dressed with makeup and a wig of course, and maybe even make it during the day.

I am so glad I have found this site and love reading the encouraging advice from all the members about how to deal with my CDing! Thank you all! :)::battingeyelashes:

Jolene Robertson
09-19-2021, 05:01 AM
Hi Linda, That first time stepping out the door is a big deal, I remember mine. Warning... once you take that first step it becomes addictive.

Kris Burton
09-19-2021, 05:27 AM
Good for you Linda...you inspire me...perhaps it is time for me to do the same. Like you, I've experimented with makeup, but I do know which wig I'm interested in...all soon.
Exciting, isn't it?!?!

Linda K.
09-19-2021, 05:32 AM
Jolene - it is very addictive and I am looking forward to going out with the full makeup and wig. I even wish to be brave enough to park somewhere and go for a walk.

Kris - Yes it is exciting! I've read some of your other posts and it seems we are both in the same phase of our journeys. I hope that you get to that point of making the step outside and showing the world the person you really are!

Sandi Beech
09-19-2021, 07:05 AM
I was just thinking about how I initially went out years ago. All I was doing was pumping gas at night while wearing pantyhose. That thrill is hard to duplicate once you get accustomed to going out. I am glad you are getting the hang of it, and I do not want to take away your joy. Even so, you might not want to do this at 2.30 am. As I told my kids , nothing good happens on the roads after midnight. There are mostly cops and drunks on the road at that time. The cover of darkness is great though. Just remember after 2 am, you better be on your best driving behavior. A blown tail light or rolling stop may just cause you to have an encounter with the police. Also have all paperwork in perfect shape to stay out of trouble. I am sure you did all that but some don?t think about it until too late.

Yes it does feel great to get out. Glad it went well. Each step of progress will give you a new level of satisfaction that is hard to explain to those who have not experienced it.


09-19-2021, 07:18 AM
It i s such a great feeling the first time you go out in public dressed. Jolene I wish you all the luck in being able to do it again, but heed Sandi's advice. I did a rolling stop and got pulled over. At the time i was wearing a corset, stockings and panties. Thank god I had a unbuttoned over size shirt on that I quickly buttoned up. Unfortunately it did not hide my stocking tops and garter straps. After the female officer issued me the citation, she smiled and said wear a longer shirt next time!!!!!

09-19-2021, 08:02 AM
I've gone out dressed a grand total of TWO times---as I am very "closeted". But if I have a "Good excuse" I WILL do it. The first time was to a Church, adult Sunday School, HALLOWEEN PARTY, where I dressed as a "Gypsy Fortune Teller". I decided I needed to do something radical to inspire more people to to get back into costuming again. I went all - out with exotic makeup and long fingernails Yes! it was quite a "High"--I was the center of attention with the ladies who ALL wanted me to read their fortune cards. Of course I won the Costume Contest. My Scheme WORKED, as there were lots of costumes next year---And I only came in SECOND, my great , dead-on "Mark Twain", costume came in SECOND place to an 80 year old "Pregnant Nun". My other time was, later, at another church event--A womanless Beauty Contest at our Valentines Dinner.. Some Teenage Girls did my makeup, but it was a bit disappointing as I could have done a better job., but still it was fun---I didn't win--the gig was "Fixed" our old retired Preacher won it.---We were looking foreword to watching the Video at the next Wednesday night dinner, but alas! our cameraman FORGOT to put the SD card in the camera (so he said), and I have no good pics of the event.---- So I haven't gone out SINCE then but at least have had a "taste" of it. And I know I can do it, if I have a good enough reason----but one has not surfaced again, as of late.

Cheryl T
09-19-2021, 10:04 AM
A tip on the wig.
Find a salon. It might be a few towns away or more, but make an appointment and be upfront about what you want.
They all have private rooms for people who are either very shy about wanting a wig, or perhaps a cancer patient who is dealing with hair loss or the like. Anyway, they are accustomed to dealing with people not comfortable being in the public eye. A good stylist can help suggest colors that go with your skin tone and styles that will compliment your facial shape. It might be a little nerve wracking and a little more expensive than eBay or some online store, but you will find something that will help you look better.
You also won't be playing the buy/try/return game and wasting lots of time and money.

09-19-2021, 10:22 AM
Maybe take a look of these ladies's wig review https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyNZe2H92GusLiIcBbWzqJg and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZt_lvqn9uQQGtZKBjctUEA

09-19-2021, 02:34 PM
Well done.
I did the same for an hour a few years ago, with beard (!) and nothing happened but a great buzz.

09-22-2021, 06:51 PM
I ditto Cheryl T. Ask around, other CDer in your area, a female friend any one to find a wig shop. I Found a really small shop. For those is So. Cal Grace's Wig Boutique in Pomona. She was fantastic.
For makeup I'm waiting for Ulta to opened back up the make overs to go get one and get a lesson.
Good luck and Hugs.

09-22-2021, 07:45 PM
As you're in Northern Illinois, find your way to https://transformationsbyrori.com/index-https.html

I haven’t been there in a LONG time (2005), but they had a wide selection of wigs, makeup, etc. It's a great place to get your feet wet. They also have monthly get-togethers.

Lots of malls to visit in Chicago too. I've been to about five.

09-22-2021, 08:30 PM
Halloween is almost upon us. I bought my first wig at a K-Mart at Halloween time. I suppose many sales clerks also figure it's a great time for cross dresser, but, it was a good time for me to feel less self conscious. I also bought my first pairs of pumps at Halloween. My first forays into the unknown fully en femme were at Halloween. For those who are shy Halloween provides great cover.

As to evening drives I do agree 2:30 AM, especially in deserted areas will drawn attention. You may overcompensate and end up driving like a drunk who drives too cautiously so he or she does not get pulled over. Before I go for an evening drive I always check the gas tank. I do a walk around to check all the lights including turn signals. Yes, a police officer may act professional, but, it can still be a heart stopper for the uninitiated. Also, be sure you know the traffic laws of the state you're driving. In some states what is a citation may be jail time in another.

Linda K.
09-22-2021, 09:32 PM
TheHiddenMe - Thanks for the link. I looked at it and it isn't too far away from where I live. I am interested in going there but a little nervous about being seen going in or coming out. It looks like a great place to get some advice and to learn a few things too. However, Arlington Heights can be a very busy town. Is it somewhat discreetly located? Thanks again.

09-22-2021, 10:59 PM
There is a parking lot in the back (from memory) and a back door. It's a bit away from the main part of downtown Arlington Heights, IIRC (I have a friend who lives in Arlington Heights so I have been there a few times, but not for several years).

You'll be in a place that nobody knows you. Nobody. Nobody. Nobody. Park, walk in door (NOTE the website says appointment only, so plan ahead).

Roughly five years ago I was in your boat, ready to go out but scared to make it happen. I decided to rip the band-aid off and sign up for a Sephora makeover at a St. Louis mall, and then try on clothes at Nordstrom after. The walk, while dressed, at 2:30 in the afternoon, from the parking lot to Sephora, was nerve wracking.

Turns out, the world didn’t end. Loved the makeover, loved Julie my MUA, and learned the basics of doing makeup (and I had the right products). Trying on dresses at Nordstrom was a dream come true, and in the process made two GG friends who worked there.

Been out over 250 times since then, including this past Monday with another GG friend I met 6 months after my first time out. I've never had a bad experience.

Make the appointment. Then when you're ready, hit one of the Nordstroms, because they are definitely TG friendly.

You won't regret it.

09-23-2021, 09:33 AM
I would caution you and anyone reading this that driving or walking around dressed at 2:30 in the morning is a risky thing to do. Women seldom drive around, much less walk around at that hour. You can attract the attention of someone who might do you harm and you can certainly attract the attention of the police.

The safest time to go out as a woman is in broad daylight and in a crowd such as a shopping mall, city park or city streets in the business or retail area. Hopefully, your presentation is good enough that nobody you know will recognize you. If this worries you, drive to another town or city.

And when you are out walking, don't mill around, walk like you are going someplace.

09-23-2021, 10:16 AM
I remember the first time I went out of my house and just drove around the block. so exciting back then. Eventually going places en femme would be a regular thing but the first time is always special.

09-23-2021, 10:20 AM
Also please remember that it is NOT illegal to be cross-dressed when outside.