View Full Version : Two years and 1000 post later, a time of self reflection

Sandi Beech
10-13-2021, 07:03 PM
Hello everyone,

I can't believe it has been almost 2 years since I joined this site. It has been a blessing in some regards. Obviously when I joined I had no way of knowing the pandemic would soon be upon us and isolation would be the norm for a long time. Spending time reading and responding to the posts gave me something to do other than watch the depressing news during the last year. So thanks to everyone for having me onboard.

While I am at it, I just thought I would take time to thank the mods for their part. Keeping things civil is important. Many of us expose our inner souls, and it is easy for people to become offended, and conversations can turn south quickly. I try to avoid that, because I am only here to have fun really : ) but it is worth noting the contribution the mods make.

When I joined, I really only wanted to share my experiences, which I had previously kept to myself. My wife wants nothing to do with it, so I dress up away from home or not at all. That is just the way it is. Some can make it work, but a few like me have completely given up on spousal approval. Of course all good things come to an end, and I suppose when I retire some day, I will just have to give it up completely. (I know - nobody quits in theory). For now, I just want to ocassionally dress up and go hang out other open minded people. I have to say it has been a lot of fun, and I hope some of you have enjoyed reading about my outings. Although many are content to stay at home, and I understand completely, just know that it is not as scary as you might think. So hopefully sharing my fun outings has given hope to a few. I would like to think I have contributed in some way.

Thinking back about my posts over the last two years, probably the funniest one was about when I gave an expensive Ramy Brook top to a woman in my local bar, since it was too small for me. She turned out to be a dancer in a strip club, so she stripped down to her black bra while sitting at the bar to put on my top. Gee, it can be so crazy sometimes, and I can't tell my usual friends about it. They just would not understand, so I share that funny stuff with you all.

It has been fun and I really appreciate the positive feedback. I like reading about others experiences as well, and I picked up a few tips along the way. The bottom line, it was worth joining up. I hope to stay around a bit longer : )


10-13-2021, 07:13 PM
Awww Sandi Lets think positively when you retire maybe your wife will understand and give you the time you need. It happens here all the time.
That is so funny about giving your top to the stripper :) bet she remembers it fondly , such a nice gesture.

10-13-2021, 07:14 PM
Thanks for the 1000th update, always look forward to reading your posts.

Sandi Beech
10-13-2021, 07:19 PM
Haha thanks Di and Michelle,


10-13-2021, 07:41 PM
Huge Sandi fan here. You go girl!

Love your posts and you are a huge inspiration to us all!!!

10-13-2021, 08:07 PM
Congratulations Sandi, Good luck with the adjustment. Always enjoy reading your posts, you are honest. Take care, Brenda

Kris Burton
10-13-2021, 08:40 PM
So glad to have been a small part of the many connections you have made...I always find your posts interesting, and hope to for a long time to come. You are very cool, Sandi!

Sandi Beech
10-13-2021, 09:07 PM
Thanks so much ladies, very kind of you all.


Crissy 107
10-13-2021, 09:13 PM
Another Sandi fan here, I always look forward to your road trips.
Stay safe out there my friend!

10-14-2021, 07:19 AM
Congratulations, Sandi. Thinking back, you have come a long ways in a short time. Just goes to show how well this forum works in helping people get into a stable pattern with a mature look at how all this works.

I agree with Di. Don't give up on your wife but don't overwhelm her either. My wife has begun to realize that it is a need that I have and is OK with small bits and pieces even though the full expression is still not desirable or acceptable for her. Fortunately, I am a bits and pieces person. Takes time to adjust to something seen as over the top and out of expectation. Be gentle and respectful, but keep working on it.

Jenn A116
10-14-2021, 09:17 AM
Thanks for being a great contributor. The site is better every time somebody joins and shares their experiences.

10-14-2021, 09:31 AM
Hi Sandi, Congratulations on your milestone. I always enjoy reading your posts and find I agree with many of them.Honestly, with your good looks, great legs and the pink fog, I don?t think you?ll ever be able to give it up. I?m retired and dress daily. I?m one of the fortunate dressers who have a supportive wife. Hopefully, some day your wife will become more tolerant. Glad you plan to stay around.

10-14-2021, 10:03 AM
(I know - nobody quits in theory).
Right. Crossdressing is like Portmeirion in The Prisoner. Nobody leaves it, Number 6, and should you try, that big white chewy bubble would soon fix it.
Happy Birthday (or something alike) Senior Member Sandi :)

10-14-2021, 10:09 AM
Very cool. And I am glad you are here to have fun. Me too.

Sandi Beech
10-14-2021, 01:49 PM
Haha DianeT,

I was a kid when that show was on TV and it was really weird. Big white bubble bouncing over the water and grabbing the Prisoner in a boat trying to escape the island.

So I guess you are saying the bubble will come get me, but I am not ready to escape from crossdressing just yet. I just think it could be in my future.


10-14-2021, 03:04 PM

Very much enjoy reading your posts - insightful and entertaining! You are a kindred spirit. You will somehow find a way to continue your adventures.

10-14-2021, 03:09 PM
Sandi, this is one of the first social entities I found that acknowledged up front that what I desired was OK. What I also found here was folks who could write in they're own voice.
That's very important because typing can be too cumbersome for some to get their true feelings across. The size, depth, diversity and variety of the posts here make it truly universal.
Once you conform to the lines to color within (rules), it's a pretty cool place. I've garnered a cadre of lifelong friends here.

Congrats on the 1000.

Kimberly A.
10-14-2021, 03:21 PM
Oh wow Sandi, you joined the same month and year as I did. LOL..... Congrats on surpassing your 1,000th post! I'm getting close to that. LOL

Like you, when I joined, I had no clue what was just around the corner either..... The Covid-19 pandemic. Thankfully during the whole lock-down period, I was still driving a truck so staying cooped up at home was not an option for me, but even when I had home time, I still got dressed up and went out. I would usually just go to the drive-thru of some fast-food restaurant, sit in the Walmart parking lot and eat, then don a mask and go inside Walmart to shop. LOL If I'd stayed cooped up at home, I'd have been climbing the walls, going crazy with BIG time cabin fever. I have ADD, my mind is always going 100 MPH and I just can't sit at home all the time. LOL..... But yes, I know that's how many people caught Covid, going out in public when they weren't supposed to and getting exposed to it and spreading it. But, I did limit my time out, took the precautions outlined by the WHO and CDC, (wore a mask, washed my hands a lot and used hand sanitizer).

Anyway, I just started rambling on about all that, my apologies. LOL But I hate to hear that your wife isn't supportive of your CD'ing and I also hate to hear that you're probably gonna have to stop when you retire. :(

Pretty funny story about the stripper in the bar that you gave a Ramy Brook top to, though! LOL

Sandi Beech
10-14-2021, 07:36 PM
Thanks Katie, much appreciated.

And Carla , yes it is an interesting and diverse group. Fortunately I have moved beyond the guilt phase of dressing and just consider myself to be playful. But I do recognize I am very different despite our similarities.

Kimberly, yep we joined about the same time. I hung out in MSN crossdressing chat rooms for a while 20+ years ago. It was so poorly moderated that I left and did not look at anything online for years because of that. I am glad I looked at this site and joined after reading many posts i figured I would join the fun.


10-14-2021, 08:12 PM
Hi Sandi :hugs:, Congratulations on # 1000,

When you are here you are Home,

What ever question you have,
there is a 99.875 % chance that one or more
of us will have an answer for you


10-14-2021, 08:12 PM
Of course you are doing self reflection--we LOVE seeing ourselves in the mirror!!!:)

I enjoy reading your posts and admire your boldness in trying new and different places, but you've definitely gotten your rewards for the risks you've taken.

Carry on!

10-16-2021, 07:26 PM
Sandi, a 1000 posts is great. I really enjoy the support I get here as well.

Sandi Beech
10-16-2021, 09:32 PM
Thanks Blue and Jamie,

For Thehiddenme, I definitely have pushed myself to get out there, and yes it has been incredibly rewarding. If you knew how shy the male me was 40 years ago, you would be very surprised at my change of character when dressed. I do not really understand why I am able to become a different person when I go out. It?s kind of weird, but I like it.

Of course if I had not met accepting people when I go out, things would very different. I know you have experienced the same acceptance from your GG friends in particular. It is great isn?t it.
