View Full Version : Nightmare Scenario

12-27-2021, 12:48 PM
I went shopping dressed and on my way home I stopped at a Sheetz to get something to drink.I've been there before so they have seen me and I don't think
they read me.Any way I got my drink and went out to my car and started it up and it was dead.I thought oh no it must be the battery.There was an employee
there who asked if I needed a jump and in my sweetest girl voice I said yes.So he brought his car over but could not figure out how to hook it up to his ca.So
another man came out of the store and i asked him if he could help and he said yes.He brought his car over and started mine up.I offered money to both of
them but they said no.I should have given them a kiss for helping me

12-27-2021, 12:57 PM
Nope. Your offer to pay them was enough.

Kris Burton
12-27-2021, 02:11 PM
This is the sort of thing my wife worries about if I should step out in the community.

12-27-2021, 03:03 PM
Nightmare Scenario?
I can see where it could go bad in a hurry but it sounds more like a testament to the inherent good in people.

I've had people do amazing things for me out of the goodness of their hearts and they far outnumber those that have tried to harm me, including a woman who told her daughter "Yes it is, but isn't it a pretty dress?" when her daughter clocked me, calling me a man in a dress, the one time I went all out and went clubbing dressed.

12-27-2021, 04:38 PM
Michelle, I'd say your "Nightmare" turned out to be a sweet dream!

While I can fully appreciate your panic, I lost my keys during a shopping trip in a mall and had absolutely no plan B. I ran back through my travels and found them in the changing room where I had tried on some dresses. I cannot believe I passed by that part of the evening, and when I got to the changing rooms the SA was hanging the dresses I had tried. After a quick bit of eye contact I slid into the room and saw my keys were now on the seat, I could not have left them there so the SA must have found them and put them there knowing whoever dropped them would be back.

Both encounters had a CD (yes for me, assumed for you) out in public and suddenly interacting with the general public, with the most pleasant and helpful reactions from someone who didn't appear to judge or react negatively to our wearing of clothing normally associated with the opposite gender, awesome to be that accepted by strangers, isn't it?

As to the kiss, if that's the way you felt, go for it!

I hope you're looking back on the trip as an overwhelming success, good on you.

12-27-2021, 04:46 PM
I?m very happy for you the way it turned out. Like Kris, this is our primary concern when I venture out, in addition to police, flat tire, getting hit, etc.

12-27-2021, 06:07 PM
I knew a T Gurl who got into a fender bender that required the police to attend and aside from the officer doing double take looking at the driver's license - it was business as usual.

12-27-2021, 09:10 PM
Michelle, nothing nightmarish about your interaction with these men.

Cheryl T
12-28-2021, 10:46 AM
Something similar happened a few years ago.
I was dressed and driving to our vacation home to do some work and stay a few days. I was 30 miles from home and the car overheated. I had to call for a tow and here I was in a skort, sandals and sleeveless top. Well they said 30 minutes and we all know how that goes. While I waited I debated changing and just said "why bother". Of course in the meantime, a good samaritan stops and I thank him and say the tow is coming. A few minutes later here comes the State Trooper, lights flashing and all. Again, thanking, I say the tow is coming.
Now the tow arrives. Of course it's a young man of about 25. I'm waiting for all the looks and comments and I get Nothing. He's very polite, Ma'am's me a few times and tells me I can wait in the cab. Well, I have him bring it to our house and drop it in the driveway. All the time he's super polite. Of course I gave him a nice tip.
Sometimes we expect the worst only to be pleasantly surprised.

12-28-2021, 11:24 AM
There is always the possibility of something going wrong at any time, but it worries us most if we are out in public dressed.

I once pulled into a parking lot and heard the "thump thump" of a flat tire. Being that I was in my pickup truck with the spare mounted under the bed, this worried me, but when I got out to look, it was a piece of debris stuck in the tire and all I had to do was pull it out.

Another time I was driving on a country road at night and as I rounded a curve, a guy riding a bicycle was coming at me on the wrong side of the road. I did manage to avoid him without hitting anything else, but I can only imagine having to call the police for a possibly fatal accident while dressed as a woman.

Apparently, you passed well enough to pull this off and that''s a good sign for you.

Aunt Kelly
12-28-2021, 11:48 AM
Krisi is so right. I've said it before, if you are not prepared to handle whatever might come your way while "out", don't go.

That is, of course, unless your thing is the adrenaline rush from the perceived "danger of being discovered". There are more than a few here who fall into that category. I don't but with a dozen or so "thrill sports" (rock climbing, hydroplane racing, etc.) on my resume, far be it from me to advise against that particular motivation for going out dressed. :o

12-28-2021, 01:54 PM
As a man, I've helped women (and old people) out in similar situations before. Aside from being a nice thing to do, I don't like the idea of (sorry if this sounds sexist or age-ist) vulnerable people being preyed on by the next guy that might happen along. An offer of money is nice but always refused, the fact that she or they feel willing is thanks enough. If, however, she tried to kiss me, I would suddenly go from feeling good to "oh, great, she thinks I helped just to get a piece." I would feel pity for a woman who felt she needed to "pay" me with anything sexual.
IF I even remotely thought that the woman was actually a man, I would still help out for the same reason plus I understand the fear of being stranded in a dress. If she/he tried to kiss me I would be repulsed, because I'd rather stick my tongue in a blender than kiss a guy, even one who looked good in a dress.

12-28-2021, 03:21 PM
I was only joking about the kiss

Linda K.
12-28-2021, 04:45 PM
Doesn't sound like a nightmare to me. It sounds as if chivalry isn't quite dead yet! Another thing, it doesn't sound like they were bothered by you if you were clocked. That is a great thing!