View Full Version : another hair question

Connie D50
01-04-2022, 04:57 AM
This is a piggy back of Julie's earlier post

I have been growing my hair out but only about 7 months, I'm so torn wheather to keep going or not. My wife knows I'll chicken out and cut it that is the only reason she hasn't said anything. I would love to go the a hair salon and ask for a women style that I could maybe hide (wet it down comb it back) in male mode. Has anyone done this, any advise or experience welcome.

01-04-2022, 05:21 AM
Like you, Connie, I have been growing my hair since the beginning of the last lockdown. I have no plans to have it cut, although K has trimmed it once or twice. Do you have someone to do the same for you?

01-04-2022, 05:50 AM
I've been growing mine out for a year and a half. I absolutely love it, I can now
confidently wear it in a ponytail in man mode or let it down and put it in curls when Dee Dee is around. Hehehe. I did get some flack at first but now everyone close to me is use to it. Good luck 🤞

01-04-2022, 07:43 AM
I haven?t cut my hair for 3 1/2 years now. When I need a trim I go to my local beauty college. The girls there are great, friendly and to me very open minded and eager to please. On top of that they wash & condition my hair a trim which is always checked by their supervisor and usually only cost $5.00. Bargain of a lifetime and I usually leave at least a $5.00 tip. Still so much less than a regular salon 💇*♀️ a win win. About a year and a half a go I got sick for about 3 weeks wasn?t able to wash my hair it got matted. Went to beauty college two students and about 4 hours to get all the knots out cost $40 and gave the girls $30 each. They worked so hard and was able to save my hair without having to cut it all out. Was matted to the scalp. Needless to say I learned a lesson too. No matter how sick you are try and keep your hair washed and brushed. Lol

01-04-2022, 08:43 AM
Hi Connie,

Hang in there. Your hair is probably at an awkward length right now. I remember growing mine out, month 6 or 7 looked pretty horrible. I wore hairbands to keep it out of my eyes and I could barely get a small pony tail. Trust me! Your patience will be rewarded.

01-05-2022, 01:43 AM
A T friend used to wear a masculine looking pony tail. Then, before she went to T events she had a favorite hair dresser prepare her do.:battingeyelashes:

Afterwards, she returned home in her pony tail again!:thumbsup:

01-05-2022, 02:58 AM
Ot was about 7 to 8 and occasionally 9 months I'd grow mine then get it cut. That was the annoying length. It has been like 3 years since mine has been cut. Now in that time it has been trimmed a few times but not cut. My only regret was cutting it at that interval so many times over the years.once I got past the annoying length and it was hard it was so much nicer having long hair.
My advice check for split ends trim them out and let it grow. In no time you will have a pony tail and it will be all good.

Connie D50
01-05-2022, 07:32 AM
Thank you everyone I'll keep you posted for now no cut. :o

Ricky Rayne
01-05-2022, 10:47 AM
You will love it. Just be patient. Mine reaches the middle of my back and there is no way I will go back to a short cut. There is more time spent talking care of it, but we'll worth it !

01-05-2022, 12:00 PM
Hi Connie,

I think you should keep going.

My hair is long enough that I have to be careful not to get it caught in jacket zippers.


Genifer Teal
01-09-2022, 04:31 PM
I did a pony tail for a while them finally started leaving it down. Many awkward phases of growth. You just have to our up with it till it grows out.

01-09-2022, 05:10 PM
Mine has been growing for about 8 months or so and remains at that awkward stage. I can get about half of it into a pony tail but, as it is quite curly, that leaves a lot still where it shouldn't be. Fortunately no one is pressuring me to cut it. Maybe by summer? Certainly by this time next year.

01-09-2022, 08:13 PM
Just wait until you can use a curling iron on it, That is a game changer. You will not want to cut it off after that, trust me.

April Rose
01-09-2022, 08:48 PM
:straightface:Sigh, hair... gosh.... I remember that....:daydreaming:

01-11-2022, 10:20 PM
I could grow my hair long, but unfortunately my head sticks up through my hair. I shave the fringe and go for the totally bald look. I have lots of wigs though.

01-11-2022, 11:56 PM
I have had mine shoulder long for at least 4-5 years. It was a great feeling. But it wasn't what I wanted because it was to thin to style it. I was able sometimes to get it to look nice and shiny and feminine but it wasn't enough. I cut it last year and my wife helped me to choose some really nice wigs from an instagram account. It was really expensive but it was so worth it because now I have what I always dreamed about and it wouldn't be possible with my own hair. But I definitely would say go for it and see how it feels to have long hair. It is a great feeling.

Dressing up
01-13-2022, 08:34 PM
The first year of hair growth is tough. You look like a guy that doesn't take care of his look. It is important at this stage to learn about hair products that can make you hair have the texture or feel that you like, even while it is too short to really style it. I stopped regular hair cuts 2 1/2 years ago. I go once every 2-3 months and get a layered look with my hair just above shoulder length. I can look femme or masculine depending on how I brush it. Not very masculine, but good enough. This past year I work mostly from home, but I do have to go to the office several times a month. I don't get any reaction to my masculine, so I assume it works.

My hair is a bit unruly, wavy with a mind of its own. I like to have my hair straight and it does take a bit of effort, but not too much. I use CHI keratin leave in conditioner, and a flat iron about twice a week. I wash my hair so much less these days, which might be important if you are older like me (56).

I love to have a casual look, slim jeans and flats, a cute top and light mascara. The hair definitely completes that look. In no way do I think I pass, but in public, I do think I get slightly different treatment. Just stick with it, and I hope you have a hairstylist that you are comfortable telling that you want a hybrid look to you hair. If you do not them what you want, they might cut too much off. I go to my hairstylist in my casual attire, so she certainly knows I want to look feminine. I have to remind her that I need to present male sometimes.

Stick with it!

01-14-2022, 05:46 AM
I remember getting constant grief from those around me .. family and work?.after a while the comments stopped as people clicked at what was going on?,
There are many ways you can mask the reason for long hair and how you wear it ? you just have to get it to a certain length to allow you to style? male or female and for me that took about a year

01-14-2022, 08:44 AM
I'm at the almost long enough to so something with it length. I probably had a little too much taken off the back last time, but it was getting to a point it didn't fit with the rest of my hair. I straighten it after it drys, some days I blow-dry it most I don't. It's not quite long enough to style or maybe thick enough, but with a stacked bob, I get compliments on it when out and about. Friends just say it's getting long.

Beverley Sims
01-17-2022, 11:09 AM
Back in the 60s when long hair for men was in I actually got a perm.

I lived as a woman for about six months straight, I am naturally blond or was then and it was very hard to lose that identity.