View Full Version : Pink Fog is Real!

01-13-2022, 10:32 PM
I haven't been on here very long but have read many mentions of the pink fog.. I've always understood what it was, but until today I did not realize how much I actually experience this. My whole day can revolve around it sometimes and it is very much a distraction from my priorities in life.. and at the same time can bring some clarity to where I think I'm going and who I am when it clears. Hmm.

Kris Burton
01-14-2022, 02:28 AM
I got a new outfit from Amazon yesterday, and but did not have the opportunity to try it on. At 12:50 this AM I woke up out of a sound sleep and HAD to put it on. So I did, and that was the only thing that could have cleared the fog enough for me to get any sleep at all. If I had not, I would have laid there all night sleepless thinking about it, wanting to try it on. That's how bad it can get - or as good.

BTW - it's a keeper.

01-14-2022, 06:05 AM
I admit to having a touch of OCD and it certainly expresses itself in my thoughts and choices about dressing. Over the years I have made some regrettable foggy choices.

01-14-2022, 06:18 AM
I have to admit an unusually high level of Amazon orders in recent days. Things just seem to jump into my shopping cart and then appear through the fog at my door.

01-14-2022, 07:57 AM
In the past I would get the pink fog so bad it was like being unable to see anything else. Now that I have reached a point of stability in my non-binary identity and expression pink fog is a rare event and even then very mild.

01-14-2022, 08:06 AM
Emlee, Yes the pink fog is real and when it hits, it hits hard. For me it is especially acute when I have order a new dress and it's on the way.

Karren H
01-14-2022, 09:13 AM
I admit I have done some really stupid things while blinded by the Fog! Probably The Fog was the reason my wife found out. The fog makes you go crazy and let your guard down! Ten BOOM! Someone needs to invent Pink Fog Lights to help maneuver through the Fog! Like these?


01-14-2022, 10:07 AM
It?s real, for sure. Before I joined, I?d never heard the term. My wife could sense my need to dress and referred it to ?butterflies?. I like PF. Fits better. It comes out anytime, when I least expect it?light or heavy, it?s there.

01-14-2022, 10:16 AM
I screwed up yesterday from the fog. I was going to order some new shoes. I pay for my stuff with money I make on side work. Then I buy a visa gift card to make my purchases. Well I needed a hundred and didn't have it. So I used my cash ap card to make the difference. Knew better as my wife is tight with money. Soon as I walked in the door what did you buy at Wal-Mart. Umm a gift card. For what? To buy myself something. Well I ended up having to pull my femme cloths out and laid it out on the bed for her too see. I have to blame it on the fog. I wanted those new shoes and damn if I could have just not gotten greedy. I had enough money for the shoes. I just wanted a little bit more.

Debbie Denier
01-14-2022, 10:33 AM
The pink fog is very real . Thought I controlled it when I married and had kids . It came back with a vengeance 20 years later . Resulting in lapses of judgement and concentration. Like Karren it was how my wife found out. Which resulted in a lot of explaining and her non acceptance.

01-14-2022, 10:47 AM
PF = throwing judgment out the window. The risks I have taken while under the influence of PF!

01-14-2022, 12:11 PM
When I first retired and my wife was still working I had a pent up demand inside me to be en femme all the time. I had about seven hours a day to be en femme. As an in-home dresser being in the house was not a big deal. It was domestic chores a la June Cleaver; dress, heels and hosiery and all the proper undergarments. However, for a long time I did not do any outside chores. I squeezed as much running around chores as possible into the shortest time span. After several months life started to balance out. If I did not have the stature of a six foot, 200 pound guy I would have spent time outside the home in the day time.

Jessica Secret
01-14-2022, 12:48 PM
Oh yes it's definitely real and very strong when it hits. In my case, if I'm at home, I immediately go for a piece in my lingerie wardrobe and the PF is a big reason why I wear beautiful lingerie/sleepwear to bed every night.

April Rose
01-14-2022, 12:59 PM
On the closing day of Fantasia Fair this year there was a seminar on the pink fog. Just goes to show that it is a real concern to everyone in this community.

Linda K.
01-15-2022, 07:47 AM
Karren - You could go blind staring into those! :lol:

01-15-2022, 11:45 AM
I think that the pink fog is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world, it can easily get out of hand financially. I like to shop on Amazon. Instead of buying I put stuff on my private shopping list. I delete most stuff eventually. The stuff I keep I spread out over a couple of months.

Of course there are still times when I go nuts and buy everything in sight. But women need these things, right? Right? … say something!

01-15-2022, 01:31 PM
I get the pink fog every day, when I have a little alone time. Wearing something and taking care of myself makes it disappear, but it's definitely a routine.

Karren H
01-15-2022, 02:39 PM
Karren - You could go blind staring into those! :lol:

They would definitely snap you out of the pink fog!!

01-15-2022, 02:52 PM
*giggle*...love the headlight bra Karren!
I use to think the pink fog was a blonde moment thing and I have found myself doing blonde oops moments while in the pink fog.
It makes me wonder if one goes hand in hand with the other?
I suppose not as being in a prissy mindset doesn't excuse the fact that I locked the key in the car while I closed the door on my maxi skirt!
What's a girl to do? I wasn't thinking of my pretty long nails, or the way my breasts feel while contoured in my bra, only that I was late for my social event.
Being blonde and in the pink fog is like a double wammy!!!!!! :surrender

01-15-2022, 02:57 PM
OMG Karren, the fog lights is the most hilarious thing I've seen in a while :haha::lol2::roflmao:

Sandi Beech
01-15-2022, 03:38 PM
The fog has made me do plenty of irrational things. I have had a bad case of it since I went out dressed for Halloween. Just since thanksgiving I ordered over 40 girly items from Amazon not to mention other stuff. Talk about pink inspired shopping. Then there?s the shoes.


01-15-2022, 05:08 PM
The fog is definitely a real thing. I can't tell you how many times it has hit me. And when it does the stores live me. No doubt about that. Haha

Sometimes Steffi
01-16-2022, 12:41 AM
I screwed up yesterday from the fog. I was going to order some new shoes. I pay for my stuff with money I make on side work. Then I buy a visa gift card to make my purchases. Well I needed a hundred and didn't have it. So I used my cash ap card to make the difference. Knew better as my wife is tight with money. Soon as I walked in the door what did you buy at Wal-Mart. Umm a gift card. For what? To buy myself something. Well I ended up having to pull my femme cloths out and laid it out on the bed for her too see. I have to blame it on the fog. I wanted those new shoes and damn if I could have just not gotten greedy. I had enough money for the shoes. I just wanted a little bit more.

Been there, done that. But I don't mix my "mad money" with "house money". My wife goes through the credit card bills in detail, and I better have a good explanation for any unusual expenditures. I work within a monthly budget and don't overspend. I do have a small cash reserve that I can dip into if I really want to, but I think very hard about using that.

01-16-2022, 07:25 AM
It helps to make excuses for not ordering right now.

There is a sale coming up. They always have sales in another month.

It isn't exactly what I want. Maybe if I do some more shopping I can find one that is in my exact size, cheaper, or in a more pleasing color.

The big one--I already have something on order that will be arriving in a few days.


Bianca Fay
01-16-2022, 10:18 AM
PF = throwing judgment out the window. The risks I have taken while under the influence of PF!

This is so true. The pink fog can be exhilarating but can also be intellectually debilitating. If one's motivation for dressing is arousal, the pink fog can result in risky behavior.

In my case, I would often wear my wife's pantyhose at times when I would almost certainly be caught by her. And I was. Frequently. Deep down I suppose that I wanted to be discovered but the pink fog led me to put on her pantyhose rather than having prior discussions with her about my desire to wear pantyhose.

Angela Marie
01-16-2022, 11:26 AM
In the past I would get the pink fog so bad it was like being unable to see anything else. Now that I have reached a point of stability in my non-binary identity and expression pink fog is a rare event and even then very mild.

I agree Gretchen. Once I accepted that I was transgender the pink fog abated to a large degree. I'm much more comfortable with myself which makes me appreciate my feminine persona even more.

01-16-2022, 12:58 PM
It's definitely crazy when I spend so much time thinking about dressing.
Way too much time!

01-17-2022, 08:48 PM
Just when I think I'm past the fog, it swirls in again. I got some new tech stuff to work with, which will occupy me a lot. Then a couple hours open up, and I jump at the chance to get dressed (no make up, thank god), and my son pulls in. Off with the wig dress and bra, on with the flannel shirt and khaki's. The only fret was that my cincher allows for pronounced "man boobs." He was too taken with my less bearded face to notice, but I sure felt them.

01-29-2022, 06:46 PM
Getting to the point where the female persona may get her own Amazon/Zappos prime acct. Financial judgment goes out the window. New to it all and didn’t even know the phrase until joining here. The fog is real.

01-30-2022, 01:40 AM
Never had a name for this phenomenon until I read this! Totally a thing!