View Full Version : Going out for a bike ride

01-19-2022, 03:42 PM
I'm going to go out and get a ride in before winter falls on my town later tonight/tomorrow morning. I got some new women's Canari cycling jerseys and shorts and haven't ridden since I got them a week ago. Sports bra and forms in and ready for the trail. Only shoes, gloves and helmet are old kit. It'll be the bike that catches any friends attention, if I pass someone I know. Another small step, that's really a big leap.

01-19-2022, 06:39 PM
Have fun. I have not tried that yet.

01-19-2022, 07:19 PM
There is something about bike riding as a exercise cyclist and riding as a casual cruiser that is always fun, no matter the situation.
I had to look up women's Canari cycling jerseys and shorts and it looks and sounds to me like you're going to present as a exercise rider.
I am on the other end of the spectrum as I like my girl upright touring 3 speed bicycle with the flowers in the basket.
So fun! Even for my own Magizine photo shoot...maybe you can do something similar...it would be a cool "Cycling cover photo!" :heehee:

I love wearing a full dress during a soft stroll through the forest preserve bike path; birds chirping, people laughing.
Unfortunately, this time of year, in my neck of the woods, forgetaboutit... *giggle*
Enjoy before the deep freeze hits! Hope the fruit trees don't freeze! :sad:

01-20-2022, 07:15 AM
Billie, enjoy your ride.

01-20-2022, 07:33 AM
Bike ride sounds great. I?ve already had enough winter here in western Virginia. Bicycle clothes, especially jerseys are pretty snazzy. I bet you look great in your outfit.

01-20-2022, 09:07 AM
Had a great ride, made it back before the sunset and it started getting cold. The multi-user trail wasn't too crowded but there were plenty of others riding, walking and jogging.

Crissy 107
01-20-2022, 09:34 AM
Billie, That sounds like great fun on several levels, good for you and thanks for sharing.

Are you still working at Torrid?

01-20-2022, 10:20 AM
Ten years ago, when I lived near Denver, I cycled in the mornings all summer long. Temperatures were slightly on the cool side, so I wore a light jacket zipped up. My short wig and helmet kept my head warm enough.

Soon, I decided to bike in the evening also. Unlike mornings, summer evenings in Denver are warm. I stripped to my sports bra and a light tank top over my bike shorts.

Two problems quickly appeared that confined my biking back to mornings. Biking on a warm evening leads to sweating. A layer of sweat gets under my forms and both of them migrate under my right armpit. Distracting, to be sure, but clothing adhesive and a sturdy regular bra can put the brakes on the inevitable.

Sweat damped my enthusiasm but bugs ended the adventure. Denver has bugs, flying vermin that love warm evenings and, to a lesser degree, cool mornings. I did not notice them in the mornings because my jacket, helmet, and goggles shed them effortlessly. But in the evening, my unshielded d?colletage proved to be a magnet for them. Too many did not extinguish on impact. Most, but not all, did not bite. Trying to jettison this crawling plague spreading across my open, vulnerable chest before they reached other, even more sensitive and private, places gave me the choice of stopping to strip to my sports bra to evict these creepy passengers in a dance that amused passing drivers or winding up as a twisted wreckage on the side of the road. I am ill equipped to dance as a stripper. I did the twisted wreckage thing as a college student. I chose the third option of letting the bugs have their territory.

There are few if any fashion plates on display at 5 am, so I never got far toward looking stylish in bike attire. Bugs and the return of frigid north winds in October ended any notion of my looking like Candy on a bike.

01-21-2022, 02:14 PM
Crissy, yes I am still working at Torrid. But that is coming to an end at the end of the month. I was offered a position to stay on, but I declined. I want to get that free time back. Of course the weather is going to take a turn to winter here.

Abby, I love riding in Colorado. It's on my list of I'd move there without thinking about it.

01-23-2022, 11:13 AM
Billie, Denver must be the most perfect place to ride in season. There is an enormous network of bike trails. I kept a map of them in my bike helmet. Denver is flat, nice for folks like me who are just not ready for hills. But for those who like hills, many of every slope and elevation imaginable are just a short distance away. Bike shops galore have every style of athletic clothing. I also lived in Colorado Springs for a year. Unlike Denver, which is flat, Colorado Springs is all hills, not a flat spot in it.