View Full Version : Some days you can do no wrong. Other days you look like you fell face first ....

01-19-2022, 06:47 PM
Some days you can do no wrong. Other days you look like you fell face first into the makeup counter.

It is true that I do not do makeup every day because I do not dress every day but gee wiz. I would have thought that I can at least not make myself look like a (your words here).

Today is one of those days.

Here is another subject. Have you ever put on a dress that was so tight that you have to remove your bra and forms just to get it off. Never mind considering how hard it was to zip up all alone.
I wish my wife could have helped me. We are in a DS (don't show) relationship. We talk about it but she does not want to see me like that. Well is that a situation where I might get some leeway?
Afterall, I could have been fighting that darn dress for a hour. I even thought I could rip or cut it. I was too well made. It did not budge.

On the upside it pushed all my man boobs way up and I had a ton of cleavage showing.

But not today. I look like crap. Time for a shower.

01-19-2022, 07:14 PM
Even Michelangelo painted over some of his works.

01-19-2022, 07:16 PM
One reason I do not buy dresses with a zipper is my build. I do not have the figure of a woman. A long ago I did buy several dresses with a zipper. It was a tight fit. Once the zipper got past the choke point it slid easy. BUT, getting it off was a job. Since then I read the fabric content and choose fabrics with some stretch. And, I choose, because of my height, dresses with no defined waist line. Dresses for average height women with a waist look terrible. It's akin to an old guy pulling his belt up to his nipple line.

One solution for you is to have your wife put a blindfold on and you back into her. She could feel for the zipper and pull it down. At least she would not see your clothes. She may get a chuckle out of it.

01-19-2022, 07:19 PM
I did not think of that. Blindfold her. That would work when I bought a new motorcycle too.

01-19-2022, 07:19 PM
Natalie, look at it this way. Your next makeup session can only be better. Every cloud has a silver lining.

01-19-2022, 07:53 PM
Had on a sport bra all day. Went to take it off I forgot I had hurt my wrist earlier in the day. I couldn't get it off over my head and the straps wouldn't let me pull it down. After a hour of inching up I got to a point that it came off.
Now about your dress with a zipper. Get a Safety pin. Tie a string to it long enough to reach from your neck to your waist. Most zippers have a hole in the clasp. Put the safety pin in the hole and close it then run the string down your back and pull down it should get you out without ripping your dress.

Maria 60
01-19-2022, 07:54 PM
You just reminded me of a time years ago when my wife didn't want me to wear her dresses. BUT she had this beautiful yellow dress that I was dying to try on. One day I decided to try it on convincing myself I will try it on quickly. When I put it on it felt tight off the bat but of course I was stubborn and kept going. I finally got it on and looked myself in the mirror and I instantly wanted to remove it. I literally killed myself getting to get it over my head and then I couldn't get my hands out of the sleeve. I guess I was struggling so much my hands swelded and with no choice but to face the music I sat on the couch and waited for my wife to come home. It's a good thing she couldn't help but to laugh as she walked in and I was sitting there in a bra and pantyhose with the yellow dress hanging in front of me. I couldn't believe we literally had no choice but to cut the sleeves, she asked me if I learned my lesson but I felt so back she had to ruin her dress. Now she has her closet separated and telling me which ones I could wear if I want.

01-19-2022, 08:03 PM
About three years ago I got dressed up and when I looked in the mirror I thought "I look so bad , why I'm I doing this".
Now three years later I think I do a, decent job with makeup.

About dresses too tight, I usually only wear dresses once, if I have trouble getting it off I'll cut it or tear it off. LOL

If I like it I'll take the time to get it off.

01-19-2022, 09:47 PM
Wasn't it Persophanie who said:

"Some days you're the hammer. Some the nail!":heehee:

01-20-2022, 07:14 AM
Natalie, Boy do I understand. I have had days where I couldn't get my makeup correct and fit into my dress. And like you, it was time to hit the showers.

01-20-2022, 10:26 AM
Natalie, Oh, how true. As Frank Sinatra sang, ?That?s Life?. Yes, especially with lipstick. There are times, I look in the mirror and wonder, What? I just get out my makeup remover and start over. Fortunately, I have a supportive wife and always ask for her opinion and follow her advice.

01-20-2022, 11:18 AM
About three years ago I got dressed up and when I looked in the mirror I thought "I look so bad , why I'm I doing this".
Now three years later I think I do a, decent job with makeup.

About dresses too tight, I usually only wear dresses once, if I have trouble getting it off I'll cut it or tear it off. LOL

If I like it I'll take the time to get it off.


You have a fantastic wardrobe. You only wear dresses once? What do you do with them? I bet you can sell them to ThreadUp. They will pay you for them and sell them as used clothes on their website.

Philippa Grace
01-20-2022, 06:27 PM
Natallie, the first time I seen your avatar I thought wow, you are the spitting image of an HR manager I worked with about three years ago, and she was gorgeous. From someone who is still very much a novice at makeup, I would love to be as good as you, you'll have disasters, but I bet you're better than you think.
I remember trying on a dress in a charity shop with my SO with me, as I was going to a stag night and we were to be dressed as pregnant women. I was so excited as I was going to get out dressed for the first time, but once the dress was on, I realised it was too small and couldn't get it off!! Lucky my SO was there to help but little did she know how disappointed I was as the stag do was eventually in drab!

Karren H
01-21-2022, 06:46 AM
That happened more than I would like to admit, those photos will never see the light of day!

01-25-2022, 08:15 AM
I'm very fortunate, my wife is wonderful and accepting, but she also doesn't wanna see me in full attire. I totally respect that. Just happy I can explore it myself! She has, however, offered and done my makeup for me, which was awesome to learn some technique, but then as you stated so well, I tried myself the next day and face-first into the makeup counter. Took a couple of tries but I think I'm getting the hang of it!