View Full Version : Wrinkle creams and Lotions

04-08-2006, 01:17 AM
Has anyone had success using any of the range of creams and lotions that are now on the market to hide/remove those tell-tell lines of age

Bev06 GG
04-08-2006, 03:58 AM
Hi Dottie,

I dont know how they get away with it, but the makeup industry can sell you a lie and make millions from it. There are creams and lotions that can tighten your skin temporarily and get rid of fine lines for a short while, but the truth of the matter is if there was a magical cream that banished wrinkles, we'd all have some. Unfortunately there is not.
For photo shoots I do use the temporary ones, because they do work, but they are not permanant by any means.
Take care

carol ann
04-08-2006, 05:08 AM
I agree - no easy answer. However i do suggest that you do as nearly all girls do and that is to use a good moisturiser on a regular daily basis and an eye cream to reduce the shadow under the eyes. a firming cream may help to keep wrinkles at an accceptable level. I also alway use a moisturiser around the breast area to keep them smooth and supple and a silkening body lotion all over to keep my skin feeling lovely and smooth

Karren H
04-08-2006, 08:50 AM
I use a variety of lotions and it does help my skin. I notice a big difference when I dont use them, dry and more wrinkles! Ekkkkkkkk Getting old sucks! LOL Most have retinol (Vit E). Many are my wifes too. hehehe

Love Karren