View Full Version : Earring Repair

02-10-2022, 09:45 AM
I had the clasp fail on my favorite pair of clip-on earrings. I took them to a jeweler, in male mode, to see if they could fix them. While the guy was in the back seeing what he could do, the lady out front asked "so is it your wife who doesn't have pierced ears" and I just panicked and said yes. I don't know why I didn't just say "oh no, they are mine". I usually do better admitting clothes are for me when shopping if dealing with a female associate, but just couldn't do it this time.

Does anyone else find themselves having this problem?

02-10-2022, 01:38 PM
I think it's just sometimes we get caught unexpectedly and not having time to think we just blurt out whatever seems suitable at the time.

As for repairing clip-on's; I use these (https://www.nbeads.com/shop/p-2279691-brass-clip-on-hoop-earrings-for-non-pierced-ears-with-spring-findings.html?currency=GBP&country=GB&gclid=Cj0KCQiAjJOQBhCkARIsAEKMtO3hgI2Y9r1PtlzIwXVQ XxEH9jc0xw69GOLnS7Aspy2FEbLIpNmP7PUaAp8SEALw_wcB) to make/mend my earrings. You can find them on Amazon, eBay plus jewellery findings suppliers and cheap as chips. Plus they make it look like you've got pieced ears.

02-10-2022, 01:42 PM
Sure dont, its not againt any law in the world that you cant as a man purchase female clothes or jewelry, my wife is housebound most of the time, I do all the shopping, including buying her clothes, fortunely Ive never been arrested yet or spent anytime in prison for it, lol

Genifer Teal
02-10-2022, 03:32 PM
I think that is a weird question to ask. Completely irrelevant.

02-10-2022, 08:18 PM
Does anyone else find themselves having this problem?

Yes this happens sometimes but I don't see it as a problem. I always shop in male mode but sometimes I don't feel the need to bring up that it's for me. For some reason if the SA mentions it being for my wife, I usually don't say anything. But if they ask who it's for I'll tell them it's for me.

In this case I probably would have told her the ear rings are mine. I think it also depends on the SA's disposition - friendly or all business.

Linda K.
02-11-2022, 01:55 PM
If you don't visit this jeweler very often, it really doesn't matter how you answered it, you will likely never see them again. If it is one you do visit often for all your jewelry repairs, you answered it just fine. If you are worried how you are going to answer if something like this pops up again, practice how you will answer in case it does come up. I think you handled it just fine.