View Full Version : Sleeping in breast forms

Sometimes Steffi
02-17-2022, 10:30 PM
I just love sleeping in breast forms.

My wife has decided to sleep in the spare bedroom.

When the cat's away, the mice will play.

There's nothing like waking up wearing a bra and breast forms, except maybe a BA.

And a BA will get me aa one way ticket out of the marriage and out of the house.

The perfect definition of "A Bridge Too Far."

02-18-2022, 01:26 AM
I sleep in a bra and breast forms every night.

But, I must confess to ignorance or maybe my mind just isn't working at the moment; but, what is BA?

EDIT: My mind is working again. I assume that references breast augmentation. DUH!!!

02-18-2022, 01:48 AM
I've only had my forms for about a month, but I sleep wearing them and a bra most nights.
The other night I didn't (I had the bra on, but not the forms), and it felt oddly strange.

I left them in the car yesterday, and at bedtime it bugged the crap out of me till I went out to the car and got them.

02-18-2022, 04:59 AM

Just to clarify, is your wife OK with you wearing a bra and forms or should it happen that she comes back for, shall we say, a cuddle on one occasion, then things could go downhill fast?

02-18-2022, 06:42 AM
Steffi, Sounds like you are playing with fire.

Sometimes Steffi
02-18-2022, 07:44 AM

Just to clarify, is your wife OK with you wearing a bra and forms or should it happen that she comes back for, shall we say, a cuddle on one occasion, then things could go downhill fast?

Umm, my wife doesn't know, or maybe she does know and hasn't said anything about it.

I figure that it falls under the DADT policy. I haven't told her because she doesn't want to see me dressed. And a lot of posters here say that wearing forms is too far for their SO. She hasn't asked, probably because it hasn't crossed her mind. But maybe she suspects and is afraid to ask because she doesn't want confirmation.

Am I playing with fire? Yup, I guess so. But I can't remember the last time I got any cuddling. Maybe I'm subconsciously hoping to start a conversation about cuddling with her instead of wearing breast forms. Will I get burnt playing with fire? Probably. Te real question is how badly will I get burnt. Will she withhold sex from me? I forgot what sex is it has been so long. Will she throw me out of the house? That would be the first step to separation and divorce.

Don't feel bad for me. I have reached accommodation with what I can and can't do.

See y'all at the Keystone Conference.

02-18-2022, 08:50 AM
Tried it a couple of times and couldn't get to sleep.

02-18-2022, 09:37 AM
Aside from whatever is going on between you and your wife, are your breast forms designed to be slept in? Many of the better ones are not and sleeping in them (unless you can sleep on your back and never turn over) can put excess pressure on them and eventually cause them to leak or burst.

I have tried sleeping in my forms but I mostly sleep on my side (one or the other) and this pushes the forms to the center and out of place. And since I still have a penis and testicles and can feel them, I can't really say that sleeping in forms make me feel like a woman. Now I could tuck and wear my padded panties, but I have to get up a few times during the night to pee and this makes it difficult.

Bottom line is, it doesn't really work for me.

02-18-2022, 10:14 AM
I've never tried it, but I prefer to wear as little as possible to sleep in. Anything not necessary for warmth just seems wrong.

02-18-2022, 11:17 AM
I sleep with breast forms often and my wife and I share the same bed, and cuddle! The other night she went to bed before me. I stayed up and dressed for a while, then decided to leave on a stretchy tank top, bra and forms. I crawled in with her and she scooted over to cuddle up to my and her hand ended up right on my boob. I was mildly surprised as she tolerates my dressing quite well, but generally doesn't care for the boobs. I laid there for a few minutes and she moved and readjusted her position, and her hand went right back to my boob. I also noticed she caressed it lightly and gave it a couple light squeezes.

I mentioned it to her in the morning and she didn't remember a thing, which is pretty normal. She has woken up when I come to bed and had long intelligent conversations and in the morning she doesn't remember a thing! Anyway she thought that it was pretty funny and said that maybe subconsciously she doesn't mind the boobs that much after all!

Steffi, you have been around here long enough that one morning you will get caught. Perhaps she will come to you in the middle of the night for some reason. At any rate, just be mentally prepared for when it happens!

02-18-2022, 11:25 AM
I'd say you're playing with fire. Now, the question is whether you're going to burst in flames or be slow roasted. My wife and I are in a similar situation. We sleep apart for medical reasons; tossing and turning by either of us awakens the other with mutual back problems. I've taken up sleeping in a nightgown and panty. Sometimes I add a bra with pseudo forms, i.e., an old Nerf Ball cut in half and placed within a molded bra cup. It adds definition but can be squished when sleeping. I thought "What if?" my wife were to decide to get up early and come check on me. When she cleaned out the back of her side of the walk-in closet she tossed a big heap of nightgowns she had out grown (sigh) and told me to take what I wanted. She knew there was one I would be interested in. I took that as a green light or at least she was not going to go berserk about I wearing a nightgown to sleep.

I'd say the way you and your wife are playing the game is "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" with the modification that she has to make a conscious effort to avid the elephant in the room. The most difficult part of DADT is trying to start a conversation rather than avoiding the issue. If your wife were to hop in the bed while your sleeping in forms, what do you think would happen? If your prior experience is she went totally off the rails, then you probably will not get anywhere. I have tossed that situation over in my head. I'd tell her or ask her, if she knew I would take the nightgown from the heap, what do you think I would do with it?

If I were to fully engage in conversation I'd tell her one of the troubling aspects of DADT is her declination to engage has meant she was not able to rein me in. In all probability, if she had not instituted DADT I would have been totally satisfied wearing a nightgown with the attention and cuddling there once was. Left my own devises I only found self fulfillment by adding one thing after another. I don't think I would have intentionally "nudged" her along which seems to be one of the recommendations I read all the time.

Are you trying to start a conversation? Probably, yes. But, what direction are you really wanting the conversation to go? What's the end goal? Marital dissolution? Or some limited acknowledge of this other part of you? What's your end game?

April Rose
02-18-2022, 11:39 AM
Sleep is such a challenge for me that I won't even sleep in a bra, let alone breast forms. Even a nightgown has to be very loose and comfortable.

Mackem Sue
02-18-2022, 11:56 AM
Sleep is such a challenge for me that I won't even sleep in a bra, let alone breast forms. Even a nightgown has to be very loose and comfortable.

Ditto. A bra gripping me during the night would keep me awake.

But keeping slip, panties and stockings on is a different and very pleasant matter.


02-18-2022, 02:12 PM
Aside from whatever is going on between you and your wife, are your breast forms designed to be slept in? Many of the better ones are not and sleeping in them (unless you can sleep on your back and never turn over) can put excess pressure on them and eventually cause them to leak or burst.

I have tried sleeping in my forms but I mostly sleep on my side (one or the other) and this pushes the forms to the center and out of place. And since I still have a penis and testicles and can feel them, I can't really say that sleeping in forms make me feel like a woman. Now I could tuck and wear my padded panties, but I have to get up a few times during the night to pee and this makes it difficult.

Bottom line is, it doesn't really work for me.

I wear solid silicone forms with no poly covering, Krisi. So, they can never tear or leak. Even if I step on them. Which I have!:doh:

I find wearing bra, forms, tite girdle, and tucking to be very diverting when I can't sleep when various thots r running thru my mind. Then, all I can think about is the fem things I'm wearing and soon drift off!:thumbsup:

I get up 3 times every nite to go, too, Krisi.

Paulie Birmingham
02-18-2022, 02:25 PM
Its kind of funny. My wife never sleeps in a bra unless its part of a play outfit and we fell asleep before she can take it off. And she has perky c's

02-18-2022, 09:54 PM
I'm off and on wearing forms to bed. I have a mastectomy leisure bra that has a front closer and wear B size silicon forms, instead of my usual C size day forms.

02-19-2022, 12:30 AM
I slept in a dress one night! It was not planned, but I could not get the zipper pulled down for nothing so I gave up and went to bed wearing my whole outfit! When my wife woke up in the morning she had to laugh when I explained. She did say I could have woken her up, but I hate to as she has sometimes has trouble falling back to sleep.

I sleep in a bra and forms often.

Kris Burton
02-19-2022, 04:32 AM
To each their own, but when I have my forms on, sleep is the furthest thing from my mind.

Maria 60
02-19-2022, 08:14 AM
I always wanted to wear my forms to bed but when I bought mine they suggested it's not a good idea to. I guess reading here it must not damage or ruin them, I guess I'm going to have to try

02-19-2022, 08:43 AM
I wear my forms inside a pocket bra and have enjoyed sleeping wearing them from time to time, especially when it's cold. The silicone absorbs the warmth and makes them feel like an extension of my own body. I also love the feeling of waking up with boobs.

No harm will come to the forms as long as one does not apply undue pressure on them.

Angela Marie
02-19-2022, 09:35 AM
I just can't conceive of a situation I would want to sleep with breast forms. Unless I was born with them or developed them as part of my transition it would just feel too unnatural and uncomfortable. Just my opinion.

02-19-2022, 09:43 AM
I always wanted to wear my forms to bed but when I bought mine they suggested it's not a good idea to. I guess reading here it must not damage or ruin them, I guess I'm going to have to try

It depends on the type of forms. Some are made in a way that they won't break if you put weight on them and others can burst or split which you probably wouldn't want to wear those to bed unless you're sure you won't roll over on them.

Cheryl T
02-20-2022, 11:19 AM
I wear mine to bed nearly every night.
It's not recommended but I'll accept the risk. I never sleep on my stomach so there's little pressure on the forms and after so many years doing this with no damage I'll continue to enjoy the feeling.

02-20-2022, 12:20 PM
I wore my new Vollence breast forms to bed last night, the larger ones that work out to a 38DDD . I wore a tight white t-shirt over my bra. I woke up in the middle of the night, one form was pretty much where it was supposed to be, the other was sharing the sleeve of my t-shirt! I laid there and messed with them a bit, gave up and got out of bed and took everything off and went back to bed!
If I try it again I have a tight lycra tank top that holds everything in place fairly well. I don't know why I didn't wear it instead of the t-shirt!

02-20-2022, 12:29 PM
38DDD? that sounds like a very specific size. No wonder it shifted. A pocket bra would have kept the form in place better.

Have you tried the sister size, 40DD? I should think they'd be more common.

02-20-2022, 03:43 PM
I've slept in night gowns and bras going to bed. Everything just feels so soft and smooth, that I am able to fall asleep easier, this coming from a very light sleeper. I love waking up in the morning and finding myself wearing these things.

02-20-2022, 06:46 PM
38DDD? that sounds like a very specific size. No wonder it shifted. A pocket bra would have kept the form in place better.

Have you tried the sister size, 40DD? I should think they'd be more common.

My chest measures 38, a 40 band is too loose. I have no issues buying 38DDD bras.

The big issue is gravity and sleeping on my side. Tough to keep that much boob under control.

Sometimes Steffi
02-20-2022, 07:04 PM
I always wanted to wear my forms to bed but when I bought mine they suggested it's not a good idea to. I guess reading here it must not damage or ruin them, I guess I'm going to have to try

I have sleep apnea so I'm tethered to a CPAP device on the floor by a 6 foot air tube. It's pretty hard to roll on my side, never mind my stomach. I sleep on my back most of the time. That keeps the breast forms from squishing and breaking.

02-20-2022, 07:11 PM
So... You sleep tethered to a CPAP device, face up, while wearing breast forms and a bra? And your wife, who lives with you, may or may not know? 👍

02-20-2022, 09:43 PM
I understand the gamut of feelings and etc, but for me wearing a bra/with forms and pantyhose to sleep in is highly distracting although in a nice way,,,but interupts a peaceful sleep. Don`t do that anymore. Slinky nitegowns yes! Just no bra or hose

02-20-2022, 11:30 PM
A quick update. On Saturday I picked up the new breast forms I had ordered that were delivered to an Amazon locker. My triangle DD forms weight 1200g. These tear drop DD forms weight 2000g. I slept with the new forms last night. All I can say is WOW!!! Yes, I love sleeping with breast forms and the larger (weight and size even though purportedly the same cup size) ones are a treat to behold.

02-21-2022, 12:09 AM
My chest measures 38, a 40 band is too loose. I have no issues buying 38DDD bras.
Good for you. I only shop for 42Cs, which is my usual size.

The big issue is gravity and sleeping on my side. Tough to keep that much boob under control.I'm not sure, but if you wear forms, you may consider investing in a pocket bra. It's the best way to make sure one's boobs stay in place, imo.

02-21-2022, 12:12 AM
Patience, I have considered a pocket bra, but I am happy with what I have. I have a snug stretchy tank top that helps immensely to keep the girls in place.

02-21-2022, 03:48 PM
I wear 44C and 44D underwire bras - both front closure and back closure. I've never had an issue with the breast forms wanting to escape. I generally lay on my side to fall asleep and wake up on my back. They are always in place.

02-21-2022, 11:55 PM
I have that same scenario. I don't have my forms yet but I do sleep in stockings, garters, panties, and a bra regularly. My CPAP is not that big of a deal and my wife has her own room.

Karren H
02-22-2022, 07:03 AM
I used to sleep with forms while on business trips. But never at home while the wife is sleeping in the next room. Now I do not need forms.

02-22-2022, 08:53 AM
I wore my Vollence forms last night, the larger ones, 38DDD on me, with a stretchy tank top. They were still where they are supposed to be this morning.

02-22-2022, 07:31 PM
For many years I was not able to sleep with breastforms, partly because my ex wife was not to happy about it, but also because I had hard time getting to sleep when wearing forms.

Almost eight years ago I met my SO. She is very supportive of my dressing, even when we are intimate. She noticed that I always took out my forms when going to sleep - leaving just girdle and nightgown, and asked why. I told her about my issues with sleeping with them. She thought I should give it a try - especially since I really wanted to wake up in the morning with breasts. So I did, and after a couple of weeks eith envouragement from my SO I sleept all night with my D-cup breast forms.

About one year ago I bought G-cup breast forms. They are heavy (about 2,5 kg each), and I was not sure if I could sleep with them. But with a new girdle from Miss Mary of Sweden - size 44 G - the forms stay perfectly in place during the while night. I am not able to sleep on my back anymore because of the weight, but it works fine sleeping on the side.

Even after several years sleeping with forms, I still get exited every morning when I wake up and feel my breast.

Genifer Teal
02-23-2022, 01:20 PM
I sleep in mine all the time. I don't intentionally lay on them. I found a comfortable way to lay on my side or I lay on my back. I don't go out of my way to put them on to go to bed. I also don't go out of my way to take them off when I do go to bed. Lol

02-25-2022, 08:36 AM
I always do!

02-28-2022, 07:49 AM
I sleep with breast forms often and my wife and I share the same bed, and cuddle! The other night she went to bed before me. I stayed up and dressed for a while, then decided to leave on a stretchy tank top, bra and forms. I crawled in with her and she scooted over to cuddle up to my and her hand ended up right on my boob. I was mildly surprised as she tolerates my dressing quite well, but generally doesn't care for the boobs. I laid there for a few minutes and she moved and readjusted her position, and her hand went right back to my boob. I also noticed she caressed it lightly and gave it a couple light squeezes..............

Me, at that point, I would have taken that as a hint and started squeezing her breasts. That might have led to a pleasant experience. ;)

02-28-2022, 09:42 AM
Krisi, it probably would have not gone any where as he had been sleeping for a couple hours already. Once she is asleep, she is asleep!