View Full Version : More Bold

Maria 60
02-26-2022, 12:36 PM
I mentioned this before and my wife has repeatedly tried to help me out with this, let me give an example.
Last night we went to the mall and we went into Victory Secrets to buy my wife the "LOVE" perfume she wears. We went past a display with a silk teddy with matching bra and panty set, my wife caught my eye contact and asked me if I wanted it. She checked out the price and told me it was on sale and a great deal. Even with the great deal it was a little to much and I told my wife not to worry about it, but she was already rummaging looking for my size. I told her again in a low voice not to worry about it because it's to much money and we don't know my exact size and there's no return on it.
She told me she wanted to buy it for me and she doesn't understand why as soon as we get near something fem or we cross that line into the women's department at Walmart I get nervous, sweaty and act wierd. The next thing I hear her do is yell out to the sales women, "excuse me", the girl came over and my wife asked her if she could measure me. The S/A told her certainly and to go over to where she has the measuring tapes, I turn to my wife and ask her if she's crazy there's so many people in here. She dragged me over like I was a 10 year old boy dragged by his mom. The S/A explained due to the Covid she would show me how but she can't touch me, my wife grabbed the tape and was measuring me to the instructions of the S/A. Once we got the measurements my wife pointed at the set and asked the S/A if she could get everything in that set to my sizes. The S/A without a flinch told my wife that wasn't a problem and when she got everything together she asked my wife if there was anything else she could help us. My wife was so upset with me that she forgot about her perfume and I told the S/A with my squeaky voice we needed the "Love" perfume.
We left the store and we went into a coffee shop, she instantly apologized for getting so aggressive and upset but doesn't understand why I get so embarrassed and weird when it comes to this stuff. I told her it's a small world and anyone of our friends or family members could have seen me in there. She told me that was my main problem that I would suspect that if someone sees me with anything fem they would automatically put 2+2 together and assume I crossdress. She said if anyone would have come up to us and ask what we were doing she would tell the person "nothing now but if you come to our house tonight the lights will be out and door locked and give a wink".
She said when she asked the S/A to measure me and while I was getting measured that everyone around seen and heard her and maybe they put on a little grin on there face but they can't assume anything, all they can do is speculate. When I act weird is when people are going to think I'm weird and suspect something and better to act natural and leave everyone guessing.
She said that I probably would have went home and regretted that I didn't get it because I was worried about what some strangers would have speculated about me, instead now I'm going home and going to enjoy the new set I got and not care what those strangers are speculating about.
She tells me over and over not to hold back and if I want something to go for it, if I don't succeed at least I tried.
She is right and she really does want me to fulfill my fantasies and do what I want not what others want. I don't know why I get that way, I quess I just have old school mentality.

Kris Burton
02-26-2022, 12:43 PM
I think your wife is moving you in the right direction. Don't be shy, be enthused! Perhaps the only person your dressing might matter to is encouraging you. Don't be hesitant, go with it and enjoy!

Sandi Beech
02-26-2022, 12:53 PM

If I had an accepting wife like you, I would only be concerned what she thinks. If she is comfortable with whatever, own it and don?t look back. Most of us have some sort of limitations as to what we can or cannot do, but it seems you are pretty lucky. Staying in her comfort zone is what is important if you ask me.


02-26-2022, 01:40 PM
My wife will usually only hold dresses and shirts up to me when we are shopping away from home, but is slowly starting to do it at stores closer to home. Like most wives still coming to terms with a CD spouse, she is afraid of someone we know seeing. If she were to do something like your wife, I'd be thrilled.

Cheryl T
02-26-2022, 03:14 PM
Your wife sounds great.
I know what she means about the nervousness setting in when nearing the women?s section. I was like that at first as well but got over it pretty quickly when I began going out all the time. In drab it used to be scary. You don?t want to out yourself but you want to shop.
Now I always am dressed when we shop and it?s just natural so all the trepidation is gone.

02-26-2022, 06:28 PM
I'd be thrilled if my wife wanted to shop with me for my girly things. Hold onto that woman and do as she says when shopping. She should be the only person whose feelings you are concerned about when it comes to your CDing.

02-26-2022, 09:44 PM
Maria, I have said before I love your stories and your wife's very open support. Your wife was right and you were just nervous. I'm glad she was in charge in this case. Enjoy your new items.

Crissy 107
02-26-2022, 11:07 PM
Maria, Myself and so many of us read your posts and think that you are one of the luckiest CDers in the world. Just thinking to myself if that was me brings a huge smile to my face

02-27-2022, 02:25 AM
I guess it will get easier and easier for you Maria. Whenever I'm in England, I stock up on women's undies and men's clothes in Marks and Spencer. Usually I take my Mum, who is happy at the opportunity of a shopping trip. But she isn't keen when I buy girly stuff for myself. Although if I pick up things for my partner, she's fine. Last time I was there, as the shop assistant folded up some knickers, I told her they were 50% for my girlfriend and 50% for me, mostly just to surprise my mother. Mother started to scold me (even in my late 50s), but the assistant said to her that the modern world is changing and why worry about it. After that, Mum lightened up and chatted away with her as usual. So you could take the brazen approach Maria. After all, what is it you want to do? Buy and wear clothes that give you a thrill. Heck, everybody wants to get a kick out of their life, one way or another.

bridget thronton
02-27-2022, 02:45 AM
You have a great wife Maria

02-27-2022, 04:43 AM

Reading many of your posts there's a theme that runs through them and sorry but I have to say that you're your own worst enemy when it comes to dressing.

Your wife is it seems giving you the thing so many here would give an arm for. Freedom to dress yet you keep holding yourself back. It really is time you realised this and set yourself free to fully explore your dressing and take those golden opportunities your wife hands to you on a silver platter.

02-27-2022, 08:24 AM
Maria, I think most of us would give anything to have a wife that is accepting as your wife. Her perspective is correct - it is a variation on the "Just Do It" kind of thinking. Problem is we have a lot of deeply ingrained resistance that comes from what we learned in our early childhood. "Boys are boys; girls are girls and never the twain shall meet. Whether male or female you have to be true to that." BULL!! The fact is, that doesn't really even apply to the average person. Most people have a considerable dose of the other gender in them that comes out in certain circumstances and few are only one way or the other. But some have a whole lot more of the "other gender" and you and I and most of the people on this site are that way. It is the way we are configured.

Accept and follow her guidance. If you go too far, she will let you know, but obviously you are far from that point and if she is the most important person in your life as your mate, listen to her for her words are spoken with love and consideration.

"Happy wife, happy husband," goes the saying. Huh! Works the other way just as well.

02-27-2022, 03:30 PM
Wow, I have a completely different take than everyone else. You had every right to have been upset with your wife, and she needs to respect your limits. You told your wife "no". Instead, she bought an employee over and made you feel embarrassed and uncomfortable. You don't need to justify why you feel uncomfortable in situations like that, you said no and it should have ended there.

03-01-2022, 11:54 AM
Maria, reading your posts of the interactions with your wife is therapeutic for me. Nice to know not all the women in the world think cross dressing men are weird. Your wife wears the right perfume in more ways that one; LOVE!

Paulie Birmingham
03-01-2022, 05:09 PM
Maybe she wants some fun from ur crossdressing too. Femdom relationship? I agree it was a little pushy.

But i wasn't there observing in person.

03-04-2022, 05:30 AM
Awesome story once again! I love your posts Maria! I have one concern though, & I think it's going to doom us as a species.
So the SA couldn't touch you due to Kovit? Well, what about the tape measure she has surely touched that has now touched both you and your wife? What about the clothes that the SA has gathered, put in a bag, and given to you? If this absurdity and mind set continues.......................

03-04-2022, 07:11 AM
It?s great you ended up with all the desired items, it?s great she supports your crossdressing, but might have been better if she had respected your feelings. But, all in all, a pretty good outcome.