View Full Version : I did a thing

02-28-2022, 11:41 AM
So, I did a thing this morning. I shaved my mustache off. I have had one since 1988 and I shaved it off once before 22 years ago. I have been thinking about doing this for a while now as I feel it was starting to look a bit ratty with all the different colors, blonde, darker blonde, and gray, but I think finding this site and taking a more serious look into my dressing kind of sealed the deal. I also had a hell of a time getting the red lipstick stain out of the edges this past weekend! Lol!! I am looking into a transformation makeover in the near future and I would have to shave it off for that as well. More to follow....

02-28-2022, 12:13 PM
I shaved mine off last winter. My wife did my makeup a couple times to see what I would look like, bought a wig too. I wasn't impressed wit the final results. Two weeks later my beard was back!

Karren H
02-28-2022, 12:25 PM
Mine came off 20 years ago when my crossdressing came back with a vengeance! Wife asked me why. Told her it was time for a change. She found out how big a change a few years later.

02-28-2022, 12:31 PM
I find I can grow a beard and stash back in 2 weeks after a T event. Then, I color it so u can see the pathetic grey/white hairs!:devil:

Kris Burton
02-28-2022, 12:55 PM
Way to go AmeeJo! I had some sort of facial hair - mustache, goatee or beard - since 1975, when I was 23. It all came off this past fall in order to further develop my feminine persona, and it had a unexpercted but important effect - even as my male self, I look much younger. Looks like you found that out too.

Jane G
02-28-2022, 01:19 PM
:eek: Nice one. :thumbsup: Personally always cross-dressed, never had any desire for facial hair. :)

Marissa Q
02-28-2022, 01:22 PM
Awesome, AmeeJo. Aside from dressing, one of the most transformative things you can do (regardless of how you present) is to shave off facial hair that has been around for years/decades/eons. It can also make you look years younger!

02-28-2022, 02:19 PM
That's a great, bold move. It also opens a real avenue for dressing up. I cleaned off my face for the first time in over 40 years recently, but I'd rather not get into details. Let it stand that I got to try a number of things that I hadn't before. Enjoy the ride!

Marsha Louise
02-28-2022, 03:06 PM
Like many here, I've let my facial hair grow on and off over the years, including a period of 20 years with a mustache. I took it off for good more than 25 years ago and soon began to wonder why I hadn't done so sooner; it looked hideous compared to me being clean-shaven!
Good for you, AmeeJo, and the rest of you girls who finally came to their senses!

02-28-2022, 04:22 PM
I shaved my mustache off in 2007 and never looked back.

02-28-2022, 06:07 PM
Good for you
I always found facial hair disgusting, just like most of the unfortunate effects of testosterone poisoning. As such, I have always shaved. The only exception was a 2 week backpacking trip where I minimized what I was carrying, including a razor.

02-28-2022, 08:37 PM
good for you ameejo! i did similar, about 2 weeks ago, i shaved my goatee off for the first time in about 8 years

02-28-2022, 11:42 PM
Way to go. I have grown a beard at various times in my life. I rarely have kept one for more than 5 or 6 months. I have always tended to shave once/week before going to church. If we were traveling and weren't going to church, by the 2nd week of not shaving I would make the decision to grow a beard again or not. Well, that once/week shaving has now become about 3 times/week. The reason is I don't know which night the makeup bug will bite me and I want to be ready. Isn't it funny how this crossdressing bug makes us change our routines?

03-01-2022, 12:40 AM
Good move AmeeJo. I had a moustache for eight years. But it was going white anyway, so I no longer liked it. I also shave off my sideboards when I put on a wig. But let them grow back in between.

03-01-2022, 02:20 AM
After many years with a beard and mustache, I got rid of it a few months ago when I realized it just wasn't the look I wanted when dressed.
It's not coming back.

Jane P
03-01-2022, 04:58 AM
That's a a big step in how we let others see ourselves, and I don't let anyone see myself. I am off and on on facial hair , when I got my first pedicure a few weeks back was the first time anyone saw that I shaved my legs. It is hard to be comfortable with ones self, at least it is for me. Whether you like it or not you can grow facial hair back in a heartbeat so it is somethings you can get used to ,as well as your SO. Stay well AmeeJo.

03-01-2022, 06:34 AM
I started growing my mustache on Thanksgiving weekend of 1968. The beard dates to August 1972. In the late 70s I thought it might be time for a change and trimmed things down to a goatee. One look in the mirror and I chickened out.

Lately I've been thinking ...

03-01-2022, 07:31 AM
Congrats on taking such an impressive step! Shaving a moustache is one thing. shaving a 34 - year old moustache is quite another.

I am lucky my facial hair is very sparse. Still need to shave, though.

On a side note, you will find you will get better responses if you post more descriptive thread titles.

03-01-2022, 10:24 AM
Good for you. It is difficult to make those types of transitions. For some it is the whim that hit them this morning and that is what they end up doing. I am a lot like Patience, very minimal facial hair growth. Honestly no body hair at all. Started shaving my legs when I was in my teens and it stopped growing years ago. I grew a sad little mustache and goatee and wore that for many years. It had a gap in the center of my chin that only grew maybe a few hairs. I think my wife tolerated it but always told me it made me look old. It turned fully gray years ago. I made mention in December of shaving it. It was not as much about my dressing but that I had grown tired of dealing with it. I hate dealing with what little bit of facial hair I do have. It is gone now and I can easily get away with shaving about twice a week anyway. Never say never but I am not thinking it will reappear any time soon. What was really funny is that none of my co-workers or friends mentioned anything afterwards. So either it was that unnoticeable or they did not want to mention anything about it.

03-09-2022, 04:51 PM
I had a full beard for about 40 years; it was one way to keep myself from venturing out dressed en femme, should I ever get the delusion that I might pass. Worked fine. After that, I trimmed it down to a Fu Manchu mustache, as the rest of the beard was starting to get patchy gray and white bits, and I just looked like a homeless guy. Then the Fu Manchu started graying, and I would touch it up with 'Just for men' hairdye. When the top of my head started graying, I gave up and just started shaving my face again. The good thing was, after having a full beard all those years, it sort of protected the facial skin, so I'm still sans wrinkles (other than crows feet on the lateral sides of my eyes) and my facial skin looks younger than my age would suggest.

April Rose
03-09-2022, 10:38 PM
I had various kinds of beards and mustaches over the years, but none of them lasted very long. Sooner or later the pink fog would roll in, and out would come the razor.

A few months ago, almost, but not quite on a whim, I decided to have my beard removed by electrolysis. I am about 30 hours into the process by now. I still have a long way to go. I am having it done at a trade school, the only way I could afford it. It is expensive to get it done commercially.

The students are mostly older, 30's and 40's and are serious and professional about what they are doing. They are all aware of my trans status, and they treat me with courtesy and respect. In fact, they always seem happy to see me, just as I am happy to be there.

It is not a painless process, but I find I am bearing it pretty easily. I am very motivated. I have an image in my head of myself with a face as smooth as a woman's.

Debbie Denier
03-10-2022, 09:10 AM
Never had a beard . Some stubble on occasions . Grew a moustache 50 years ago. Soon got rid after it was advised it looked like an Arctic caterpillar.

Linda K.
03-10-2022, 02:08 PM
I think you are going to just love getting that makeover! Lose the mustache and start having some real fun!!!