View Full Version : Couldn't Buy a Dress!

03-01-2022, 09:07 PM
Over the last four years "Pink Fog Big Time" I bought about 4 dresses a week and spent $2,000.
And now over the last 6 weeks I went dress shopping 6 times and felt so uncomfortable and felt like everybody was looking at me and I couldn't get myself to buy a dress.
Do you ever feel like this?
How can I dress if I don't have a new dress?

03-01-2022, 09:24 PM
Welcome to the club:) Although not as prolific as you I often find myself often browsing online and putting new dresses in a potential shopping cart. I have more dresses than I really need for my twice a month Danielle days but there is something addictive about receiving new dresses to try on. It has been a subject of contention with my wife even though I have a strict Danielle budget I adhere to. I do try to appease her by routinely putting some dresses in the op shop bag but I think she realises this means some new dresses are on their way:straightface:

03-01-2022, 09:46 PM
I have been shopping a little here and there and bought nothing. But thays more of I can't afford and don't need it then anything else.

03-02-2022, 12:17 AM
I have been that way. Sometimes I go bra shopping and no problems, just like another woman, and other times, I feel like a freak.

Leslie Mary S
03-02-2022, 04:07 AM
I to have spurts of online dress buying but hesitate with actually going shopping in a brick and mortar store. I had a hard time just this week trying to get some simple black legging from a store.

03-02-2022, 04:41 AM

Although occasionally I do buy online if I see something that'd fill a hole in my wardrobe and it's in the clearance I made a vow a few years ago that I'd only shop while enfemme. Hence most of my purchases happen during my annual Helen's holiday week. When I did shop in drab it was hard not to feel like the whole world was watching and nodding as "We know what you're doing" sort of thing. It was sometimes easier to walk away telling myself, "I'll do it next time".

Thankfully for my bank account listening to your experiences I get satisfaction from putting on things I know suit me and I'm comfortable wearing. Putting something on is like visiting an old friend. Time for a chat and a catch up.

I can understand the reason to keep buying new if your situation is such that you can't dress for any length of time due to being in the closet and opportunity. Thankfully I do get time around the house to dress and I'm sure that helps shapes my buying choices.

Sandi Beech
03-02-2022, 09:20 AM
Wow Judy, at 4 a week I would think you have more experience shopping for dresses than a lot of us combined.

One thing that I have found that makes it easier for me is to tell the sales assistant what I am about when they ask if I need anything. Some reason when they are supportive, it makes it all the easier for me - especially when shopping for something like bras.

4 a week though is a lot of pink. You must think about it all the time. I guess I do as well now that I think about it..


Cheryl T
03-02-2022, 11:03 AM
Wow, 4 dresses a week.
I can't even imagine that. I don't have the closet space for one thing. I have more clothes now than I know what to do with.
I tend to want to buy when I shop, but I've been pretty reserved over the last few years even though I have a walk in closet with lots of room.

03-02-2022, 11:13 AM
And I have only 3 dresses at this time. I have discarded 3 others that didn't fit well. I do keep quite a few bras, dresses, and nighties on my "saved items" list on Amazon. Currently there are 21 items. I expect I will end up buying at least 10 - 15 of them. I just space these purchases out so I don't break the bank buying all my frilly things.

03-02-2022, 12:15 PM
I have amassed 162 dresses. If I had not maintained a word document listing all of the dresses with screen shots of the dresses I would not have a clue what is in my wardrobe. I stopped buying dresses since the time I have to be en femme is limited. I don't even peruse my favorite on-line stores. So much for being a retiree with a wife who is retired also. With some reflection I figure buying femme garments way in excess of needs is a by-product of not having ample time to express myself. A counselor I see for PTSD states it is retail therapy. So, what have I done to satisfy the needs, if no more dress buying? How about "collecting" panties of my favorite styles? Or buying nightgowns that I do get to wear every night? Recently, within the last year, I have gone from four nightgowns to thirty-four. One arrived two days ago, another is enroute.

I use to get into a "funk" and thought I was a "freak." That was a long time ago. No long think of myself in any negative ways. Judy, I think your over buying (four/week) is a compulsive disorder to satisfy some needs in your life that are not being achieved. If your wife is so hostile to your dressing as you state, I think it may be a subconscious way to lash out at her; some kind of "in your face, take that!"

Kris Burton
03-02-2022, 12:58 PM
I find I browse online constantly; I have lots of items in my cart and even more in my save for later group. Hence, I find myself in a insatiable state of pink fog. It's OK, kind of fun actually. The only thing that keeps me in check is that fact that my femme self is as much of a cheapskate as my male self. So eventually I'll likely purchase all of the items in my cart, but I'll space it out over time so it won't seem like I'm spending so much....and try to look for similar items at the thrift store.

Also keeping me in line is the sobering fact that the brick and mortar stores don't seem near so well stocked as they were some years ago.

Marissa Q
03-02-2022, 01:06 PM
Judy: has anything happened to you in the last 6 weeks to trigger discomfort or shame? I know we all carry some of this around with us (especially with those of us who are essentially closeted), but has something recently caused an uptick?

03-02-2022, 01:09 PM
Judy, since I already have countless dresses and outfits I only shop for really different, special themes, or spectacular new things. :battingeyelashes:

Otherwise I mite end up buying something I already have 2 or 3 of!:doh:

When I DO shop I normally order online. Which is so much easier, stress free, and usually cheaper than thrifts. Even if I could find the unusual piece I want in my size there!:heehee:

Leslie Mary S
03-02-2022, 11:20 PM
This week I bit with the check at Kohl's. 2 bracelets, an anklet, and two sets of earrings, when all I went in for was just a pair of size large black leggings which I also bought.

Cheshire girl
03-03-2022, 09:31 AM
Hope that’s not $2,000 per dress! Beware buying lovely clothes is addictive and as I got older my taste for expensive beautifully made clothes increased. I now buy less but spend far more. Online and in person. I’m particularly fond of Joseph Ribkoff and Hobbs and if ever I buy their new season full price clothes it’s a very expensive treat!

Leslie Mary S
03-03-2022, 10:34 AM
My monthly allowance is about $50 US.
At least I can say it is a new month.