View Full Version : Times they are a changing

03-03-2022, 11:30 AM
Had cause to nip into a small convenience store the other day. Waiting to pay a young male member of staff caught my eye. Couldn't really fail to as he was wearing the most striking of eye makeup. Dagger pointed black eyebrows, vivid blues for eye shadow all carefully, no beautifully crafted, the look was all but that you'd see on a drag queen.

I paid and left thinking how it wasn't that long ago this was something you'd never see in a local, small food store. I considered the first time he's ever done that. To have the courage to be out there, so striking for all to see. I'd loved to have taken a survey of just what the customers thought of encountering such an open display of someone's personality and you'd have to guess at sexuality. I also though, good on the store for employing him and I hope supporting him if some knuckle dragger gives him grief.

His actions do help our community. The more people see of this the less it has the power to shock, to create adverse reactions. It's the same for those of us who go out dressed and while the vast majority who do don't apply such dramatic eye makeup, our presence, our interactions help pave the way for ever more to follow as more people find out we're not to be feared and are like them, just human.

Anyway, I'm hoping that next time I have cause to go into the shop he's on the tills so I can get a really good look at his makeup. Tempting though it'll be I'd refrain from comment as he shouldn't be defined by his look.

Sandi Beech
03-03-2022, 12:45 PM

Most people take compliments very well, so a simple comment like ?nice artwork on the eyes? usually results in a very positive response. I met a group from the UK last year at my visit to The Castle club in Florida. One young man had his eyes made up like Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean. So I think you are right that times are changing. People are more free to express themselves in ways we never could before.


03-03-2022, 01:28 PM
It is nice to see signs of tolerance.

03-03-2022, 06:20 PM
As an openly living trans woman it is so nice times are changing. I just got a job in what has been a very masculine field for the second time. All while being open about who I am. 10 years ago that would never have happened.

03-03-2022, 07:15 PM
Sandi, I live 20 minutes away from The Castle. While I've never been there myself, I know gobs of people who have, and from what I understand what you see there is not an accurate representation of what "normal" is. :)

But I agree, I'd love to see more gender benders out in the world, and I do a little from time to time. I've even gone to Home Depot with painted toenails, toe ring, and/or anklet, otherwise dressed for work, just trying to make such things a little less weird.

03-03-2022, 07:20 PM
Somewhat recently I took my family to a local restaurant we all love. They had a new waiter who waited on us. He was presenting in every respect as a man, except he was wearing sheer black pantyhose beneath his shorts with shaved legs (of course). I'm sure everyone in the restaurant noticed, but nobody cared enough to say anything. I tipped well. Sadly, I've never seen him since. I've wondered what happened. Regardless, 20 years ago that would have been impossible. Nobody would have accepted a waiter of theirs wearing women's clothing while on duty.

03-03-2022, 07:32 PM
Helen, I live in a medium sized city, so I see gender bending people all the time. I guess I'm just past the point where I even notice.