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04-08-2006, 04:38 PM
With all the stories/posts/experiences I've been reading about everyone wanting to go out and being able to pass, I'd like to share my experience in going out and passing.

This incident occured last winter. We had a mild winter so there wasn't any snow, but it was cold.

The wife was taking an evening class so I had the whole house to myself, and of course I took the opportunity to dress up.

Since it was winter, it got dark quite early, so around 7pm it was dark outside and was very quiet on our street. I then decided to go for a walk, dressed. I was wearing my usual set of lingerie, the wife's sweater and skirt, my wig, some makeup (lipstick, eyeshadow, and did my nails), and the wife's long black winter jacket from Eddie Bauer. I put on my pink pumps, grabbed a purse from the wife's collection, and out I went.

No problems so far, I walked down my block, walked around for 20-30 min., and then decided to head back home. As I was walking home, this white 4 door buick came up behind and drove past me. No big deal I thought, from behind I look and feel confident that I'd pass as a female.

Unfortunately, when this white buick drove past me that was when I was walking up the steps to my house. As I got to my front door, I could see from the corner of my eye that this car was turning down the alley. I didn't think much of it at that point.

I go into my house, undress and get into my drab clothes, go out to the garage, and proceeded to pick up the wife from the community college close by. Mind you, this was at least a good 35 min. since I saw that white buick drive by.

As I'm pulling out of my garage (which is in the alley), turn left, I see this white 4 door buick parked right behind my fence. I couldn't see him parked there from my kitchen window as my fence was higher than his car.

It startled me for a minute, but I didn't clue in at that moment that it was the same guy that drove past me over 35 min. ago. I thought it was just a neighbour's friend visiting.

Anyways, I proceeded to close the garage door (using the remote), and the door wouldn't close, then I noticed something move in the white car, it was some guy around his early 50s. That really freaked me out.

At that point, alot of questions ran thru my head : what in the world was he doing parked behind my house ? And sitting in the dark for over 35 min. ? And why didn't he drive off when I exitted out my back door (I have a motion light in the back, it is set so if you walk up the back steps it goes off, I didn't want it to go off everytime a car drove past in the alley).

I only surmised that his guy was a 'pervert', he probablly saw a woman (me) walking and wanted to catch a closer glimpse of 'her' thru the back kitchen window. I also surmise that he was probablly masterbating in his car too.

Half of me is sickened by this thought, and very terrified. On the other hand, i also feel 'good' that I was able to pass as a woman (from behind anyways).

I did manage to get his licence plate number, but he never returned again after that incident. I was going to call the police on him but decided to give him the benefit of the doubt that he was just parked behind my house enjoying the quietness of the alley.

So just a word of caution to all you girls out there, while it is nice to dress up, and even better to be able to pass as a woman, just be cautious of your surroundings.

:D :D

Marla S
04-08-2006, 04:47 PM
Thanks for sharing. Interesting, a bit scaring, story.
I assume it is kind of these situations why GGs don't like to walk around alone, in skirt, and pink pumps, but dress down instead.;)

Joy Carter
04-08-2006, 04:48 PM
My GF was followed home by a perv one night (driving) I just happend to be behind him as he follwed her to her door needless to say I confronted him as he exited the car to approch her. We ended up in a struggle and he lost. By all means be ultra careful some perves play for keeps.:Angry3: :bonk: :gn: :^5:

Butterfly Bill
04-08-2006, 04:54 PM
Does your wife know you're putting on her clothes? Most people don't like that, even if they are accepting of CDing. If she doesn't, you were playing with two kinds of fire, that and walking alone after dark looking like a woman.

I'll say it again to everyone, the time to come out is in the daytime.

04-08-2006, 05:05 PM
Does your wife know you're putting on her clothes? Most people don't like that, even if they are accepting of CDing. If she doesn't, you were playing with two kinds of fire, that and walking alone after dark looking like a woman.

I'll say it again to everyone, the time to come out is in the daytime.

Sorry Bill, I live for the night time, I only go out at night. lol
I have to go out at night, the clubs don't open in the day time and my friends don't come out in the day time, I have to see them in the night time.

But I do agree with being cautious, I have been followed when leaving a night club because I have to walk home, I have no car. I usually walk into a late night store or walk down the street that the police station is on. And if this fails, I walk through a dark abandoned lot and the guy never follows me through there.

The worse thing is guys in cars, they seem to be cruising for trouble and I don't always know how many are in the car. The other thing that I do if someone is following me on foot, I jump into a cab and take it about five blocks and the guy is too far to continue to follow me.

Mandy Salamander
04-08-2006, 05:39 PM
similar t' Amelie,,, i mostly live at night, 'n no longer drive,,,,, am occasionally followed by persons, whose thoughts i prob'ly don't even want t' know,, but doo carry a fully-loaded can o' pepper spray, 'n will take every measure t' lose 'm, but th' one thing i will not doo, is go home!!!,,,,, they can follow me t' th' edge o' th' Earth, but i'll NOT show them where i live!!!

04-08-2006, 07:18 PM
Yes Mandy, I forgot to mention that I don't ever go home when I am being followed.

One time I didn't notice a guy following me and he came into the apartment vestibule. So I press my own button for my apartment knowing no one would answer. I made out I was going to a friends place then walked out of the apartment building of course when no one answered the buzzer.

I did make the mistake of telling a creepy guy in a bar where I lived and low and behold, there he was the next day hanging outside my building. I met a few friends outside the building and this sort of persuaded him to leave.

Yes, by all means, be careful when out and about.

04-08-2006, 07:24 PM
<------ will take many MANY friends with her on her first time out and about. :)

Kitty Sue
04-09-2006, 07:43 AM
They are free to follow me home as I have too big Rottweilers that would be only to happy to follow them home.

04-10-2006, 08:38 PM
it's amazing how many creeps are out there. though I would think if some guy tried to pin me down, I'd have a pretty easy time pushing him off seeing how I'm 6'5" and weigh 300lbs.

regarding the 'borrowing clothes" thing.. I do find myself sometimes borrowing my wife's stuff (your own small collection can get boring), but it's usually stuff she rarely (if ever) wears. Plus when she borrows something of mine and asks if it's ok, i'm like "do you really have to ask? anything of mine is free game"

Lilith Moon
04-11-2006, 07:17 AM
This reminds me of two things that happened to me when I had more freedom to get out years ago.

In the first one I was walking alone at night and a car cruised past a couple of times, then stopped a hundred yards down the road. I desperately wanted to get back to my car, but the only way was past him. So, I walked on and, out of the corner of me eye, I was sure I could see him "pleasuring himself". I was slightly flattered, but mainly scared and very pleased to get back to the security of my car.

On the second occasion I was out walking at night again and I heard a vehicle slow right down as it approached me from behind. The pavement (sidewalk) was narrow and I was forced to walk quite close to the edge of the road. As the vehicle passed I was slapped on my rear and the occupants let out a cheer as the vehicle sped away.

04-11-2006, 11:48 AM
Well, I hope he wasn't a perv, wasn't casing your house for burglary and wasn't a private detective.

04-11-2006, 12:08 PM

We are all assuming that the guy was a pervert, but maybe he was a crossdresser, too, looking for a place to change clothing without being seen! LOL!


With all the stories/posts/experiences I've been reading about everyone wanting to go out and being able to pass, I'd like to share my experience in going out and passing.

This incident occured last winter. We had a mild winter so there wasn't any snow, but it was cold.

The wife was taking an evening class so I had the whole house to myself, and of course I took the opportunity to dress up.

Since it was winter, it got dark quite early, so around 7pm it was dark outside and was very quiet on our street. I then decided to go for a walk, dressed. I was wearing my usual set of lingerie, the wife's sweater and skirt, my wig, some makeup (lipstick, eyeshadow, and did my nails), and the wife's long black winter jacket from Eddie Bauer. I put on my pink pumps, grabbed a purse from the wife's collection, and out I went.

No problems so far, I walked down my block, walked around for 20-30 min., and then decided to head back home. As I was walking home, this white 4 door buick came up behind and drove past me. No big deal I thought, from behind I look and feel confident that I'd pass as a female.

Unfortunately, when this white buick drove past me that was when I was walking up the steps to my house. As I got to my front door, I could see from the corner of my eye that this car was turning down the alley. I didn't think much of it at that point.

I go into my house, undress and get into my drab clothes, go out to the garage, and proceeded to pick up the wife from the community college close by. Mind you, this was at least a good 35 min. since I saw that white buick drive by.

As I'm pulling out of my garage (which is in the alley), turn left, I see this white 4 door buick parked right behind my fence. I couldn't see him parked there from my kitchen window as my fence was higher than his car.

It startled me for a minute, but I didn't clue in at that moment that it was the same guy that drove past me over 35 min. ago. I thought it was just a neighbour's friend visiting.

Anyways, I proceeded to close the garage door (using the remote), and the door wouldn't close, then I noticed something move in the white car, it was some guy around his early 50s. That really freaked me out.

At that point, alot of questions ran thru my head : what in the world was he doing parked behind my house ? And sitting in the dark for over 35 min. ? And why didn't he drive off when I exitted out my back door (I have a motion light in the back, it is set so if you walk up the back steps it goes off, I didn't want it to go off everytime a car drove past in the alley).

I only surmised that his guy was a 'pervert', he probablly saw a woman (me) walking and wanted to catch a closer glimpse of 'her' thru the back kitchen window. I also surmise that he was probablly masterbating in his car too.

Half of me is sickened by this thought, and very terrified. On the other hand, i also feel 'good' that I was able to pass as a woman (from behind anyways).

I did manage to get his licence plate number, but he never returned again after that incident. I was going to call the police on him but decided to give him the benefit of the doubt that he was just parked behind my house enjoying the quietness of the alley.

So just a word of caution to all you girls out there, while it is nice to dress up, and even better to be able to pass as a woman, just be cautious of your surroundings.

:D :D

04-11-2006, 12:20 PM
thanks for everyone's support !:D

I have curtailed my going out since the incident, and am please to note this individual has never come back since. It still seems wierd and creepy to me that he was sitting behind my house sitting in a dark alley for over 35 min.

donna, the thought that this guy maybe a PI did cross my mind, but wouldn't a PI be abit more conspicous and not park directly behind someone's house ? (ie. down the block). Plus, when I went out to warm up my vehicle, he had about 5 min. (time when I went to out to start it, go inside, and go back out) to take off without being noticed.

maybe next time I go out i won't make myself as passable. (j/k !) :winking: :winking: :winking: :happy:

urban gypsy
04-11-2006, 12:30 PM
It's a shame that as women we feel the cover of night makes us feel more confident to be able to leave our secure homes dressed and alone, when most women would be in groups of friends.
It's also a shame that most of us also feel that we can't meet up with other crossdressers in our home area for just walks or picnics in case we are found out by friends or colleagues.
I would love to arrange a weekly / monthly excursion in eastern uk for crossdressers and understanding partners to go for walks maybe a meal, picnics,bbq's or even just an ice cream cone by the sea front.
Ann marie and I do these sort of thiings regular and are great fun.