View Full Version : Green with Envy!

03-11-2022, 05:23 PM
I posted this in response to a post in the pic and video thread and just thought it was fitting to re-post here.

Just call me "green with envy"!

I find it quite interesting the range of the CD'ers her. Many of us wouldn't pass in a dark alley on a moonless night. Many would "blend" and at a glance one would never notice. Then there are a few girls that just have the genetics, and the know how to put it all together. Some of those girls may not be super models, but do an awesome job of "putting the girl on" and look like the average woman out shopping or lounging around the house. Then there are the few that are simply gorgeous and pass as very attractive women.

Very jealous!!

03-11-2022, 06:02 PM
Envious here as well. I see pictures of models and know I will _never_ even remotely look like them. It creates a bit of balance problem for me. I want...need...to express my feminine side. I get sick of getting dressed up and stuck at home. It's a crossdressing prison practically. I don't think of the goal as being able to pass, as I never will, but I think about consequences of going out, and get into all sorts of twisted arguments with myself. Those of us who can readily pass in public; you have my admiration.

Kris Burton
03-11-2022, 06:20 PM
Not so much a feeling of envy, more of an admiration for the few among us who can not just truly pass, but stand out as well. I enjoy seeing their presentation just as surely as I enjoy and admire seeing a beautiful "genetic" woman. I hope this CD "body dysmorphia" doesn't deter anyone from the pleasure we all experience when we dress.

Larissa Cassandra
03-11-2022, 07:25 PM
I feel admiration and envy. And regret that I wasn't able to fully dress when I was younger and slender (I now have the typical male "beer gut," though it's more from sugar...). With appropriate padding, makeup, and wig (I had short hair till a few years ago), I might have been able to pass, and definitely blend, even though I'm on the tall side. So I'm happy to see all the girls out there who are able to take advantage of their youth and/or feminine-like body shape to get out and enjoy the world while expressing their true selves. I also admire those who don't "pass" but go out anyway, not worrying about what anyone thinks of them. I'm often tempted to do so myself, but haven't found the courage just yet (well, one time out in the car only, and at night!).

03-11-2022, 07:34 PM
Isn't that how women feel when they look at the beautiful models on fashion magazines? Or how both women/men feel when they look at bodybuilding, sports, golfing, car racing, tennis magazines? There are always those creatures with beautiful and skillful bodies we mortal people can only dream of.

But we just go on to enjoy our mortal life. :)

Debbie Denier
03-11-2022, 07:35 PM
I don?t do envy anymore. You cannot change. It is what it is you are what you are.Just be comfortable in your own skin.

Lana Mae
03-11-2022, 07:53 PM
I am out 24/7/365 as a transwoman! I don't "pass"! Reality check: there are tall women(some over 6'), there are short women, there are women with flat abs and those with a beer belly, those with small breasts, old, young, all hair colors, some aren't so good with make up, some wear wigs, and granted some are damn near perfect but they are few and far between! Know when you are close to looking like you will blend then get out there! There is no gang with tar, feathers and pitchforks! You need not be perfect just able to blend! Hugs Lana Mae

Sandi Beech
03-11-2022, 08:00 PM

Although some of our crossdressers look amazing, my genuine envy is reserved for the women I have met in person. The GGs I should say. In fact it is a common conversation to have in bars regarding my envy for something about them - beautiful hair or youthful looks etc. It seems to be an easy ice breaker conversation to have when dressed up for those wondering what to say : ) Works for me anyhow. They seem to enjoy the admiration.


03-11-2022, 10:08 PM
I am more amazed than I am envious. At my age and physique, I know I would never ever pass. My only regret is that the pink fog didn't envelope me 50 years ago. Of course, if it had I may well have been too timid and scared to even think of embracing it because of the times we lived in back then. I'm happy with the journey I'm on right now. I don't see myself ever presenting Heather in public; but, 3 years ago I never knew Heather would exist. I rule nothing out.

Yes, there are many CDers who are stunningly beautiful. Others that blend in great and look so very good doing so. I'm also in awe of those that really don't blend in, are probably somewhat obvious as men dressing as women, and still enjoy presenting in public however they can. To me, that takes more guts than I would likely have.

Karren H
03-11-2022, 11:01 PM
I just get pissed off that after all the hard work to get all glammed up that I still do not look anything like a super model!!

Barbara Jo
03-11-2022, 11:10 PM
GGs are often told that the glamorous models etc do not resent the average female so, just be happy with you own looks.

The same thing applies to us,

03-11-2022, 11:26 PM
Admiration is in there too, now that I think about it some more.

But I think it is mostly envy!:lol2:

03-12-2022, 02:13 AM
Why, thank u, Pumped! Of course 99 times out of every 100 times I'm out I can't pass.:sad:

But, using every trick in the book, that one time I not only pass but become a fabulous female? It feels amazing!:devil:

03-12-2022, 06:45 AM
I would have to say some days there is envy but others are a wow. For example, my wife can just get up do a few things & go - looking awesome of course she looks beautiful everyday. For me if I am allowed to go out tomboy/en femme which means women's jeans, panties, sports bra, plus makeup. I need some time. At least an hour or longer. Not perfected the makeup. I know this is a different subject but I really enjoy drag shows & all I can say is WOW. Amazing.

Maria 60
03-12-2022, 07:00 AM
I believe for myself it isn't envy as much as how much more restricted i am because I'm the "won't pass in a dark ally" candidate. I don't think I would go full out if I did pass but I believe I would maybe walk some streets but do little interaction with other people. I'm more happy for those who could pass and fit in and not jealous but hope they take full advantage of there ability to have this gift.

April Rose
03-12-2022, 12:11 PM
What I admire most about these highly skilled "out and about" crossdressers is their ability to extract joy out of what for many of us is a challenging emotional situation.

03-12-2022, 12:26 PM
I have to agree with Maria (#15). I do my best to achieve my mindset as to how I would present if I were a woman. I am strictly a wearer of dresses, heels and hose, all the proper undergarments. That's my self image. That's the environment I grew up in. I look around and most women do not fall into the "10" category. Most men do not fall into a "10" category, too. I am stuck with a mindset that potentially bad things befall a man who wears women's clothing. First, if the woman I am married to does not appreciate this part of me, what say others? Shunned? Loss of family and friends? Kicked out of church? Loss of employment? The list goes on. Even when I reached the hurdle of accepting myself, now I have the problem of others accepting me. I have to remember whatever befalls me, also will befall my wife.

As stated many time before on this forum, my wife did tell me it was alright with her, if I joined a support group. In the forty years since "The Talk," none has been found. I do admit I am locked in a self made prison. Maybe the next time around I'll be five foot six. Until then, I'll watch Youtube videos and look at pictorial displays of those who are able to fly under the radar or have the guts to get out and about.

03-12-2022, 01:00 PM
I definitely agree! I am very envious of those girls who just have it, and pass without a second thought. I'm crazy enough to go out, but these girls really have it! That said, I'm proud of everyone on this forum (and otherwise) who dares to get her girl on when she can. :hugs:

03-12-2022, 01:46 PM
I do what I can but I can?t pull off what some of these girls can. They are so talented I wish I could be more like them maybe someday. I?m happy with where I am but wouldn?t mind to test the waters a little further.

03-12-2022, 02:27 PM
I'm always jealous of those who are slimmer, less broad, better facial shape etc. I've got some benefits, but mainly negatives. Oh well.

03-13-2022, 06:02 PM
Pumped, I have met some CDs over the years, who if they did not speak, I would not have known they were assigned male at birth. Sure I was envious, but in the end, I dress for me and how it feels, not for how others perceive me.

03-13-2022, 09:25 PM
No so much envious, but fascinated by those who can pull off such a feminine look, sometimes with little work. I wonder what that feels like. One thing I am envious of: people with smaller feet and can readily find nice shoes that fit!

Linda Stockings
03-13-2022, 09:58 PM
I guess we all have things we wish for, and wish we didn't have. When I was in my teens, I'd often be mistaken for a girl. I had long hair and an ambiguous figure. In my mid years I'd look forward to an age when I'd have white whiskers so I could cover them with makeup easier. So now I'm retired with white whiskers and a face that won't pass no matter how much makeup I paint on. My feet are still 81/2 women's, and that's about the best thing I have left. I wish I had dressed (out) when I was back in my teens!