View Full Version : Been a busy month

03-19-2022, 01:02 PM
In a couple days it will have been a month since I discovered this site and a lot has happened since then. I purchased breast forms, a wig, a full makeup kit, several outfits, and my first pair of pumps. I shaved my mustache that I had for 34 years and yesterday was the weirdest day of all. I am rather hairy, always have been, and my wife will help me clean up my back once or twice a month. Well, yesterday she is using the clippers and I asked her what she would think if I shaved my chest. To my surprise she said I absolutely should and she has wanted me to for years but didn't think I would do it. I told her to go ahead and use the clippers on me and I would shave it the rest of the way in the shower. Well, I now have a completely bare chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms. She says it looks good and if I don't like it, it will grow back. It feels so good! She still doesn't know about my dressing but I think I'm moving closer to having the talk. Anyway, thank you to everyone here for making me feel so welcomed and being so supportive of me on my journey.

03-19-2022, 01:15 PM
You have me somewhat confused, you shaved off your mustache, that you have had for years, and your wife is going to help you shave your back, but doesn't know about your dressing. Then you asked her about shaving your chest. Why would you shave your back and not your chest?? You confuse me

03-19-2022, 01:22 PM
Sorry for the confusion. She has shaved my back for years. I have never liked back hair. I have never shaved my chest before now. I used to like my chest hair, I have outgrown that thinking. My mustache was getting ratty looking to me and it was just time for a change. All of these things probably still would have happened even if I wasn't dressing.

Crissy 107
03-19-2022, 01:38 PM
AmeeJo, My you have had a busy month. I do think you need to pick a time and have the talk. The sooner the better and if things are going well get it all out and let her know about this site.
I was out to my wife but had not told her of this site as I felt she would not like it, ended up I was correct, but she found out by accident and I was in all sorts of trouble. She accused me of lying, the lie of omission. It took her a long time to get over that one.

Kris Burton
03-19-2022, 03:57 PM
I agree with Crissy - time for the talk. I will always feel my supportive situation was aided by the fact that I came out as soon as Iwas aware myself, and like you one of my first outward tells was that I shaved my facial hair after many years (mine was kind of ratty looking too, so I had that excuse, but I chose not to use it). Try when you can to avoid that lie of omission, and maintain trust, there are rewards.

03-20-2022, 06:23 AM
It doesn't surprise me that your wife was supportive of you going smooth. Look at all the ads for male grooming body sprays and non of the models has a single body hair. They're all as smooth as billiard balls.

Even at Christmas when macho film stars are employed to sell man scents, non of them has body hair.

Only you know your situation with your wife so ultimately only you know what the outcome of having the talk could be. As someone who's been in the closet for years I do know my wife knows something of my dressing and the talk is now more than ever on the radar and although we've been married for over 4 decades I'm not 100% sure of how it will go. So my advice is if you feel it's not likely to end up a train wreck, sooner is better than later in allowing you to develop your dressing.

If it goes well then shaving can switch to epilating which will reduce hair growth.