View Full Version : Dang near had a heart attack!

05-02-2022, 06:05 PM
So, following on my adventures over the weekend (see "And out in public. Sort of." thread if you're curious)...

I was dressed in drab today except I was wearing pantyhose and some 3" pumps while driving. My intent was to drive close to home that way, change shoes, and then finish the rest of the drive home. I've got a slow leak in a tire, and I set a reminder to myself to check it this evening. Good thing I did, as (a) I'd forgotten and (b) it was down to 29 pounds. So, I drive up to the air pump, and hop out in my heels with my tire gauge. Brave for me; being out in public in my heels is only the 2nd time, the 1st being last week. But, nobody saw me, and nobody drove up behind me at the air pump. I check the pressure, fill it, check it again, cap off the tire and hop back in my car. I'm close enough to home that it doesn't make any sense to make an additional stop to change out of my heels and put on drab shoes. So, I pull off a bit, and start changing my shoes.

My daughter calls. She has no idea I'm a crossdresser, mind you. I answer, and she says "I see you're pumping air in the tire!" I MADLY spin around looking for her, all the while flinging off my heels and stuffing them in the bag I have for them (not thinking that it didn't matter since she'd obviously already seen me in the heels). I ask, "Where are you!?!?!?" She starts laughing and won't tell me, but finally relents. Our family all have an app that can track where we are. She'd looked me up and realized where I was and decided to have some fun with me. She was actually about five miles away.

Ok, I think I need a new heart now.

05-02-2022, 06:17 PM
Lol If she was watching you I think it would have been a bit late to fling off the heels lol

05-02-2022, 06:21 PM
Omg I would definitely disable that app the next time your out like that. Once your home again then re-enable the app. I knew someone else that did that. Both ended up cheating on each other and they actually caught each other before the divorce but not in your case just saying. If my daughter didn?t know and that happened to me I?d probably stroke out or worse myself. Glad everything worked out at least this time

Sandi Beech
05-02-2022, 06:30 PM
Haha, yea if you are going to be sneaking around with your crossdressing, that is not a good app to have enabled on your phone.

I have had worse near misses like when my son came home unexpectedly, and I had to jump in the cold shower with my lingerie on. That one gave me some heart fluttering. It was really close.


05-02-2022, 10:38 PM
I would have likely died on the spot. I am so glad I am somewhat technology challenged. The only 2 apps on my phone are Gas Buddy and a golf app that gives me distances on the courses I play. I don't use my phone for the internet. I'm not sure having others know where you are at all times is a good thing. Don't you like having a certain degree of privacy?

Jolene Robertson
05-03-2022, 04:17 AM
lol That would have scared me too. Might want to disable that app when you go for a drive or are out.
I have one daughter that knows but not the other one.

05-03-2022, 06:39 AM
Big brother is watching. That would give me startle as well.

05-03-2022, 07:24 AM
If you're using Gas Buddy, you're using the Internet.

05-03-2022, 07:42 AM
If it's the Apple app my wife used to keep an eye on the kids, when you turn it off and on it notifies the others.

05-03-2022, 09:38 AM
I don't think I would want to be tracked everywhere I go. It seems intrusive to me.

05-03-2022, 09:58 AM
That would be a joy killer for me. If the snooper can see you're at a gas station pumping air into a tire, then the snooper can see you stop at some other location more directly related to cross dressing activity. Between a vehicle GPS, smart phone and all the Ring cameras around the neighborhood, you're a dead duck.

05-03-2022, 10:14 AM
I understand that. But, you know what I mean - I don't get on this site, FB, email, etc.

Maria 60
05-03-2022, 06:10 PM
That's to close for comfort. For me it was a baby monitor that my son put the App on his email address and was in the spare room where our granddaughter sleeps. One night I walked by it and it alerted my son. Next thing I know I hear my sons voice calling us from the monitor. Thank God I just went in the room to close the blind I walked by the monitor and not enough for him to get a full view and he didn't seem to know who it was calling both are names. Never to careful, especially these days with all the technology.

05-03-2022, 08:43 PM
We have the tracking app for a variety of reasons. One, we like to keep track of where our kids are, for peace of mind and security. Two, sometimes we can locate others in our family within a large store if the app is pinpointing accurately enough. Three, one of our kids has issues with anxiety, and used to frequently call us asking where we were. That doesn't happen anymore.

Our kids don't have their own cars (yet) so I'm not worried about one of them showing up unexpectedly somewhere. Also, the only people that can track us are those in our group, which is just our nuclear family. And, there's really no place that I can go that is decidedly more CD oriented. There's no CD support store/salon (there is one where my wife grew up, and we visit that town on occasion; not going to that store if we do if the tracker is on! :) ).

There's also the reality that at this point, if the kids know...they know. We've raised them to be not just tolerant but accepting of all, regardless of background, demographic, race, anything LGBTQIA+, etc. The youngest is a late teenager. At this point, it wouldn't be the end of the world if they knew. It would have been a lot harder for them when they were younger.

That said, given the decades I've hidden it from my kids, it still did just about give me a heart attack thinking one of them was but feet away from me while obviously crossdressed!

05-03-2022, 09:33 PM
If you carry a cell phone, your whereabouts can be tracked. It does not matter if the Internet is in use by said phone. It does not matter if the phone is on or off. GPS is not required to track a phone. Tracking is always on.

This capability has been used by law enforcement in successful prosecutions.

There are two ways to stop this: remove the phone's battery or obtaining a box that blocks radio transmission to store the phone when not in use.

Mary Loo
05-03-2022, 11:25 PM
I am pretty sure I am well aware of the app in question. My daughter introduced it to us and she, my wife, and I were the only ones. Now that she no longer lives at home it is just my wife and I that use it. I find it functional and useful for both of us. Particularly that it tells us when we both leave and arrive from work and home. In reality it has saved me from my wife arriving at home when I was dressed. Though she is aware and has seen me before, she has made it clear lately that she doesn’t want to, so though it wouldn’t be a disaster if she arrived home early and spotted me, the App makes that scenario far less likely. It also helps with knowing we are okay if caught in traffic without having to constantly text or update each other. Generally speaking, to me the usefulness far outweighs and spying concerns.

Glad that the scare was only knowing where you were, but no visuals.

05-04-2022, 12:07 AM
I don't know, Julie. After my adult daughter almost caught me for the 3rd time? It was making dressing too stressful for me so I took it as a sign and told her!:straightface:

Altho, she hated it, we worked out a schedule so she wouldn't ever have to see me dressed.:daydreaming:

No more stress, no more heart attacks!:thumbsup:

Shelly Preston
05-04-2022, 04:39 AM
My daughter calls. She has no idea I'm a crossdresser, mind you. I answer, and she says "I see you're pumping air in the tire!" I MADLY spin around looking for her, all the while flinging off my heels and stuffing them in the bag I have for them (not thinking that it didn't matter since she'd obviously already seen me in the heels). I ask, "Where are you!?!?!?"

It could have been worse. Imagine if she had sent you a picture of your car, knowing you must be around somewhere.

05-04-2022, 05:54 AM
Nobody else has asked this question, so I will.

What kind of app can tell her that you're putting air in your tires???

That seems a little too specific for my comfort. I can see where it could tell her you were at the gas station, but putting air in your tires? Really?
Are you sure that the app doesn't include some kind of video capability?
Or - was she really five miles away?

I'd say that you have every right to be spooked!

Jenn A116
05-04-2022, 10:21 AM
The Apple app "Find My" can locate you sometimes to within a few feet and it shows your location on a map. If a person knew just where the air hose was located at a particular gas station they could tell if you were there as opposed to being at a gas pump.

This app is not sinister. You decide who you want to be able to see where you are and you can change that at any time. We find it very helpful in our daily lives.

05-04-2022, 10:56 AM
I would be deleting the app.

Jenn A116
05-04-2022, 11:27 AM
I would be deleting the app.

Its not the app. You fully control who is allowed to see where you are. You have total control.

05-04-2022, 11:33 AM
Yikes! I'd have had a heart attack for sure!

Karren H
05-04-2022, 12:37 PM
I really liked it better before there was all this technology and cameras everywhere! My old 1 megapixel camera made me look better too! Lol

05-04-2022, 07:35 PM
So to answer the question of how did she know I was getting air in the tires; most gas stations in the area have one of those machines where you put in 4 quarters and get a few minutes of air. I don't like those machines much; they take forever (predictably) and don't do a very good job most of the time. There's one station not that far from our house that has a regular old air hose, with no machine attached to it. Just good, high pressure air. Easy to use, and a lot faster. We don't usually get gas as this station (it tends to be more expensive) so if I'm there, she knows its to get air, not to get gas.

And Karren, yeah I liked it better before all this tech. Personally, I think cell phones are a net negative to society, and all the cameras tracking me is just creepy.