View Full Version : My Second Trip Outside

05-13-2022, 09:02 PM
After going to a park for my first trip outside, I wanted to experience being among more people for my next trip. So the other day I went to a shopping center (not a mall) and did what any gal likes to do - I went shopping! I wore the same basic outfit, denim skirt, sneakers, socklets, head scarf but exchanged the tunic top for a tight, scoop-neck t-shirt tucked into the skirt. Showed off my ta-ta's very well.

First went into Kohl's looking at dresses & tops. Had to wait on line for the fitting room with 2 other women for 10 minutes but it was no problem at all. Women take a huge number of items in with them and take an ungodly amount of time modeling everything. Wound up buying a simple summer dress and a print cotton t-shirt type dress. Then it was off to DSW where I leisurely browsed everything, tried on about a dozen shoes and would up buying a very comfortable Sofft slide sandal (very similar to this one - https://www.dsw.com/en/us/product/sofft-aneesa-slide-sandal/530936?activeColor=232 but in black leather).

My next stop was at Ulta Beauty. I browsed for a bit but didn't have a clue what I was doing until a young guy came over to ask if I needed help. As soon as I opened my mouth he knew who I was but couldn't have cared less. He helped me pick out the right foundation for my facial tone and some setting powder which he kindly showed me how to apply and the right brush to use. Ulta was my last stop.

I spent about 3 hours shopping. I was $$$ poorer but emotionally richer because I didn't feel nervous all day, gained valuable experience in how to act in public and felt great about taking this next step.

Take care everyone,


Jean 103
05-13-2022, 10:10 PM
OMG, that's wonderful.

I haven't been to Kohl's in quite a while I used to love to go in there and browse the discount racks I would always find something.

The people at Ulta are absolutely amazing. I'm like a kid in a candy store when I go there.

All this on your second time out. Your going to do just fine.

Love Jean

bridget thronton
05-14-2022, 02:48 AM
Two of my favorite stores

05-14-2022, 03:32 AM
Oh my god! You are my idol! You must have felt so free and anxious at the same time huh? Or at least I would have felt that way, the adrenaline would be a lot I?m sure. I aspire to have a day like you, congrats on a beautiful day!


05-14-2022, 05:18 AM
I love reading about all these early trips out. It gives me hope and inspiration. I particularly like your description of your experience at Ulta. I'm working up the courage to go there in male mode and ask for assistance with getting the proper foundation, blush, brushes, etc. I simply cannot go there as Heather as leaving the house en femme is not possible. But, from what everyone says, it seems Ulta employees are very accepting.

05-14-2022, 06:44 AM
Congratulations on another positive outing. I am curious how the real life experience has affected your perspective and your self confidence.

05-14-2022, 06:48 AM
Fiona, That's great. Retail therapy always cost $$$.

Debra Russell
05-14-2022, 12:17 PM
Ok now its time for pics :o .................Debra

05-15-2022, 12:00 AM
My first time in an ulta was with a gotten. If the girl that hped me cared at all I sure couldn't tell. My Last time there they changed the name on the rewards account. I was asked if I wanted my own first bit it was me when it was made.

05-15-2022, 09:16 AM
I have been to Ulta many times, always in male mode though. No one batted an eye at my request to set me up with the full makeup setup. I went to the Clinique area and the ladies there really took care of me. They showed me how to use each product and we used samples to check the colors against my skin. It was an awesome experience. One day I'll go in as AmeeJo. I think that will be a blast!