View Full Version : "Thank you, ladies"

05-19-2022, 03:59 PM
I was hiking in the mountains last week with my wife. I was in drab mode, but I had on a woman's dri-fit t-shirt (short sleeves and more open neck than typical men's t-shirts) and I've been wearing my hair in somewhat of a pixie style lately, with it pushed back over my bald spot. Everything else was drab. No bra, no makeup, men's baggy hiking pants, and men's hiking shoes. As we were descending on a narrow trail, we stepped aside, per trail etiquette, to let a group climbing uphill pass. One woman in the group said "thank you, ladies" as she passed. Made my day, however, my wife was a bit less enthused. I suspect the shirt and hair style had something to do with her comment, as well as the fact that she probably was paying more attention to her footing on the rocky trail and probably just glanced quickly at us while she passed. I responded with "you're welcome" in my male voice without thinking.

05-19-2022, 04:11 PM
You're probably right; It was the hair. When I am out and about I find there is not too much variation between men's drab "uniform" style and what women wear unless the woman is trying to make a fashion statement. The visual difference is usually the hair and body shape. Women have that body indentation at the waist that usually suggests I am behind a woman. If you were standing aside that visual is lost, and, I assume the woman's mind registered woman based on hair style. Plus you're hiking with another woman.

05-19-2022, 04:50 PM
Gracie, I had a similar lovely moment near Easdale Tarn in the Lake District.

I can't remember the exact words but two women mistook me for female, perhaps due to the cerise technical t-shirt, womens shorts and little development in chest area but no bra. Made my day.

Crissy 107
05-19-2022, 08:22 PM
GracieRose, That would have made my day but I can say without a doubt my wife would have had a similar take on it as yours.

05-20-2022, 02:24 AM
It is so nice to get compliments like this, and it makes one's day, how nice for you.

05-20-2022, 06:00 AM
Haha, great story! :)

05-20-2022, 07:20 AM
Great experience. I agree that it was probably the hair. Out on the trail here in the Rockies one can expect most anything and it is not unusual for some women being seen as men and visa versa. Especially at high altitudes (above 12,000 feet) where covering up is a really good idea to protect one from the ultra-violet and the cold winds.

05-20-2022, 09:18 PM
Out on the trail here in the Rockies one can expect most anything and it is not unusual for some women being seen as men and visa versa.
Interesting that you mention the Rockies since that was where we were. We were hiking down from Emerald Lake in RMNP.

05-21-2022, 12:36 PM
Gracie, Any back lash from your wife for saying "you're welcome"?

05-25-2022, 07:02 PM

No backlash for saying "you're welcome", I always respond that way to a "thank you" without thinking.
She did comment that if I keep wearing tops like that it's going to happen more often. I'm fine with that, but it bothers her, so I have to proceed delicately.