View Full Version : A little first for me

06-25-2022, 07:34 AM
So, neighbours both side away on their holidays, I'm home alone for 5-6 hours so I dress sans makeup and get a few femme things in the wash. Now usually I'd either tumble dry that which I can and the rest hang over chairs in the conservatory to dry but today is different. With no neighbours either side I opted to hang everything on the washing line to dry. Something I can't ever remember doing before.

Bras, knickers, nightie, tops and skirts, all blowing in the wind.

Now this did come with a bit of jeopardy. While the immediate neighbours are away not so for the house beyond and while my garden if fairly well shielded by foliage while hang things out I would be visible should one of them look out of a bedroom window. Still, nothing ventured, nothing gained, kitten heels were exchanges for femme flip flops to navigate the lawn and hung out they were.

Is a broken sunshine, breezy sort of day so I'm hoping they all dry fairly quickly as of course that little demon that sits whispering on our shoulders is going, " I bet one of your bras blows into next doors garden!"

bridget thronton
06-25-2022, 08:29 AM
Still nice to be out in the sun I think

06-25-2022, 08:30 AM
Awesome, if it was like here everything would be dry in 15 min so you wouldn't have to worry about anything ;)

06-25-2022, 08:34 AM
A blown away bra could yeild yet another adventure!

06-25-2022, 08:54 AM
I never get used to pants being referred to as "Knickers". LOL.
I suppose it's a British thing.
Kudos to all the UK ladies present.

06-25-2022, 09:51 AM
Yeah, "knickers" is how they call panties in the UK. I remember while living there a quote kids used to say in school: "Knickerless girls shouldn't climb trees". Lol.

Bras, knickers, nightie, tops and skirts, all blowing in the wind. Lol, Helen. From now on, I'll always think of the Dylan song as "Bras, knickers, nightie, tops and skirts".

How many roads must a woman walk down before you call her a woman? The answer, my friend, is Bras, knickers, nightie, tops and skirts. ;)

06-25-2022, 10:26 AM
Unless I'm mistaken, u live with your wife, Helen. So, how would anyone know those clothes were yours and not hers?:daydreaming:

Or, r u worried someone would question your masculinity for helping her out with the laundry?:heehee:

06-25-2022, 06:44 PM
Helen, I haven't seen unmentionables on a clothes line in 30+ years.

06-26-2022, 09:44 AM
I haven't seen a clothes line in years, much less unmentionables on them :)

The subject of clothes on a clothes line, irrespective of crossdressing clothes, came up with my wife and I recently. She absolutely refuses to have a clothes line. Probably for the best; we feed birds, so we'd probably end up with bird poop on our clothes :)

Bit of a funny story; there's a town in Alaska that years ago had their one road in/out of town cut off by a landslide. The same landslide wiped out the power transmission lines to the town. The town was going to be without power for a long time. The older population cleaned the hardware store out of clothespins. The younger generation never even thought of it.

06-26-2022, 10:14 AM
Helen, there is always a bit of peril being en femme. Once I thought I was totally secluded in my backyard. What I did not consider was the length nosy people go through to spy on a person. It was not easy for them to see me since there is a five foot drop from my yard to their yard. They saw me. I suppose they told others, but nothing came of it.

As to the clothes line, when my wife and I were in an apartment she threw up a clothesline on our second floor balcony. The apartment owner complained that it made the place look like a "tenement" which was a rude way of saying he did not like it. When we bought our house my wife put up a clothes line to dry bedding. I brought to her attention that our son had allergies to all sorts of airborne spores and seeds and she was capturing all the pollen on sheets that he was going to sleep on. After that it was the electric dryer.

06-26-2022, 04:05 PM
Unless I'm mistaken, u live with your wife, Helen. So, how would anyone know those clothes were yours and not hers?:daydreaming:


I can't remember the last time my SO hung a skirt on the line and all her underwear usually ends up in the dryer.

Debbie Denier
06-26-2022, 04:49 PM
I would not worry Helen . Your neighbours would not notice the difference on your washing line . When I know the family are going to be out for some time I wash and dry my fem underwear on the washing line .Just in case they come back early I hang the intimates behind the other washing . Facing away from the kitchen window. It buys me the time to either get the washing in my self or to hide the intimates. I know it is paronias poison door but it is my insurance policy.

06-27-2022, 04:13 AM
I suppose the big thing I take away from this is that I hung my washing out while enfemme, hanging out my bras and knickers was as much symbolic, a small statement more than a practical act.

A bit more home alone time this morning and while the weather is dull and damp, not sitting outside weather, a quick stroll out onto the patio and feel the wind in my skirt is a welcomed event.

Karren H
06-27-2022, 05:52 AM
I do not trust my neighbors not to have web cams installed around their house to keep an eye on things while they were gone! My son has so many at his that he knows when we stop for a visit before we get to the front door!

06-27-2022, 07:26 AM
I remember when I was a young guy(55+ yrs ago) the thrill, I got seeing ladies' things on the clothesline drying. The "trick" in those days was to hang the unmentionables in-between things like bedding or outerwear.
Having said that, even back then, many would not take their underwear out of the house, simply use a dry rack or clothes dryer if they had one to do the frillies in. Have to say, that is something no one does anymore, that is hang clothes to dry outside.
While on this subject, I will add that some of the women took a different approach to this hang out to dry idea, and would intentionally place all their underwear on the front line, in plain sight usually with some bright things maybe used as flags? It was impressive to see the line of cars go by their houses on wash day, not to mention all the young boys on their bicycles hanging out, but that was what these ladies had in mind I guess. For my part, I learned more about women's fashion by looking for clothes drying outside, than I ever did from the Sears catalogue

April Rose
06-27-2022, 08:45 PM
There is actually a movement in the States right now called the "right to dry" which advocates for outdoor drying for ecological reasons. "The average U.S. household could prevent 1,500 pounds of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere every year simply by turning off its dryer and hanging out the wash, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council."

Some of us would even like it for aesthetic reasons.;)

Crissy 107
06-27-2022, 10:08 PM
Helen, I haven't seen unmentionables on a clothes line in 30+ years.

Jamie, That’s cause where you live, if you drive past our house on any given day you would see our panties flapping in the wind. You could tell mine as they are the pretty ones. ;)

Helen, You better hope your wife does not come home unexpectedly, you would have some splaining to do!

06-28-2022, 05:53 AM
I often put my panties out to dry in the fresh air. I never put them in the dryer. in fact today is domestics day and I will be doing laundry, emptying all trash cans, wiping all counters down. The weather is supposed to be nice today so yes my lingerie will be outside to dry. I normally drape all my panties over the edge of the laundry basket and put them on my front porch in the sun and fresh air to dry. If someone was to come up to my house they could see them, which has happened but they surely assumed the were my wife's. I've even gone so far as to hang out my nightgowns and camisoles on our porch swing when I know neighbors are not going to be around.