View Full Version : developing a certain look

07-16-2022, 12:32 PM
I'm attempting to develop my own personal look...I'm 6'3"/245# and working on losing the extra pounds.
So many cross dressers I see emulate movie stars/ rock stars..etc.
My own preference is leaning toward Gretchen Witmer Governor of Michigan. She is a pretty Lady with dark hair and parts it on the left side.
My only drawback is usually she wears a professional attire more in tuned to a Male appearance. What I mean is blue blazers suede jackets. They look professional but not very sexy.

07-16-2022, 12:43 PM
I would not say her appearance is "male", but professional female. The skirt and blazer look is very common with professional women.

Jenn A116
07-16-2022, 12:55 PM
Defining a a personal look is certainly a challenge. In the end it really depends on what you think looks best on yourself for particular settings. Rather than tailoring your look to a specific person, focus on the image in the mirror. But with inspiration from a particular look.

I've done a few dress-up sessions where I imagine I'm heading to a particular location like the office, a theme park, a grocery store, or a society event. I then sort through Jenn's closet and pick the items that reflect what I see women wear at those locations.

07-16-2022, 01:23 PM
Why be one pretty woman when with a little more effort u can be all of them?:devil:

Ok, I haven't been all of them yet. But, check the pix I've posted here over the years: I'm well on my way!:heehee:

Linda Stockings
07-16-2022, 01:59 PM
When I was going out dressed more than I do now, I chose the professional "woman in a skirt suit" look. I had bought a more passable, shoulder length wig that was fitted and styled at a wig salon. The look worked better than my previous attempts, I think because of the wig, more conservative attire, and my heels were always 3 to 4 inches max. But today, I can't even recall the last time I saw a GG wearing a skirt suit, hose and heels. Has that look become totally outdated already? Lately I've been wearing the skirts from the suits (just below my knees) with a more casual wrap top or blouse, heels and hose. That still feels overdressed. I guess I need to go to jeans, top, and flat shoes? Just trying to update my look to blend better.


07-16-2022, 02:13 PM
I agree on Gretchen Witmer. She is a very attractive woman. I suspect that in her professional role she is obliged to dress in business suits, but in private life she probably adopts a considerably more casual presentation.

In developing a sense of style, I suppose I was like most new cross dressers. I began with hapless and clueless shopping, based mainly on how a garment looked on a model, without considering how that look might translate when applied to someone my size (very similar to you, but I have managed to shed a few pounds recently). So I do focus on clothes styled for taller and fuller figured women. Also I watch what other women around my age are wearing in the places I frequent, in short both age and situationally appropriate attire. And finally, Pinterest is a great place to search for ideas?whether its what to pair with a skirt or top, seasonal clothing suggestions or ideas for women of a certain age ;)

Kris Burton
07-16-2022, 05:12 PM
Actually, I find the professional woman look quite attractive, often very sexy in an understated way. I also like the newscaster/meteorologist look, which in many ways is not so different. Not trying to emulate anyone in particular, but I find that's where my taste gravitates, always did. Besides, short skirts, crop tops and the like look terrible on me.

07-16-2022, 05:16 PM
I started with colors that work well with my skin tone and hair color. My hair is now grey instead of black, so it goes with just about everything.
When I dressed as a guy the idea was to avoid color schemes that made me look shorter or smaller.
Now that I dress as a female I don't care about how small I look. I just bought a watch with a big face that makes my wrist look tiny.
The smaller and thinner you are the more options you have.

Upscale Department stores usually have professional attire for women. Macy's. I recall that they have consultants to select clothes if you need help. Make an appointment.

Kohl's has their professional clothes next to the checkout lines at the front of the store that I shop.

Jane G
07-16-2022, 07:25 PM
My look changes with the wind. Nothing I love more than working my way through my closest just trying things on until I see something I like the swish of. Though most days my look is pretty mundain. Male or fem. Comfy works just fine 90% of the time.

07-16-2022, 09:16 PM
I found for me that improved my fem look was to extend my eyeliner out about 3/8" line on each side.

Karren H
07-16-2022, 09:35 PM
My fem look just happened. Was not planned but took a lot of practice and being a mod and admin on a women's makeup forum didn't hurt. Got a lot of tips and pointers there. Of the hundreds of different looks, I think I like a few of the intermediate looks best but then again I was younger and there is no going back. Sigh....


07-17-2022, 10:23 AM
I see many attractive women in the role of newscasters and meteorologists. The vast majority of the women wear dresses. I don't know if there are any scientific studies that support higher ratings due to women wearing dresses vs. pants, but I'd rather watch an attractively put together woman. Admittedly, I am hooked on Vanna White because I do look forward to seeing the clothes she wears; dresses and heels. So, my look is dresses and heels. No one pants anything in my fem wardrobe. There are some solid colors in my wardrobe (LBD) but primarily it is colors and patterns. Even in my male professional attire over three decades it was colorful shirts (Not a traditional white one) and expressive ties.

Angela Marie
07-17-2022, 10:47 AM
I really do not try to emulate anyone. I try to be honest with myself regarding my appearance. I don't use any artificial enhancements and I don't photoshop my pictures; which are taken with an iPhone or iPad so the quality may not be the best. I do prefer form fitting clothes which translates into leggings and/or very slim pants. Given my small frame i'm able to pull it off. At least I think I can lol.

07-17-2022, 11:33 AM
Yeah I go with what Karen Hutton said! My look just came about without to my conscious effort I just wanted to look good for myself! Keep working at it it will happen!

Debbie Denier
07-17-2022, 12:04 PM
The look changes over the years. When I was in 20s . I liked the office girl look. Stuck with that for years . Dress, skirt , fem suit, nylons , heels and long wig. As I have got older have toned things down . I am looking at a more casual blended look. But still gravitate to the dress and nylons from the office years.I wear a shorter length wig and try to be feminine. But try to dress a bit more age appropriate.

07-17-2022, 04:05 PM
I like to see how many DIFFERENT looks I can achieve---I have a collection. It involves different dresses, wigs and makeup. Hopefully I can achieve one I would want to keep as a "normal".

07-17-2022, 06:08 PM
I try to go for the girl/woman next door, a little outdoorsy and a little fun.

07-17-2022, 09:05 PM
What 'look' I developed was by budget combined with trial & error and what I liked to see. I like dark hair parted a little to one side, and eventually found a wig for that. My clothes has been what looked interesting, or functional, and was on a discount rack. I had to allow that there are things I like which I won't find to sit on my frame the way I would like (I don't have a single dress that zips up the back). But I have a lot of fun playing around with different combinations of outfits, shoes, and tights/nylons. Experimenting can really be enjoyable!

Rachel Anne
07-17-2022, 09:13 PM
On the Dillard's website, they have a "shop by outfit" menu that takes you to outfits put together by a few in-store brands. Express has something similar. I've found them very helpful to put together outfits. Even if you don't buy that exact combination, it's a great place for ideas.

Cheryl T
07-18-2022, 10:15 AM
I don't follow "stars" or anyone else.
I just want to be me. I wear the clothes that I think are attractive and that I feel make me look attractive. Of course I love to feel sexy, doesn't every woman? Most of the time you wouldn't know me from anyone else if you saw me on the street and that's the way I like it. I just want to be me.

07-18-2022, 10:59 AM
I will try clothes worn by the singer Carly Rae Jepsen. My size and figure are very close to hers, though at times my weight drops a bit lower.
Right now I'm wearing a tube top I bought off ebay that I would never have bought had she not mentioned and worn one!