View Full Version : Dressed Workout part 2

07-29-2022, 09:06 PM
So, this morning I got up like I always do and, to my surprise, my wife was already up and getting ready to leave. She was going back to school shopping with her friend and I knew she was not going to be back until this evening. What to do, what to do... Well, I already knew I was cooking dinner for us tonight and I needed to get it started by noon and with the boys still home, there was no time to fully dress. However, I did have time to get a workout in and I decided to try the adhesive tapes I got for my breast forms. I found a nice snug fitting workout shirt and went down to my shop. I used three tapes on each form and they adhered nicely with no issues. I have a really nice Glamorise sports bra that fits me perfectly. After getting everything on, I went ahead and knocked out my workout. OH MY GOD!! I had no idea how much different breast forms feel when they are stuck on you. After I finished exercising, I went ahead and cleaned up the shop a bit just so I could continue to wear them longer. I was amazed at how much I could feel whenever I brushed against something or just touched them. I'll have to get some actual adhesive now to get the full experience. I have been on cloud 9 all day.

Rhonda Darling
07-29-2022, 09:46 PM
Ameejo. Having them attached is a sublime, joyful experience for many of us. I have a very accepting wife and will go several days with mine attached. I’m glad you have found this new joy. As you would no doubt discover on your own, the Hollinger company - which for years produced Hollister’s Adept brand medical spray adhesive - has discontinued production of that product. It was intended for adhering ostomy products to the skin, and modern ostomy products are mostly self adhering now. There are other products out there, and I, like others, am just now starting to search for a suitable replacement.

Let’s hope that the search pays off soon.

Best regards,

08-01-2022, 04:50 PM
Well, crap! It turns out I'm allergic to the adhesive on the breast form tapes. I have some nice defined red chevrons on my chest now. I have treated them with calamine and already done a deep cleaning. They will fade away in due time. The same thing happens when I get medical procedures done and they use vital sign monitors. I'm hesitant to attempt to use an actual adhesive. I think I'll wait for now.

Crissy 107
08-01-2022, 08:58 PM
AmeeJo, Too bad on being allergic to the adhesive, hopefully you can find something that works

08-02-2022, 08:53 AM
Well, crap! It turns out I'm allergic to the adhesive on the breast form tapes. I have some nice defined red chevrons on my chest now. I have treated them with calamine and already done a deep cleaning. They will fade away in due time. The same thing happens when I get medical procedures done and they use vital sign monitors. I'm hesitant to attempt to use an actual adhesive. I think I'll wait for now.

I have that same problem AmeeJo. Any kind of tape or adhesive bandage on my skin for any extended period of time and I get red marks and a mild rash.
Even the stuff that's supposed to be hypoallergenic.
When I used to use Hollister's to attach my poly covered breast forms I would get well defined red "circles" that matched the outline of the forms and they would last for a couple of days.
Made it hard to go shirtless without to explain why I had these red circles on my chest.
I did not seem to have the same problem though with the self-adhesive backed silicone forms (not poly covered).
And I definitely don't have any issues with my Eyung crop top as there is no adhesive needed with those.