View Full Version : Womanless Beauty Pageant: A way to celebrate the return to normal

08-02-2022, 08:08 PM
The pandemic has driven students away from schools and colleges, but there is a type of school/college event that draws the attention of crossdressers: the womanless beauty pageants.

Event where the boys/men parade with beautiful (or not) dresses, wigs, shoes, jewelry and makeup.

If you search the internet, you will see several types of ?womanless?: from the simplest ? in which the candidates are mere caricatures ? to the most detailed ? when the candidates are better dressed and really want to look like women.

At the school I studied there were never womanless beauty pageants, there was only one day when the students in my class decided to wear clothes of the opposite sex ? I did not participate because I was ashamed ? soon I, who at 11 or 12 went to school in days cold using a bra under various clothes ? And on that day the boys wore dresses (not ball gowns) ? without a bra!

For me, dressing up as a woman without a bra is like going to Paris and not visiting the Eiffel Tower.

I wanted to participate in a womanless, learn to walk in high heels, wear a beautiful flowing dress and a beautiful wig with good makeup. And beautiful lingerie underneath.

In fact, at that time I was not attracted to women?s clothing other than bras ?

Incredibly, many conservative parents don?t care that their child participates in a womanless, on the contrary: it encourages and even participates in the boy?s preparation.

Perhaps because many of these womanless events are aimed at raising funds for charities.

They would probably have a different reaction if they found out that the son likes crossdressing or even was LGBTQIA+.

I think that when things go back to normal, events like this should be resumed, even in schools where there was no such event.

This would lessen prejudices against crossdressing and even against women.

In addition, for a day the boy who likes women?s clothes could do it without much judgment ? even because his classmates would also be dressed the same way ? and I could have worn my bra (or rather, my sister\?s) at school without problems for at least a day.

If womanless were popularized, I believe that many who today fear or are ashamed to participate in this type of event would do so. I confess that my biggest fear of participating in a womanless was not the moment of the event, but the photos that eternalize moments like this. What if someone saw a picture of me dressed as a woman?

If all ? or practically all ? men had their ?princess photo?, I think that would no longer be a problem.

I think if one day he has a son ? in fact, I prefer to have a daughter ? maybe he will give him a princess day ? at least once, if there is no opportunity for a womanless and especially if he does not have a daughter.

I don?t want to force him do it, but I want him to have the opportunity to try something different at least once without judgments, without fear and without the need to hide ? as it happened to me when I started trying on my sister?s bra at 12.

If he tries and doesn?t like it, I won?t force him.

It is not only in middle and high school that Womanless Beauty pageants takes place. Even in colleges it exists. An example: The "Miss Engineering?, a Womanless from a University of the Philippines. It is one of the most well-designed and best ? perhaps the best -womanless in the world.

I believe that the pandemic showed that life is too short for fears, prejudices and the like. I think that when we get out of this madness, we should celebrate in every way ? including with a Womanless.

Start thinking about your dress!

Have you ever wanted to participate in a womanless beauty pageant?

Have you participated? How was it?

Tell us in the comments, I look forward to knowing.

Marie Claire

08-02-2022, 08:52 PM
Marie, while we did not have an organized competition in my neighborhood school, I so would have wanted to join that I would have been scared silly that EVERYONE would have figured me out.

I clearly remember my next door neighbor dressing in his sisters clothing for Halloween and making a big deal of using the girls room, I was so stunned with the possibility of following his (her?) footsteps the next year that I am sure I stood there way too long, staring and quietly watching.

I guess we need to talk about the difference between my neighbor and I; he was clearly making a big show of his outfit and appearance as was part of his personality and I doubt he was doing it for any other reason. If it was me, I would be so overwhelmed by the experience, one I had dreamed of more than a few times by then as I had started CDing about 12 years of age and was occasionally fully dressing when I got the chance. It would have been so intense that I'm sure everyone who knew me would have noticed changes and most likely figured out it wasn't just a costume.

08-02-2022, 09:27 PM
I never participated in such an event. But, I was part of a large club in college where the idea of a crossdressing party around Halloween was floated. My interest was seriously sparked and I probably let on too much how interested I was, enough so that a young lady of our group commented on it. I immediately shut up about the party, never said a word about it again. The party didn't happen.

Karren H
08-02-2022, 10:00 PM
Our High School Varsity Club had an annual dress like a girl event where all new members had to come to school fully dressed for the entire day. One particular year I remember that one of the track guys came and my god, he was stunning. He was smaller and a little effeminate but he passed 100% as a woman. His movements and mannerisms... Looking back on that day you cold tell that he had done this before. The year I would have been eligible to participate, it was dropped from the requirements. sigh....

08-02-2022, 10:25 PM
We had a Womanless beauty contest in our church a few years back (only my second time out in public dressed). We had a meal before the contest and I was shocked at how one of the Biggest, "least likely guys to pass" looked absolutely "realistic"----(I didn't say pretty) I walked right past him, just thinking he was one of the wives helping getting us "contestants" ready. No, I did not win or even place--the winner was our 80YO retired preacher. (It was RIGGED!)

08-02-2022, 11:29 PM
I took part in 2 of these events in high school. They were fundraisers for the athletic boosters club and the entire football team was "encouraged " to participate. I had dressed some by this point and a good part of me was excited, but both times it was a HUGE disappointment and letdown. I had access to some gorgeous gowns as my mother owned a dress shop and catered to ball gowns. But it was the hideous/over the top wigs and garish makeup that turned it more onto a drag queen show that really disappointed me. I was really upset that something that should have been wonderful fun ended up being a huge letdown.

08-03-2022, 03:44 AM
Such a fun, whimsical, and obsolete concept.

Leslie Mary S
08-03-2022, 10:07 AM
Marie I have been in, as an adult, in one charity womanless event. It turned out to be one of the key "launch" points into my CDing.
"Be careful of what you ask for, you might get it in spades".

08-03-2022, 02:04 PM
As far as I know we dont really have these events in the Uk.
If we did and I was that age..
Would I have wanted to do it?
Would I actually have done it?
Its a nice idea tho, i would love to try something like it, if i could get away with the full works and not arouse suspicion.
Id like to do pride one year, the thrill of walking along properly dressed in front of all those people.. but It will probably never happen.

08-03-2022, 03:07 PM
Several years ago, I was asked to participate in a fund raiser vaudeville show as one of eight guys dressed up. At first, they suggested we dress to look funny, but someone suggested we go for realism. We all had makeovers. I?d never worn false eyelashes. What a thrill. My wife was all for it and helped. We rehearsed a lot. Only four of us shaved our legs. Our act was very successful. One of the wives whispered in my ear that I seemed to really enjoy myself. Little did she know. (chuckle)

08-04-2022, 04:48 PM
I've never seen such an event or known of one taking place. If I heard of one going on for a charity, I'd ask my wife's blessing to participate. I believe she would give it in that circumstance.

08-04-2022, 07:12 PM
Way before my time! Hi school in the 50's in a conservative area. Anyone that acted wimpy got the crap beat out of him by the bullies! We had no one that dared to look slightly gay, much less dress androgenous! :eek:

Later, at reunions a couple guys admitted to being gay/bi! But, no CD's that I know of. I just had my 60th HS reunion and considered dressing. But then? It would have been all about me all nite!:doh:

08-04-2022, 07:40 PM
Honestly, I didn?t know such a thing existed until exploring the internet. When and where I grew an event like that wouldn?t have happened or at least I wasn?t aware of it.

During my childhood and adolescence, crossdressing was such a private and personal experience that being exposed, seen or caught would have been devastating. I admit after seeing pictures and images or some of the pageant participants dressed and made up, it would have been a thrill, as well as a turn on, to be one of them. But I fear that would have been my problem. Serious anxiety would appear and some sort of panic attack would take place.

Today if asked, I may embrace and enjoy it. Probably too much. My wife would get a kick out of it. Others who have suspected might get the prove the needed.

Leslie Mary S
08-04-2022, 09:25 PM
Darn it, I just missed my 61th class reunion this past weekend. The last time I went was for the 20th reunion in 1982. I was a loner all thru school, just like I am now. Guess I need to hang around for the 75 reunion. (2035). It is just another 15 years. I will only be 92 then. Maybe by then we all can openly dress as we wish.

08-06-2022, 09:25 AM
It's something I would have loved to participated in, but knowing how shy and closeted I was back when I was in HS... I doubt I would have participated. These days, I have the dresses to wear for something like that!

Leslie Mary S
08-06-2022, 11:26 AM
I need an Old Maid (Matron) class to be in one. :)

08-09-2022, 02:52 PM
If there were these events when I was younger I would have accidentally volunteered to participate in them!