View Full Version : How do women deal with crossdressing?

08-07-2022, 06:12 PM
Many women don't know what to do when they find out that their husband or boyfriend likes to dress like her!

In the same way that most heterosexual men are attracted to female women, the majority of heterosexual women seek masculinity and virility in the men they want to relate to. Many women are unable to be attracted to men who wear women's dresses, lingerie, and shoes, just as many men are not attracted to women who wear typical men's clothing.

Of course, this also applies to most homosexual men and women, respectively.

Another issue is the continued confusion people make between gender and sexuality: Many women fear that crossdressers are homosexuals. Not all homosexuals are crossdressers, just as not all crossdressers are homosexuals - or transsexuals.

Another difficulty is that many men practice crossdressing and keep it hidden from girlfriends, wives, and others until they are discovered accidentally. In many cases, they may feel betrayed.

I believe that transparency is important in human relationships. On the other hand, I think that men do not need to tell everything they do, not even to girlfriends or wives as long as it does not harm them. It's similar in that it also doesn't make sense for other people to know her secrets and she most likely isn't sharing. We all have things that we choose not to share. This is true the older we are when we establish a new relationship.

On the other hand, there are women who are tolerant of crossdressing and even support their boyfriends or husbands - after all, on a planet of almost 8 billion inhabitants, there is certainly someone who will accept you and like you for just being you.

Some women often have fun with crossdressing boyfriends or husbands. Yes, there are women who like crossdressers. The range is endless as is the type of relationship one might have. From women who find a simple attraction to crossdressers to those who are more fetish inclined. In most cases, I don't believe crossdressers think this is a punishment - if that is the intent.

And dreaming doesn't cost anything, so why not a wedding with both wearing a wedding dress. Just look at how many fun things a couple can do thanks to crossdressing, all that is required is an open mind and open heart...

In retrospect, what if you found out that your girlfriend or wife likes to wear men's clothes... Maybe even let the hair grow on her legs, etc. Men's clothes are not as varied and interesting as women's and the stigma so much less as it is. I believe there are more men who like to dress up as women than the other way around -in the true sense of crossdressing.

But I confess that if that happened to me... I go back to the beginning of the article: I wouldn't know what to do.

Would you like to have a girlfriend or wife who supports your crossdressing?

Does your girlfriend or wife know about your crossdressing? Does she support you?

What would you do if you found out that your girlfriend or wife liked to crossdress as a man?.

Marie Claire

Paulie Birmingham
08-07-2022, 07:42 PM
ive said it before. if my wife started wearing facial hair and a fake dong, our relationship would be over.

i have many feitshes my wife is aware of. cding is one of them. it does nothing for my wife, but she plays along.

hyopcritical for sure, but thats my preference.

Kris Burton
08-07-2022, 08:24 PM
I honestly don't know what I would do if the situation was reversed. To be sure, it would take me a while to wrap my mind around the whole situation, especially if it was something I didn't see coming. I would like to think that after a period of adjustment I would be understanding and supportive. I would be much more bothered if she tried to keep it away from me.

In short, I would want to be able to do for her exactly as she has done for me. I have a role model now.

08-07-2022, 08:38 PM
Yes, my wife is well aware that I crossdress. I wish my wife truly supported my crossdressing rather than simply accepting that it's something I do.

Before I started crossdressing, I may have been put off if I discovered my wife liked to CD as a man. If I found out now, I'd tell her to go for it so Heather could have a boyfriend. However, just as I have no desire to transition, I would hope she didn't, either.

08-07-2022, 08:57 PM
I always have laff when I read, "Out of 8 billion people on the planet there must be someone just rite for u.":devil:

Never mind distances, languages, and other difficulties, if every date took a day to set up and happened? It would take u about 11 million years to date the 4,000,000,000 women or men necessary to be sure u found that perfect one! 22 million years if you're bi!:tongueout

And, how many people did u seriously get to know before u got married? 3? 8? 12? 20? What r your actual odds of finding the perfect mate in that lot?:straightface:

I believe that saying should be changed to: "The odds of u finding your perfect partner r 200 million to one, at best!" :eek:

Karren H
08-07-2022, 09:32 PM
I would be more than happy to let her crossdress as a man if she would let me crossdress as a woman!

08-08-2022, 05:09 AM
I believe that saying should be changed to: "The odds of u finding your perfect partner r 200 million to one, at best!" :eek:

So you're telling me there's a chance? :daydreaming:


08-08-2022, 06:24 AM
For some reason, I don't think women crossdressing as men is very common except for some of the lesbian persuasion. Perhaps as crossdressers, we would accept this except in public, but I don't think non-crossdressers would accept it.

As far as my wife and my crossdressing, I would say she "tolerates" it at best. She sometimes buys me things and she will go shopping with me, but I think she would rather not see it.

08-08-2022, 06:29 AM
I have had this discussion with my wife. She knows I like femininity in her and when I dress. She accepts my dressing. These days I'm not dressing a lot because of her daughters living with us, but as long as she gets her masculine husband when she needs him, she's OK with it.

08-08-2022, 10:40 AM
My wife understands some of it, not most of it. But she can tolerate it up to a point. We are best friends and she tells me that she does not know what she would do if ever I left her.

If my wife wanted to become more male. She thinks 3 Stooges are funny so she does have some male tendencies already. There are a few other activities I would go along with. Let's leave that there.

I would hope and I think that I would give her the same space she is giving me.

My next big goal for us is to go out New Years Eve and party as 2 women.

08-08-2022, 11:18 AM
Why would a straight woman want to emulate a man? Men are the inferior half of the species. Women already can wear the attire of a man; flannel shirts, jeans, boots, etc. Stick a summer sausage down the pants? Roll up a sock to enhance some false manhood? Heck, immature high school guys do that. I've seen a lot of women wearing their hair short and it can look very sexy. If it's the clothes, they are already there. The fact is women can slide back and forth easily between female attire and male attire.

My wife takes the ostrich viewpoint on her husband's desire to wear clothing society says only a woman should wear. She sticks her head in the ground and it all disappears. When we had "The Talk" she rhetorically asked "Why would a man who has nothing to pack into a bra want to wear one?" My wife, my daughter and my granddaughter already wear the clothing of a man when they choose to do so. My wife and granddaughter have already raided my side of the closet.

08-08-2022, 11:23 AM
Women become invisible when they look old. I've heard that also happens to gays as well.
Men are invisible if they are too short. I fall into that too short category.

I figure my odds are much better in women's clothes as I look young enough for women to check me out!


08-08-2022, 01:24 PM
QUESTION: Would you like to have a girlfriend or wife who supports your crossdressing?

ANSWER: I have a wife who fully supports my crossdressing.

QUESTON: Does your girlfriend or wife know about your crossdressing? Does she support you?

ANSWER: Yes, my wife has known about my crossdressing needs from the first week we met. She has always been supportive. Over the years she has been a “girlfriend” to my femme persona and led the way to both of us having fun as two girls.

Teresa enjoys being a girl about once a week on average, with many weekends and even vacations to remain totally femme. We most always eat out in nice restaurants, shop in fun boutiques and malls, grocery shop together, and generally just do what any two women would do together. We are as comfortable pretending that we are two girls and we are in our normal life, as husband and wife.

My wife goes out of her way to treat me as a girlfriend and talks to me as though I really were a woman. One of the reasons I am so lucky to have such a supportive wife is because our married relationship, expectations, and roles are very traditional and strong as a married male and female. While she is convincingly my girlfriend when Teresa comes out to play, all other time is very traditional and normal as a man and woman.

QUESTION: What would you do if you found out that your girlfriend or wife liked to crossdress as a man?

ANSWER: My reaction to such a need for her to cross dress as a man would be treated no different than her treating me and accepting me as a woman when Teresa wishes to come out to play. I can’t think of anything that I would not do to satisfy her need to fantasize and present herself as a man, to include all the things that guys enjoy doing together.

I would apply the same restrictions that we have agreed to over the years, that any steps that Teresa takes to create a convincing presentation as a woman would be temporary and not be noticeable once my play time as Teresa is over.

08-08-2022, 06:43 PM
I have a wife that supports me 100%, however she doesn't fully approve of it. I know strange.

She never says anything when I am dressed, or if I buy something new. She goes shopping with me about once a year, we drive a couple hours since our small hick town doesn't have many stores to choose from.

My wife used to wear men's jeans when we first met, and that never bothered me. It wasn't until recently that she felt my women's jeans and she has decided that she wants to start wearing women's jeans since they are softer and more comfortable. She has always been a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl, and they were always men's jeans and most of the time men's t-shirts. She doesn't like wearing dresses or anything too girly. She has been basically a tomboy since I've known her.

She doesn't always shave her legs, and that doesn't bother me. Not sure how I would feel if she wanted to wear facial hair, but I wouldn't love her any less. She has had a "package" a couple times in the bedroom, and even though it was different it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

I know I got lucky when I met my current wife and I consider myself blessed.

08-09-2022, 04:14 AM
My wife is hugely supportive in fact it was her idea to lead us into the lifestyle which we now have, which is her mostly dressed for work in classy feminine trouser suits and at home in jeans and tops and me dressed full time in the home in flouncy dresses/skirts, tight sexy or lacey tops, nylons and heels. She thinks mens clothes are drab and boring

08-09-2022, 08:30 AM
Oh that made me laff....nice one

08-10-2022, 02:50 PM
If my wife broke the news that she fancies dressing as a man and occasionally gets off in the process it may got me thinking but that's about as far as I would react. She actually asked me this question and I just said I wouldn't care. And that is probably true. She also asked what I'd feel if she had hidden her dressing from me and borrowed my clothes without asking me. Same answer, I wouldn't care. But then again, I am a crossdresser and as one, naturally inclined to be tolerant about these things (in addition to being tolerant to begin with). And the fact that I wouldn't be bothered much by these things doesn't grant me a license to do the same to a wife who would be bothered by them.