View Full Version : A changing attitude

Angela Marie
08-20-2022, 06:26 AM
As many of you have read from my previous posts I have become more out so to speak; nails, leggings, flats. My attitude is that I refuse to have other people define me by their standards. I am who I am and I make no excuses. I have been a good husband, father, and a productive member of society. I will no longer be ashamed or guilt ridden because I choose to present myself in a different manner. There are exceptions for family. I wish that were different but in the grand scheme of things my family ranks above all others. Sorry for the rant. I just had to get that off my chest.

Teri Ray
08-20-2022, 07:33 AM

I figure you gotta do what is right for you and your family. Best wishes to you . I believe you have the right attitude.

Kris Burton
08-20-2022, 07:38 AM
And a correct and healthy attitude I believe it is...and it other folks don't like it, don't look!

Emily in the south
08-20-2022, 09:17 AM
I admire you're commitment Angela & agree with Kris 100%!

Hope I can get there someday soon...

Tracy Irving
08-20-2022, 09:27 AM
I refuse to have other people define me by their standards.


Love it.

08-20-2022, 10:13 AM
It is great that you can present in a manner you enjoy with the support of your wife. I totally understand the boundaries you have set for yourself. As long as you are comfortable with these few limits, then life is good.

08-20-2022, 11:01 AM
Once you get past the problem of acceptance of self, you have to deal with acceptance of others. That's where the problems arise. All those positive attributes you listed can go down the drain in a moment.

08-20-2022, 12:17 PM
Angela, my attitude is you do you and I'll do me. I'm a crossdresser. For reasons having to my wife's wishes I don't dress in front of family. Outside of that I don't care who knows.

08-20-2022, 03:41 PM
Way to go Angela!

Debbie Denier
08-20-2022, 04:37 PM
Agree with you totally Angela. Live your life the way you choose. If your not upsetting your family nothing else matters.

08-20-2022, 05:15 PM
I love this post and feel exactly the same and doing the same, I dress better and look better than what a lot of people in my immediate neighborhood display for Gods sake.

No one seems to notice much what I got casually dressed flats, leggings fem top, light make up.

08-20-2022, 05:49 PM
Good for you.

08-20-2022, 07:30 PM
I'm sorry, Angela. But, I must agree with Jamie. U can't have your cake and eat it, too.:sad:

Either u can dress so as to not offend or disturb your family. Or, u can dress however u like whenever u like.:eek:

But, u can't do both! I know from experience. It wasn't until I was divorced and my last child moved out that I was truly free to explore who and what Sherry was all about!:battingeyelashes:

That was 2 years ago. Yet, the experimentation continues!:devil:

08-20-2022, 11:11 PM
I honestly don't care what anyone else thinks EXCEPT my wife. Therein lies my problem as she has told me in no uncertain terms if anyone (friends/family/acquaintances) knew I CD it would be a constant source of embarrassment for her. I will do my best to NEVER cause her such angst.

08-21-2022, 03:45 AM
Compromise is part of life. Respecting the wishes of others isn't a sign of weakness as long as that respect flows both ways.

Those SO's who demand of us that life will fit their ideals fail in showing mutual respect. We understand why many feel that way. Societal pressures, upbringing, religion, can all play a part. However that doesn't make it right.

I feel Angela is doing the right thing. Doing for the most part what she wants to do while acknowledging the constraints family can bring to our lives.

These are steps along a journey and who knows where the path will ultimately lead.

08-21-2022, 05:36 AM
I've been coming around to the same conclusion, Angela. It's been very hard, due to social anxiety, but very liberating. Allowing myself to present in the way you want around strangers is the first step for me, family, friends and colleagues will be a harder/bigger step.
Not sure I'll go through with it, but I'll sure try. It's worth the attempt.

April Rose
08-21-2022, 08:42 AM
It is so rare that a cross dresser wants to get things OFF their chest...:tongueout:battingeyelashes:

Larissa Cassandra
08-22-2022, 02:47 AM
Angela, I agree 100%. As you know, I'm in a very similar position. I think eventually my grown children would come around to acceptance, but it's a different story with very young grandchildren, so probably none of them will find out until after I'm gone. In the meantime, I'm becoming slightly braver over time out in public, but you're way ahead of me, so Way to go, girl!

08-22-2022, 05:57 AM
It is so rare that a cross dresser wants to get things OFF their chest...:tongueout:battingeyelashes:

I disagree.
HAIR! :heehee:

08-22-2022, 07:51 AM

I love your approach. I wish you much contentment going forward.

Angela Marie
08-22-2022, 04:15 PM
Well tomorrow hopefully another big step. Wearing my nails to work. I work in a pretty diverse, liberal environment but you never know. I say hopefully but I may chicken out lol.

08-22-2022, 08:16 PM
Yogi are a better person then me. I could not do that. One thing is going places where you are not known. Another thing as work