View Full Version : Concert attire

09-05-2022, 08:25 AM
Recently I attended a concert by "A Band Called Honalee", a tribute group to Peter, Paul, and Mary mainly, though they also performed a few tunes by other groups from the '60s. (They were good; check them out if they come to your town.)

I was a bit surprised that I was the only one there in a tie-dyed shirt (and a headband). Not exactly CDing, but not exactly mainstream. I had fun.

April Rose
09-05-2022, 09:49 AM
If you watch videos of early PP&M concerts, the entire audience was in coats and ties and dresses. So were PP&M for that matter. A few of Mary's chiffon dresses were to die for! :daydreaming:

09-05-2022, 10:04 AM
You're showing your age. :)

09-05-2022, 10:13 AM
While women's things similar to tie dyed r out there? They don't seem popular here in SoCal and probably rarely, if ever worn to concerts, Bobbi!

Donna St. Marten
09-05-2022, 12:09 PM
Sounds to me like you were dressed for a Steppenwolf concert.

09-05-2022, 03:51 PM
You should have gone to a Dead concert.

09-07-2022, 01:34 AM
Yeah, I am showing my age. A couple of decades ago I saw the Kingston Trio in concert. I marveled at the time at all the grey-haired folks in the audience. Now I am one of them.