View Full Version : Clued up?

Kerry Michaels
09-11-2022, 04:21 AM
After bombardment from Facebook, my wife decided she wanted to do an Alice in wonderland geo game. She chose to go as the queen of heart, the kids were the hatter and the Cheshire Cat. I said someone had to go as Alice!

It happened. I ended up walking around a city in an Alice dress, white tights, blonde and wig make up in the middle of the day with my family. Great fun and we went for dinner afterwards.

Anyone else tempted by this.

09-11-2022, 04:35 AM
Wow! That sounds like so much fun! and Alice's outfit is so pretty! A wonderful opportunity to get out and about with the family and dressed.

09-11-2022, 08:13 AM
Wow! That sounds like a lot of fun! Congratulations!

09-11-2022, 08:35 AM
Kerry, That is fabulous.

09-11-2022, 08:53 AM
That sounds like an awesome time

09-11-2022, 09:01 AM
Ooh, lucky you! Does your family know of your inclinations, or did they think you were just being silly? I would love to see a photo of you as Alice.

09-11-2022, 11:16 AM
I read the adds for that event in LA, Kerry. A friend of mine wanted to do it with Sherry in costumes. But, when we saw it meant running all over town instead of going to just one location?:eek:

We both decided to give it a miss!:doh:

09-11-2022, 11:29 AM
Wonderful for you Kerry! Glad you had a great time. :thumbsup: That sounds like great fun.

bridget thronton
09-11-2022, 12:12 PM
Well done you have a great family

09-11-2022, 08:14 PM
That sounds like an incredible experience. Having an opportunity to do that with your family. I could only dream about something like that. While my wife is okay with quite a lot, I am not sure she would go for something like that. However, you never know. I am happy for you.

09-12-2022, 06:53 AM
Yes I have dressed like Alice and went out. You have a great family and sounds like a great time.

09-12-2022, 08:26 AM
I have never heard of that.

While I have been out in public as Krisi, it has been by myself, not with my wife. I think if I went out dressed as a woman with my wife, people would recognize me and realize that that wasn't the first time I ever dressed as a woman.

Kerry Michaels
09-12-2022, 04:17 PM
My wife knows but doesn?t like it . She virtually dared me and I committed to it. She thought I would be embarrassed but I loved it.

09-15-2022, 07:20 AM
Nothing better than a dare that involves womens clothing challenge accepted.

Jane G
09-16-2022, 05:48 PM
That sounds like a very cool day out.

09-17-2022, 05:06 PM
I've no idea what a "geo game" is, but if you mean "tempted to walk around in a cute dress", then yes, I am.

09-17-2022, 07:54 PM
Well, that's definitely going down the rabbit hole. :)

09-17-2022, 10:39 PM
Sounds like you had a fun time.

Tempted? To dress as Alice? Not particularly, but if the chance came along, why not?

Or tempted to make one's crossdressing part of a family activity? Again, sure, but will never happen.

When I go out crossdressed on my own, I feel like an Alice of sorts. There are enough interesting and bizarre characters to meet in real life.

09-18-2022, 05:21 PM
How nice!

09-18-2022, 07:39 PM
So where did you find an Alice dress? Though I might have to do queen of hearts because we'll I am queen if hearts in the Imperial Royal Sovereign Court Of the Desert Empire. To clarify its a fund raising organization based around drag prefomances

Kerry Michaels
09-19-2022, 03:02 PM
I was wearing this one.
https://www.partydelights.co.uk/alice-in-wonderland-fancy-dress/alice-in-wonderland-adult-costume-17879.aspx?ChosenSize=FANC17881&gclid=CjwKCAjwpqCZBhAbEiwAa7pXeWi-hBVihL5_-KiOMsf3vAQWbHPczO09PVIWmmv3woboURtGe7UxmBoCf8cQAvD _BwE