View Full Version : how many Crossdressers actually go out dressed on a regular basis ?

09-29-2022, 02:03 AM
I have spoken to several of our girls here in the uk and it is of my Opinion that not many actually step outside the house, and go shopping, out to pubs and clubs etc. I reckon maybe 80% never go out beyond the house perimeter, maybe Im wrong that is why Im asking your viewpoint. Please Im not judging anyone there are many reasons why some of us girls cant, but as a crossdresser the urge to step outside dressed was always my ultimate goal and I could have never just stopped in the house when I reached the point of being fully dressed, makeup heels wig jewelry and just stare out of the window.

09-29-2022, 02:20 AM
I go out regularly and it is such a thrill.
I go out both daytime and night time.
Staying home dressed cannot satisfy me completely.

Claire M
09-29-2022, 04:09 AM
I don't get the opportunity to dress fully very often any more but when I do I try to include an outing for shopping or maybe a drink or dinner. When I had more oppportu ity I would get out a couple times a month.

09-29-2022, 04:25 AM
Debs does this include getting out of the car? :)

09-29-2022, 05:06 AM
Kym, bit of a grey area there, lol

09-29-2022, 05:19 AM
I go out when the opportunity arises.
Funnily I find shopping as Ellie far more relaxing and less self conscious than shopping in male mode.
I do go shopping for clothes and shoes in male mode but find its much less stressful when dressed as Ellie.
My wife has said she is open to us going shopping and going to the movies as two girls soon. Looking forward to that

09-29-2022, 06:19 AM
I am out in the community regularly, mostly doing mundane things like going to the bank or grocery shopping. Occasionally I will stop for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. As I have gotten older, I just do not go out at night as often as in the past.

Elizabeth G
09-29-2022, 06:49 AM
I'm out and about about once every week or two. I would be out more but this situation seems to work for both me and my wife.

09-29-2022, 07:09 AM
I also have limited dressing opportunities, but when I do I tend to go out dressed. I've been grocery shopping as well as clothes shopping dressed. I'd be out everyday dressed if my situation allowed for it. To be quite honest, I'd transition if it wasn't for where I am in my life right now.


09-29-2022, 07:22 AM
I was getting out a couple times a month but recently my dressing opportunities are limited last time out shopping was was early August. I would go out weekly if possible.

Sandi Beech
09-29-2022, 07:25 AM

I have not kept track, but if I had to guess I would estimate I have been out around 15 to 20 times this year. Being out in public has always been a desire of mine, and I know how hard it is to make that jump. If you are able to pull it off, there is no going back as you well know. It is the interaction with others that makes it possible to really relax and have fun.


09-29-2022, 07:27 AM
I usually go out 2x a week.

09-29-2022, 07:27 AM
Debs, I think that is probably a really hard thing to put numbers to. Here in my city there is definitely a pattern anyone can see. In a few areas there is an abundance of CD-Trans people, both MTF and FTM. I think we kind of congregate in certain areas where we can feel very safe and welcome while other places we are a rarity. But if one includes those who use the mix and match expression it seems a bit more generalized and I am one of those. Clear indications, but still a bit ambiguous. But Denver is a bit unusual in that it is a city that is pretty Trans friendly. Other nearby communities are much less so and a few are clearly contrary and non-accepting. In my own neighborhood there are a few that are out and about in full plumage. I see them taking walks or going by enroute to a nearby bus stop to go downtown where we are more abundant.

Paulie Birmingham
09-29-2022, 08:07 AM
other than one Halloween when i was a teenager, i have never been outside the house in a dress. or a skirt. i dont own a wig.

i have been out in womens jeans, yoga pants and shorts, booties and low heeled pumps and flats, underdress and light lipstick.

i have too many masculine features to try to pass (and i dont care to try) and really dont want to be miad in public. just not a good look for me

Aunt Kelly
09-29-2022, 08:15 AM
LOL! Good one. Touche', girl.

I was going to say "About seven."

Cheryl T
09-29-2022, 08:31 AM
I started venturing out nearly 20 years ago and have done so since.
It's nothing exciting like it was at first. The thrill of being out in public wore off a long time ago. I'm actually glad it did as it has allowed me to become more comfortable with who I am and has changed my style from what was a bit showy and attention getting (nothing extreme mind you) to that of the "average woman" and I like it.

09-29-2022, 09:07 AM
I go out occasionally, but not to bars or restaurants. I just walk the mall or the park and try to avoid having to have a conversation. I am trying to pass as a woman, not be accepted as a crossdresser.

Also, I don't walk out of the house or return dressed, I change in the car. That makes it far more difficult.

09-29-2022, 09:19 AM
I use to go out all the time when I use to live next to a handful of accepting clubs. Something fun to do in the late evening after the grind of life slowed down. But then I moved, and lost the closeness of those “safe” areas. Somewhat recently, I have been going out during the day shopping and whatnot. Even to my favorite liquor stores. They didn’t seem surprised at all when I walked in. Lol. I do remember that very first time I ventured out of the house as Jasmine. It was the most nerve-wracking, scariest thing I have ever done in the world! I still get a little nervous when I go out(specially if it’s been awhile since my last outing), but it does get easier.
Just recently I went out without makeup on. I was away on business, had a LBD & heels with me, and needed a few things from the store. I shaved my face very close, pulled my hair into a high ponytail & took the long walk to the convenience store. I was nervous, but once I left the building, there was only going forward, not back. People generally did not care. Was that a smirk, or a smile from the kid at the cash register? I don’t know. I doesn’t matter, because he was very nice. When I got back, it felt that I had conquered Mt. Everest!

09-29-2022, 09:20 AM
The 80% estimate may be conservative.

Twice a week, on average, for my shopping routine. Other occasional errands, too. I have a circle of friends who know and have seen me crossdressed. Sometimes I join them enfemme at public events.

Michelle Crossfire
09-29-2022, 09:23 AM
My chances for dressing are only limited by my work schedule, which changes month to month. There are also those days that you can dress, just don't feel like it or are not up for it. Lately, i have had a few more opportunities to dress. When i do dress, i almost always go out, usually shopping of some sort, be it grocery, clothes or whatever. I have gone to bars and restaurants, both by myself and with the SO, and sometimes friends who also dress. Staying inside just does nothing for me.

Michaela Jane
09-29-2022, 09:29 AM
I suppose it depends on your interpretation of "dressed". Personally, when I go out, I am dressed in all female clothes but pass as a man. This morning, I had to go to the grocery store and every stitch I was wearing, including my shoes were bought from the womens department of the stores I shop at for clothes, be it online or in person. The only thing I left at home were my forms.

Valerie Louise
09-29-2022, 01:40 PM
Im just starting to go out. It?s been about once a month for the last four months.

09-29-2022, 02:00 PM
I go out 6-10 a year. I wish it was more often. I frequent Trans events as well as going to clubs and bars with my wife.

09-29-2022, 03:31 PM
I used to go out once a week, but things changed and now i rarely get an opportunity to go out dress. I do dress more at home than I ever did though.

Debbie Denier
09-29-2022, 04:22 PM
Circumstances , non accepting wife and 2 daughters at home have curtailed going out for me. Opportunities indoors are infrequent too. I did go out many years ago to a support group. Got dressed there . Never did the shopping, pubs and clubs thing.Would love to but my purge in 2020 has drastically reduced the wardrobe to a small stash. Also not as confident as I was as a youngster. Used to love shopping and trying on and buying clothes at a trans friendly dress shop that closed 30 plus yrs ago.The owner helped, encouraged and inspired me at the time. Marriage and kids then intervened so I stopped. Started again but if I go missing its where ? Why? and with who? Frustrating at the moment but I live in hope.

09-29-2022, 04:40 PM
Pretty much all the time, except when I go to work. But the clothes I wear are pretty neutral. It would be hard to tell weather the clothes are female or male.

Taylor Dame
09-29-2022, 05:55 PM
Being in a DADT situation, I don't have much chance to get out. Recently my daughter and 2 children have moved in with us, so I have an even harder time dressing at home. I now get out fully dressed for shopping about 3-4 times a year. I miss it.

09-29-2022, 06:30 PM
I go out whenever I am dressed Well almost every time. Malls, bars, usually gay but not always, restaurants pretty much where ever. And pretty much I either don't get clocked or no one cares. I tend to think it is the latter. Although I do dress to blend. It is great fun too. Do it

09-29-2022, 06:36 PM
The only reason I went out in the 1st place, 22 years ago, was to meet other dressers!:hugs:

That's still my main motivation to go out dressed! We don't "fool around". Just good times with great T girls!:love:

09-29-2022, 08:19 PM
I go out about twice a week to do grocery shopping, clothing shopping, run errands, and occasionally a stop for lunch. I find myself saving up errands for my next Gracie shopping trip. It's just so much fun and feels so right.

09-29-2022, 10:08 PM
Pretty much never unless you count wearing woman's jeans and boots in male mode.

09-29-2022, 10:28 PM
I just counted my pictures folder and by my best guess I've been out 52 times in 2022 including four days in a row from last Thursday to last Sunday.

I've been in planes, trains (Amtrak and public transit), and autos. Been to two plays and one concert. Shopping, of course. Two times at Pride and a couple of beach bikini outings. Bars, restaurants and casinos.

I write about my outings in the pictures forum and at Kandi's (see my signature below).

I have no idea about the percentage of those who go out, but for every person logged into this board, there are usually 50 to 100 guests. I can only assume the lurkers are interested in dressing but unwilling to create a login ID and post. Those numbers would suggest that 80% who don't go out is actually higher.

P.S. I just checked the site. 520 on line, 19 members, 501 guests. That means roughly 25 guests for every member; this would roughly translate to 4%.

Joni T
09-30-2022, 01:00 AM
My ex used to bowl every Thursday night and I worked a 4-10 work week with Fridays off so Joni would go out every Thursday night shopping, malling and to my favorite watering hole. I went out most Friday mornings as well. I miss those times.

09-30-2022, 03:31 AM
My outandaboutery usually consists of 7 days full time while away on a Helen Holiday. Hence I cram in as much as I can. I'm usually out the door by 09:30 and will only return less than 12 hours later if it's to freshen up and put on a different outfit. It's this week of the year M&S make their most profit on bras, knickers, skirts and blouses!

The day I go to Manchester is usually about 16-18 hours. Tiring but worth it when I get to meet others from the forum.
While I drive to Manchester other days I try to use public transport, trains and buses to get me about. I enjoy the interaction of being amongst the muggles and have had many a conversation either while waiting or travelling.

I do occasionally get the odd day here and there but dressing from home poses it's own problems.

And to those who've never been out but are itching to do so, look at all the positive posts the forum gets. Pull up yer big girl knickers and get out there.

Genifer Teal
09-30-2022, 05:14 AM
You may be correct. I'm out all the time.

09-30-2022, 06:14 AM
I like reading what everyone is up too. How they incorporate crossdressing.

I do know some that have told me they have no desire to go out.
Others because of circumstances cannot go out.
Others live a big part of their life out.
Not a race, or a competition just live your life to your rules.

09-30-2022, 06:16 AM
Unfortunately very rarely. I have 4 daughters, all school age and I don't want them to be bullied because of their dad in a dress. I know children are more accepting but it's the parents that would be the issue. My children (and wife) know I dress and I've been out dressed to the nines with my wife 3 times in 10 years (if you don't include going to rocky horror in costume).
I do wear women's jeans and t-shirts and gym leggings. Sometimes flats or boots. Wish I could do it more but money comes into it when you've got to travel outside your home area. Tend to go to Manchester, canal street but not into the mainstream bars nearby (wife uncomfortable if I get hassled).

09-30-2022, 10:47 AM
When my wife was still working I had the opportunity to be en femme seven hours a day when she worked. We are fully retired when has put a damper on being fully en femme. When our daughter lived in Chicago and her cousin in Arizona she'd be away for seven to ten days. That's when I ventured out in the evening for drives which ended up in evening strolls. At the time it felt fulfilling. But, in the end it was a case of just walking my feet off. I have never been a guy to hit bars and night clubs or walk malls aimlessly. To do things en femme that I do not do en drab does not click with me. I found being fully en femme at home and doing all that a woman or man would do was more fulfilling. I got things done that needed to be done.

At one time I probably needed a social group, but, once I got my head screwed on right that did not even seem fulfilling. The motivation to hang out with fellow cross dressers just because they wear a dress is no longer a motivation.

09-30-2022, 11:48 AM
I would love to go out dressed on a regular basis; but, I don't see that happening. I am going to start being a bit braver in that any times my wife will be gone for 6 hours or so, I will dress and drive 25 miles or so from our home and just get out to shop, dine, and mingle. That 6 hour window is probably a once every 2 months type of thing - if I'm lucky.

Phoebe Reece
09-30-2022, 02:26 PM
I pretty much never take the time and trouble to get all dressed up, unless I am going out somewhere. I go out day and night to all kinds of places. Most of the time it is to have a meal with one of my crossdressing friends or running some simple errands. I go out probably an average of 4 or 5 days every month.

09-30-2022, 02:43 PM
How many Crossdressers actually go out dressed on a regular basis ?

I go out dressed about twice a month to run errands, do grocery shopping, have lunch and/or dinner at a nice restaurant, visit tourist sights, etc. My wife always joins me. We enjoy our time out as "girlfriends" and have always been treated well by others.

09-30-2022, 03:38 PM
I am now spending 5 or 6 days per week out fully en femme. In addition to clothes shopping at all the stores CD's frequent, I go food shopping, to the library, restaurants for lunch or dinner, the county tax office, my podiatrist, a casino resort, local parks, art galleries, museums - pretty much anything & everywhere. I absolutely love presenting Fiona to the world.

09-30-2022, 11:57 PM
I go out whenever I have an opportunity to do so. Typically, I am en femme most of the time. Whenever I travel, I usually travel dressed.
As a long time CD, I've run the gamut of those early years, struggling to achieve the most femme appearance that I could.
Here I am umpteen years later...as my attitude towards 'going out' has changed a lot. Now, I'm just being the best version of myself...whether 'en femme' or 'en drab'.
And I'm comfortable with this. Over the years I've refined my look, made several adjustments in my physical appearance, attitude and presentation.
I've managed to blur the lines between male and female, somewhat. My hair is now past shoulder length. I've gained a few inches on my hips and ass, have a waistline and I can fill a B-cup!
Dressing is so very much easier now.

Recently, I've been traveling. I stopped at In-n-Out. I checked my hair, makeup and clothes. I walked inside and got in line. Yes, a few people looked at me, but barely a glance as people will stay within THEIR OWN private realm...not yours.
Yes sometimes you will be clocked, and then most times you won't. Just own the moment. Be as lady like as possible, do your homework, get into your personal femininity, feel the moment, bask in it, but be CONFIDENT out there!

Kerry Michaels
10-01-2022, 01:31 AM
Unfortunately very rarely. I have 4 daughters, all school age and I don't want them to be bullied because of their dad in a dress.
I feel exactly the same. I don?t care what the world thinks but impact on loved ones is different.

Jessica Secret
10-01-2022, 04:46 PM
In my case I'm closeted because pretty much my entire wardrobe is lingerie so it would be silly to go out in that lol. If I liked other clothes would I go out? Hard to say, and I do wear panties out but I'll be staying closeted unless wearing romantic lingerie in public ever becomes socially acceptable. :heehee:

Majella St Gerard
10-03-2022, 06:28 PM
I dress up on my 2 days off almost every week. Sometimes just to run my errands. I'll usually go out to a bar at least one of the 2 days for karaoke. I've been to the Dr and Dentist dressed.

Sabine Janus
10-04-2022, 08:54 AM
Nope, never

10-07-2022, 08:36 AM
Not sure how you define regularly. I do go out dressed but I wouldn't say its common, but I am comfortable doing it. I have a couple of events per year I try to plan around, a five day trip to Las Vegas, in and around Halloween, and usually a third time during the year. I usually get my eyebrows waxed, tinted, hair colored, full body wax and a mani pedi with nail extensions. This allows me to go out in longer spurts a few times a year. I will go out to dinner with my wife or friends. In Las Vegas I spent an entire five days en femme. I left the house dressed with no "backup" clothes, including going through the airport.

I wasn't always this comfortable, but have become more adventurous with age.

10-07-2022, 08:51 AM
as often as I can. I go to the movies, grocery, shopping, fast food or date nights. at a former job I dressed every day for work. That was great. the job wasn't though so I left. But yeah, any chance I get to go out I'm going to take it.


10-08-2022, 02:11 AM
I would love to go out dressed on a regular basis; but, I don't see that happening. I am going to start being a bit braver in that any times my wife will be gone for 6 hours or so, I will dress and drive 25 miles or so from our home and just get out to shop, dine, and mingle. That 6 hour window is probably a once every 2 months type of thing - if I'm lucky.

OMG! I just got lucky. Later today my wife is leaving home at 10:30 a,m, and returning about 5 p.m. I will be shaved and showered by 11 a.m., dressed with makeup applied (except for wig and lipstick to be put on a few miles from home) by 11:30 a.m., and at ULTA by noon to make an appointment for an October 22nd makeover. Then it will be on to about 3 hours of shopping for a couple casual outfits (jeans and tops). I'll start at a Lane Bryant outlet store, then to a Levi/Wrangler outlet store, then to a Torrid store and any others I find that might have something of interest.

10-08-2022, 02:57 AM
Heather, youve been bitten by the going out bug now, lol will be hard to keep you in now

10-08-2022, 01:40 PM
Probably only those who are fully out of the closet and are living their life as a woman, go out fully dressed every day. I underdress on a daily basis (panties and pantyhose) and wear skirt and heels at home every day, but still only go out fully dressed once or twice per week, mostly in the evening for a walk around the town, maybe sometime shopping in nearby town where I don't expect to run on someone I know. I do wear some more unisex looking women's clothes and shoes when I am outside of my home, but not every day and only a few selected items I don't expect others to identify as women's clothes.

10-08-2022, 01:53 PM
I go out as often as I can dressed as Joanne! I love doing so!

10-08-2022, 03:29 PM
Before I got married, I use to go out 2 to 3 times a week. Now once or twice a year

Andrea Renea
10-09-2022, 05:06 AM
I go to the grocery store,Walmart, Target and gas station even the Mall....on
a regular basis. Multiple times a week.

I've not had an issue. I do it 10 miles plus from my home lessening the
chance of running into someone I know.

10-09-2022, 05:07 AM
Covid really upset my times to be out dressed and that was then followed by a long drought for many months until recently. Hopefully with the cooler autumn weather and a more settled routine at home, I can get back to my once a month outings. Like many of us married girls, we have to balance our desires with the dynamics of our responsibilities of our families.

10-09-2022, 05:50 AM
Heather, youve been bitten by the going out bug now, lol will be hard to keep you in now

You've got that for a fact. Yesterday's trip out was different than I had planned for a couple of reasons. The first reason is I was really happy with my makeup. That said, I hid my eyes behind sunglasses as I don't have eye shadow, liner, and eyebrows figured out yet so I didn't even attempt those. Also, the traffic was somewhat heavy and slow moving so I didn't make it to the outlet mall I wanted to go to. Nonetheless, I did make it to Hamrick's and bought a denim skirt and a blue striped top. I am going to return the skirt in favor of blue jeans. I also had an Amazon order delivered to a locker that I picked up. I had purchased 3 pair of Hanes Silk Reflections thigh highs and 3 three packs of L'eggs thigh highs. Because I wasn't quite as far from home as I would have been at the outlet mall, I decided to head home. On my way, my wife called to say she would be home at least an hour earlier than planned. That gave me time to get home, take a few pictures, and put everything away, remove my makeup and return to male mode by the time she got home. Heather's next time out is the 22nd.

10-09-2022, 01:43 PM
I almost always go out when I am dressed at least 80% of the time. I'll dress down jeans and flats and head to the mall or just walk some city streets in a busier part of town. I have to see how I pass or if I am just looking so ravishing that people just have to look LOL. Usually it seems no one notices, no stares, no comments, no anything. I don't know if its good or bad. I guess it means I am passing or at least no one cares.

10-09-2022, 04:07 PM
I have been averaging about twice a month lately. There's a CD/TG monthly event I try to make every other month or so. The rest are shopping, coffee bars, that kind of thing.

Heather Anne
10-12-2022, 09:05 PM
I live just South of Atlanta. I get out about twice a week, usually Wednesday and Saturday. I get out and have lunch in the metro Atlanta area. After lunch may spend some time at Walmart, Target, Barnes & Noble.

10-12-2022, 11:41 PM
I go out dressed at least 6 days a week doesn?t matter daytime or night actuality prefer daytime over nigh anymore. Makes me feel more normal and at one time I would only go at nighttime thinking I wouldn?t be noticed as much. I was wrong and get less noticed during the day than any other time. You just have to get your courage up to do it in the first place. Everyone that dresses needs to do it more you?d be so surprised no one really cares I?ve come to see.

10-13-2022, 11:15 AM
Debs, I'd guess your 80% guess is on the low side. As a side thought, look at the data for this site.
Just now +- 390 visitors on the site and only 21 members.
For what ever reason +- 20 times more people choose to browse this site rather than join.
FEAR would be what I would guess holds back the majority of us that crossdress from 'living the life'.
Just read the posts, a outing is a 'event' rather than the norm.
Heck, dare to say this site wouldn't even exist if society was as open as many of us wish it was.
Just to be honest, I'd guess many more of us would venture out more often if we felt confident that our appearance would 'pass'.
Or also if we felt confident that our appearance would not draw unwanted attention and possibly unwanted actions.
Where we live is another concern, If you live in a small town that are mostly people with a 1950's point of view.
It is a given that a guy wearing a dress might be the topic of rumors for weeks.
If you live in a metro area with fluid thoughts IMO it makes it easier to venture out.
I'd guess most of our active out 'members' live on the west coast, specifically California as their appears to be a more open attitude their??
Just my thoughts? Could be wrong?

10-19-2022, 08:35 AM
Oh yes!!!

The more you do it, the more you do it!


kimmy p
10-19-2022, 12:03 PM
The only restriction my wife has asked for when it comes to my clothing choices is that I don't go out dressed. Unless it is October and I can use Halloween as an excuse. Which is why I have 4, maybe 5 events I am hitting this month.

Ivanna Razzo
10-19-2022, 01:29 PM
Mmm a couple of times, to one mall with my wife, several times in the car and walk the half of a block to visit a friend.

10-19-2022, 03:18 PM
Not me - I sneak out at night once or twice a year just to get out of the house. Usually I just go for a drive and don't even get out of the car. But last year I went to a CD makeover studio on a weekend afternoon, spent about three hours there, and then came home without changing back. That was the first and only time I've been dressed in front of other people...on purpose, anyway. I have definitely been spotted while out and about despite trying to be covert. Heading back there for another appointment in December!

I'm also planning on going to a therapist appointment soon en femme. If I actually go through with it, it will be the first time I leave my house dressed while the sun's still up and first time going to a busy/public place. I'm both really excited, and terrified, LOL. We've talked about my dressing at length so it's not like I'm going in there to make a surprise announcement, but the whole process of getting there will be an adventure. Or maybe not? I dunno.

10-20-2022, 06:01 PM
From when I first started crossdressing, in 2014, I was going out 2-4 times a week cross dressed, to bars and nightclubs and music venues. As that time progressed, I also started going to restaurants, shopping openly in malls, and mundane tasks like getting groceries or getting gas for my car, while dressed. But I felt that, at most, I was gender fluid, and at home and while working, I remained male. I was also pretty certain that even if I decided to fully transition, I could never afford it.

By 2018, my social life was almost exclusively en femme, and I suddenly found out my insurance would cover the cost if I wanted to transition to full time as a woman. I talked to my doctor as soon as I could, and never looked back. Four years later, in 2022, I am living very happily as a woman, and awaiting confirmation for the scheduling of my final, lower surgery.

10-21-2022, 07:39 AM
Not me at the moment. Apart from not really having the confidence to do so, I'd b'? a little nervous about being "discovered" as it were. maybe I will one day

Rhonda Jean
10-21-2022, 08:13 AM
I figure 80% or more DO go out. I never dressed to stay in. There were some specific things that I only wore for the mirror or the camera, like a formal dress or something too risque, but after trying that stuff on I'd head out in something appropriate.

10-21-2022, 09:27 AM
On the other hand, If the number of people who go out dressed is proportional to the ratio of lurkers to participants in this forum, I'd say the proportion of folks who do go out would be 20% or less.

I mean, we are talking worldwide, not just one country, right?

10-21-2022, 03:28 PM
I go out regularly dressed as a Man In A Dress. In my particular case, trying to pass as a woman would be a massive FAIL. I feel this is a more honest way for me to live, and many female acquaintances have told me I am the most courageous man they know.

10-22-2022, 07:13 AM
Me! I go out regularly. Hiking in a preserve or park, out to grocery or bookstore, local farm market, shopping at Kohls, Macys, Target... I'm a MIAD. No wig, sometimes a hat. Little or no makeup. I've gotten bold in our little town.

Kimberly A.
10-22-2022, 08:34 AM
I do! :bs: Although I don't go out CD'd as much as some others here do, it is on a regular basis for me..... Anytime I have a weekend off from the road, which is every other weekend. LOL

10-28-2022, 03:07 AM
Not me at the moment. Apart from not really having the confidence to do so, I'd b'? a little nervous about being "discovered" as it were. maybe I will one day

This is where I am, I want to wear clothes in public straight away as a new crossdresser but am nervous about being seen by anybody who knows me

- - - Updated - - -

As a new cd I intend to go out dressed once or twice a month but it won't be locally, maybe 40+ miles away.

Lacey New
10-30-2022, 07:12 AM
I have gone out underdressed many times but have never gone out wearing typical womens outerwaer. Not ready for that. And at this point in my life, I doubt if I will ever do it.

Barbara Jo
10-30-2022, 07:29 PM
I go out as Barbra at least twice a week
This is mostly for shopping and to a movies at a local, fully restored vintage theater built in 1929.
This includes grocery shopping at the local WalMrt.

Like today, I went to a matinee showing (2:00 PM) at that theater to see "Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein" :)
After the movie, I got a few items at a local "dollar" store where nothing is a dollar any more of course

Jean 103
10-30-2022, 07:58 PM
I live as Jean. I only do guy mode for work. I do it wearing all women's clothing.

Most are not like me. I'm out. Live in a small town and have many friends. I'm kind of popular as I say more people know me than I know them.

Barbara Jo
10-30-2022, 08:09 PM
I more or less live and dress as a woman at home also.
With no family in the area and few friends, I am free to do what I want. :)

BTW, at my 76 years, I am long retired.

10-31-2022, 06:24 AM
I love going out. I love getting dressed and sitting on my patio which is in front of the house now, full view from the street. I am new here. Maybe people have not figured it out yet, HA.

Tonight is Halloween. I am considering calling my wife and asking her to meet me at Jerry's Pizza for supper tonight. But I will not be there Natalie will. She has seen me before as Natalie and I had to go out and save her from a bicycle breakdown as Natalie so she knows I go out. So, what do you think? A surprise visit from Natalie is in order?

11-01-2022, 07:29 AM
I'm "out" 5-7 days a week. I wear a dress to work almost every day (no makeup, hair, jewelry, etc, just a dress, hosiery and flats) and sometimes venture out in various states of feminine presentation on the weekend.

The thrill isn't what it once was, but it's still wonderful dressing the way I want, whenever I want. I wish I'd decided to do this 10 years ago, but I'm overjoyed that I finally developed the nerve to just be myself and stop worrying about other people's opinions of me.

People either don't notice or don't care, and I don't attribute that to living in an area of one particular political leaning or another. It's just as much of a non-issue in deep blue Chicago as it is in deep red northeast Wisconsin.

11-01-2022, 10:09 AM
I wear dresses 95 percent of the time, and for the church morning service I add makeup and frequently wear heels. I have hair past my shoulders and a natural bust, and no beard shadow so I don't come across as a Corporal Klinger. However my speaking voice is around 90 Hz (average male is around 120 Hz) and I sing bass in the church choir.

11-03-2022, 03:24 AM
For the last two years I dress all the time, including at work, I don't even think about it any more. But I am so lucky to live in a part of the world which is very accepting. I know there are many parts of the world where it isn't so easy and I don't think I would have been brave enough to start to dress 24/7 in those places.

Heather Anne
11-10-2022, 03:23 PM
I have been going out fully dressed as a woman since 2004. Now that I am retired I get out fully dressed about twice a week maybe more. I go to lunch, shopping at Walmart, Target, Barnes and Noble. I go bowling, movies, shooting range all while fully dressed as a woman. Lately I have even pushed the envelope where I have go dressed. Example I was fully dressed ready to leave my house when I noticed my watch was not working. I stopped at a Batteries Plus to have a battery put in. I am single living by myself. When home I usually dress from the neck down.

11-14-2022, 07:27 PM
On average about once a week. Has been as often as 3 times a week, but then I might not get the chance for a few weeks.

Kandi Robbins
11-15-2022, 12:56 PM
I go out pretty much three times a week on average. I do so to volunteer, to attend church, to see friends, to run household errands. I even dress when I have a medical appointment. Any time I can so without an issue, do dress and do it.

11-15-2022, 01:02 PM
I go out dressed every single day.

Oh, you meant, DRESSED.