View Full Version : I'm hooked on going out

10-01-2022, 07:35 PM
All I can say is, WOW!!!!! Today was my first time going out somewhat locally and in the middle of the day. I left home partially dressed at about 10 a.m. As an aside, I wanted to be properly accessorized so I asked my wife if I could wear one of her watches. She hasn't worn a watch in about 10 years so she has several just laying in a jewelry box. She easily granted permission. Not only that, I offered to give the normal good-bye hug and kiss before putting on makeup and jewelry and she said to wait until I was ready to leave. About 2 miles from home I pulled off the side of a lightly travelled road, removed my golf shirt, put the forms in my bra, put on the tunic top, and then the wig (and I did use a wig cap that I originally wasn't planning to do). I then drove 23 or so miles to the Pride festival. After walking all around the park, I came to the conclusion the festival was cancelled. I'm actually glad when I checked the web site yesterday morning there was no mention of a cancellation. Why am I glad? Because when I got home this afternoon I checked the web site and it has been rescheduled for October 22nd.

Anyway, after walking around the park (a large park) looking for the festivities to no avail, what's a girl to do? How about lunch. I made the 5 mile drive to a large shopping mall and parked next to the ULTA building. I walked in the mall entrance and went to the food court. I went to the end vendor - a Japanese restaurant - and order teriyaki shrimp and rice. The 2 women working there (both of Asian decent) didn't bat an eye when they heard my voice. I sat down in the food court and ate only about half the shrimp and 1/3 of the rice. I went into the family washroom to check my hair and lipstick. There was no way I was going in the men's and I wasn't ready to go into the women's washroom. I walked a short bit of the mall when I felt the need to take a leak. Into the bathroom hall I went. But, there was no family washroom here; so, this girl felt it was only right to go in the women's washroom and did so. After that, I left the mall and went into ULTA.

I went over to the makeup area in ULTA and there was nobody there. However, off to my right were 2 women employees doing something with some product items. As I approached them, they both said in unison, "Can we help you, ma'am?" I replied, "Is it necessary to make an appointment for a makeover or can I just walk in to get one?" I have never seen such a dramatic double take when they heard my voice. One of the ladies is a MUA and asked if I wanted one right then. I declined one today but asked about making an appointment in the future. She told me she is off work on Tuesdays and Wednesdays; but, she would be happy to help me anu other day. I asked for her business card. Somewhere in our conversation she said, "sir" and IMMEDIATELY apologized. I told her not to worry as I really am just an old MIAD - even though I was wearing pants and a tunic. She chuckled. Anyway, as we talked we determined what I need is a lesson in basic makeup application.
Guess what. I'll be scheduling an appointment with her for about 10 a,m, on October 22nd - right before I head off to the rescheduled festival.

After I left ULTA, i headed back towards home. However, I wasn't ready to end my day as I hadn't done any shopping yet. I stopped at Ross and went dress shopping. I picked out 2 dresses to try on. When I went to the fitting room area, the lady directing traffic gave me a card indicating 2 items and pointed me to the ladies' fitting rooms. The one that fit was purchased. The one I like the most was just too tight so I left without it. Two storefronts away is a Hamrick's. In there I went. Right inside the door was a display of watches and the prices were right. As I was looking at them, another lady in my age range stopped to look at them, too. `These watches were only $14.99 so she asked me if I thought they had batteries in them. I offered that I was sure they did. She said she would hope so. She walked off and I picked up a ladies' watch to buy. Then believe it or not, I saw a display of metal bag tags with names on them. You know I had to buy the one with the name "Heather." I walked on over to the checkout line. There were about 7 or 8 clerks lined in a row. As one finished with a customer, he or she would call out "Next." When it was my turn to check out, i walked down to the clerk who said, "How are you doing today, ma'am?" When she heard my reply (Fine), she didn't hesitate a beat at my voice. Instead, she saw the bag tag and told me her name was Heather and pointed to her Hamrick's name tag. I told her she needed to get one for herself. After the transaction was over we both wished one another a nice day.

Then I went to Walmart. I did get 2 more packages of Kiss Press-on coffin nails. But, those suckers were out of L'eggs thigh high stockings. They also didn't have any Secret Treasures panties of any kind. I wonder if they quit selling them. I have 3 other rather local Walmarts I'll be checking out in the next week. Then I headed home.

On the way I removed the wig, wig cap, and forms while driving. When I got to a stop sign with no other traffic around, I put my golf shirt on over my tunic top. I needed to keep up appearances in case any neighbors saw me. None did. When I pulled into the garage, I closed the garage door before getting out of the car. I hauled everything into my bathroom and yelled to my wife that I would be right out. As I was walking toward the family room, I said, "Don't be shocked; but, you're going to see how I was out in public today." She said, "Okay." When I walked into the room, she didn't say much at all. That's when I told her I don't know how women operate with long fingernails. She looked at my hands and asked where I got the nails. I told her Walmart. (Explanation to avoid confusion - these were nails purchased about 2 or 3 months ago and not the one I bought today.) She looked at my feet wondering if I also had press-on nails there. I don't but I do have 2 coats of clear nail polish on them. Anyway, I sat down in the family room for about 15 minutes fully dressed after getting a glass of ice and a diet soda to drink.

Then it was time to undress and finish raking up the yard of all the debris Hurricane Ian helped our trees to drop.

When I discovered the festival was rescheduled, I looked at my calendar. I have no conflicts that day and told my wife I am going to attend it. After the festival I plan to approach my wife about me going out and about dressed once every 3 or 4 weeks. Tonight, I am in drab mode (save for my lace panties) and will remain like this until after my wonderful wife goes to bed. I'm sure she feels as though she's seen enough of Heather for one day. Of course, she doesn't yet know Heather's name. Regardless, I've always know my wife is wonderful and she continues to make sure I don't forget. How did I get so lucky?

Emily in the south
10-01-2022, 07:54 PM
Way to go Heather! Turning a re-scheduled event into a great day with some nice experiences. Only thing I would have changed was the restaurant. lol
I hope to re-create your Ulta visit in a few weeks, prior to a trip out of state. You have a great wife! Thanks for taking the time to post about your wonderful day.


10-01-2022, 07:56 PM
Wow, congrats on your first outing! And with your wife's (sorta?) blessing, too!

Too bad about the rescheduling, but now you have an excuse to go out again. Maybe some more outings before the actual event?

Kris Burton
10-01-2022, 08:33 PM
Sounds like you had a great day even without the festival. That's the way to improvise! And now you still have a festival to look forward to and many more outings to come.

10-02-2022, 01:28 AM
wow, fantastic Heather, just be careful not to push the going out to much, I do, and I get the "Hmm youve been going out a lot recently" with a raised eyebrow. But I do exactly the same , full makeup at home. fully dress, then I put on large sunglasses and big coat, you can leave your forms in with a big coat on, they cant see my bottom half in the car so dress and heels showing in the car doesnt matter, 5 mijes down the road, take my coat and glasses off, wig on, Tada fully dressed and on my way, coming home do it in reverse, wig off ,coat on, drive in the garage. But my wife also lets me stop out overnight, so I can also go in the pubs and clubs with the other girls I meet. But well done, theres no turning back now.

10-02-2022, 03:37 AM
The bird has flown, the genre's out the bottle, a lady not for turning. Yep, once you experience time out and about there's no turning back.

The fact you pressed on with your time out despite your original reason didn't materialise is credit to you and so many boxes ticked on a first outing.

Congratulations, well done.

Jolene Robertson
10-02-2022, 04:32 AM
Hi Heather,

Sounds like you had a great day and made the most of it. Might be a good thing the the event was canceled, now you have some experience you'll be much more relaxed when you go.

Thanks for sharing your day with us and yes your wife is great!

10-02-2022, 06:33 AM
That is awesome I feel your excitement and to have an accepting wife you are very blessed.

10-02-2022, 08:46 AM
WOW ! Sounds like a great time and a absolutely wonderful day. Your wife seems to be so understanding and accepting. What a treasure.

Valerie Louise
10-02-2022, 11:10 AM
Heather, way to go and welcome to the out and about club. You?ve done more in one outing than I have done in three! It?s addictive and no going back. Well done girl!
By the way, excellent write up. Fun to read, I was right there with you in my imagination.

10-02-2022, 02:54 PM

That's a heck of a first big day out - walking around a park, trying on dresses in the ladies fitting room, interacting with various SA's, going to Ulta, using the ladies room. Congrats! Fun wasn't it?

Debbie Denier
10-02-2022, 03:00 PM
Good on you Heather for carrying on after your original plans collapsed.Your determination is admirable. Your wife is brilliant.

10-02-2022, 06:16 PM
Heather, I'm so glad that you hate a nice outing. I hope you have a better time when you head to the pride event.

10-03-2022, 07:29 AM
Sounds like a good time. I've never been out (crossdressed) alone for that long or during the day.