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View Full Version : Positive knock on effects from Crossdressing

Lucy B
10-13-2022, 09:49 AM
I find that when I dress I’m a very much calmer and relaxed person.
As my cross dressing is mainly in my working at home day, I’ve found that this had a positive effect on my work life.
I’m quite an impatient person naturally, and I find that this is not so much the case when dressed as Lucy.
Nowadays when I’m not dressed and I’m in a situation where I could get anxious or impatient, I often find myself asking
What would Lucy do? Quite often this leads to a far more positive outcome than would have been the case.
I just wondered if others have had similar positive side effects ?

Genifer Teal
10-13-2022, 09:55 AM
Better understanding what women have to do to maintain their appearance. In the summer virtually nothing is hidden.

10-13-2022, 10:06 AM
I'm the same my wife says I'm so much calmer and an all round nicer person since giving in to her transformation, I used to be a very hot headed impatient angry person but not anymore no wonder she prefers me as Amy

10-13-2022, 12:26 PM
I am also a whole lot calmer and much more pleasant person when I am wearing my bra and panties

Jessica Secret
10-13-2022, 01:15 PM
Definitely the same for me Lucy, I wear romantic lingerie to bed and I'm definitely calmer & more relaxed as Jess. Really helps me get into a relaxed mood to go to sleep and I definitely have more of a fem personality as Jess, which I love (and so does my boyfriend).

10-13-2022, 01:28 PM
Yes I agree too come the end of the week sat evening I get dressed and I'm just ahhhhh that's better and my wife sees it too altho I am a calm person anyway jasmine changes me even more

10-13-2022, 02:41 PM
Absolutely! My wife noticed this calming effect years ago. It?s been amazing to me. I can be up tight or tense, but slipping on hose of any kind, the calming effect is almost immediate. It gets better/calmer with panties, bra, etc. Being retired, I dress, to some degree, daily, panties, bra and thigh highs, for sure.

10-13-2022, 03:09 PM
Knock-on effects from CD'ing:

1. I try to be a nicer person when I am presenting as Fiona to help me blend in and to avoid any uncomfortable negative situations. This desire to be nicer bleeds over to when I am in drab which is a very positive development.
2. I will never again be impatient with a woman who is running late for something. After actually experiencing what it takes to look presentable as far as clothing & make-up are concerned, I completely understand how time consuming it can be.

10-13-2022, 03:23 PM
I agree. My femme self is much calmer. As Genifer said I have a much better understanding of the woman's perspective.

10-13-2022, 04:16 PM
Might as well make use of your best qualities!

10-13-2022, 04:33 PM
Indeed! it lets me take "A vacation from my self" and also "maleness". And I enjoy "Feeling Pretty" too. This all leads to my being able to totally release all my "stresses" and gives me the ability to "Totally relax". I can feel the "springs" unwinding in my mind. And there is an erotic element also, that is also lots of fun. Now I can also have loads of fun experimenting with different looks and photograph them---finding what looks best, and trying new things.

10-13-2022, 07:18 PM
Absolutely agree. The female side is a lot calmer.

Karren H
10-14-2022, 04:16 AM
I have always been a calm person and can relax just about any time or any where. I find dressing is not relaxing at all and less than calming. Just the opposite for me, I get more exciting and restless. Like I want to go do something enfemme. Even if I can’t!

Debbie Denier
10-14-2022, 05:27 AM
I agree it has a calming effect on me . Particularly as I have got older. Its a release for me when I can leave troubles at the back of my mind.

10-14-2022, 06:01 AM
Crossdressing definitely positively impacts my driving. I'm much more defensive driver and law abiding driver when fully dressed. I just don't want to get stopped by the police or get in the accident when dressed as a woman. Not that i want that to happen at all, but definitely not when I'm dressed.

10-14-2022, 06:13 AM
Same with me. I'm calmer, more patient, and more gentle since I started wearing bras and panties.

10-14-2022, 06:36 AM
I also agree that dressing has a calming effect on me. I feel centered as if I am who I should be.

10-14-2022, 06:41 AM
Same way with me, but now I have noticed that the calmer nature has begun to affect the male-like side of my total identity. However, it is much less intense there than when in the female-like mode. Not sure what to make of that. I think maybe it is a matter of how we as individuals react to shifts in the emphasis of our identity. I suspect everybody does that to some extent, but it is far more noticeable in us because our identities tend to include a lot more of the total identity spectrum than a large majority of people. Whatever is the cause, I find it to be a wonderful feeling.

And I often find myself using the "What would Gretchen do?" thought very much like you, Lucy.

Kris Burton
10-14-2022, 06:48 AM
In addition to the positive mental health benefits everyone has mentioned, I have experienced significant physical health side effects as well. I have lost some weight and have ongoing motivation to keep it down so that I might look my best in nice fashions, easing stress on the heart and helping to stabilize blood pressure. I have undertaken an exercise regimen for the same I feel much stronger and has also eased arthritic issues. I feel more energetic than I have in a long time. No matter which persona I am embodying at the moment, there's a lot to be said for it!

10-14-2022, 07:21 AM
True, it's good for my health too. I only go on long walks when dressed. Otherwise I go everywhere with a car.

10-14-2022, 08:40 AM
Hi All. Brand new member, long time lurker. Thought I'd share my perspective.

It's definitely the calming effect for me and this has certainly been noticed by my wife - who is supportive and accepting in as much as she understands my need to dress because she sees the positive effect it has on me.

The calming works in several ways for me.

1. I have quite a stressful job but mostly work from home and am dressed on most of those days. Being dressed whilst at work really helps me.
2. After work, I don't need to change and can then spend the evening chilling with my wife. There's no pressure on me to change back to male clothing.
3. On days that I can't dress (which are thankfully rare) the level of calmness that I have already achieved takes quite a few days to run out. I don't know why this happens but I'm grateful for it.

Just to set my stall out a little for you, I have no feminine side to me and whilst I always dress fully, aside from the calming of my personality, everything about me remains me. There are no feminine mannerisms. I don't have a female persona or indeed think of myself as 'a girl' whilst dressed. I haven't even given myself a female name. I'm just a bloke who likes to wear women's clothes. My slight OCD means that if I'm going to do it, I'm doing this 'properly' which is why I do it fully. I hope that last bit makes sense?

Anyway, I guess this is a basic intro to me by way of answering the Lucy's question :) I may share my journey of how I came to this 'suddenly' lol but for now, I hope to be able contribute a little but will continue to read all of your interesting posts and comments.


10-15-2022, 05:53 AM
When dressed I definitely have a calmer less aggressive personality. Occasionally I will get kinda of bitchy and my wife will tell me she is going break me of that habit I so want to tell her just put me in a dress and heels problem solved!

Stacy Darling
10-15-2022, 07:30 AM
In a way it's like looking out at the word in a more positive / beautiful way when femme and who we really are!

" A beautiful person which can both feel and look beautiful can then emit that beauty, which will then come back"


10-26-2022, 02:16 AM
Like most here I feel much more relaxed and calm when dressed, and it only takes an undergarment to soften me. I also agree with Marina that wrote, "...it lets me take a vacation from my self and also 'maleness'." I often feel like I'm tired of being male and embracing my softer gentler side is always so internally welcomed. The more I'm open to all this the more I notice that "Nancy" is always there.

Alana Westenra
10-26-2022, 04:23 AM
I definitely get a healthy attitude adjustment from it! A big part of who I am is being available to others in my job, and my personal life. I love that aspect, don't get me wrong, but being able to (as Marina so delightfully put it) 'take a vacation' from that part of myself, and also from my general masculinity is very enjoyable and I wanna say even healing. I think it must be connected to planning and setting up time devoted specifically to myself, and actively manifesting the Alana part of who I am.

Cheryl T
10-26-2022, 11:52 AM
I'm much more accepting and forgiving, especially while driving.

10-26-2022, 11:47 PM
I definitely notice an improvement in my mental health. I am calmer and less stressed. I also have a better understanding of how long it takes a GG to get ready and let them take their time.

10-27-2022, 08:51 AM
To me, wearing male clothing is like having a rock in my shoe. I can put up with it for a while, but eventually it becomes intolerable and I’ve just got to do something about it.

There's nothing wrong with male clothing, but it's not my clothing. It's a wonderful relief to take off the male clothing an put on something normal.

I need to add something to this. Yes, I feel much more calm and relaxed when en femme. When in male mode, I over react to little annoyances, I'm more self-centered, and far less tolerant of others. I feel that it's due to the constant irritation of the "rock in the shoe" feeling. When presenting as male, I feel like I've lost the best part of myself. I don't like myself that way. When en femme, I'm a kinder more gentle person, someone I like and respect. I'll laugh with you when you're happy and cry with you when you're sad. My feminine personality has begun to be more dominant when in male mode. I'm a better person for it, and dressing en femme has made this happen.

Maria 60
10-27-2022, 10:00 AM
There was more then once when my wife would ask me to get dressed because she wants to ask me something. She says I'm more reasonable and calm for some reason when dressed.
Just like yourself I also do things differently when dressed, more calm and patient.

10-27-2022, 10:16 AM
I definitely have to agree with those who become calmer when wearing the clothes society deems should be worn by a woman. But, if a man feels anxiety or any negativity why does he seek refuge from those feelings in wearing women's clothing in the first place? Are there not other outlets to counteract those pressures? In my case the desire to wear women's clothing preceded those pressures of later life. What pressures did I experience as a ten year old? As I have stated many times I am a Vietnam combat infantryman of Vietnam and there are certain experiences I would like to not remember. I have friends in a support group who sought refuge from those experiences with drugs and alcohol. When things get rough I seek refuge in a dress and heels. As also stated many times my PTSD counselor (female) is of the opinion that each man and woman has some dna in his or her genetic profile of the opposite sex. In some, it is more than others. To me, it makes sense that something arises that brings forth that dna of the opposite sex. I can honestly say that when in a combat situation the concept of maleness arises to the maximum. It is definitely complicated.