View Full Version : Don't know if this will fly

10-13-2022, 04:38 PM
Next week my wife and I are heading out of town for most of the week. We are leaving Monday morning and had planned to return on Thursday afternoon. However, we've decided to stop in a major town about halfway home and take time to visit this historic city for a day. One of the things we've done is book a 90 minute comedy tour of the city. After reading the description, we booked it. Then, I looked at some videos of the tour. Well, the description said there would be costume changes. But, it didn't mention anything about the guys with beards putting on tutus and dresses. After watching a comical report 2 nights ago about the Canadian cross dressing school teacher (with about 68FFFF boobs) and seeing how much my wife laughed during it, she will have no issues with these skits. Humor is humor. The tour will start at 4 pm and end at 5:30 pm. We will then go somewhere near the hotel/motel for dinner.

I plan to ask my wife in the next day or so if it would be a problem for her if, after dinner, I were to dress up en femme so we could walk along the river front together. If that's a problem for her, I'll ask if she would mind if I dressed up and took a stroll by myself. I figure a large city, almost 200 miles away from home where we know zero people, is a place she wouldn't be concerned about running into anybody we know. Don't know if this will fly; but, I sure hope so.

10-13-2022, 06:28 PM
Good luck Heather! :) Good of you to be considerate of her in asking.

Valerie Louise
10-13-2022, 08:05 PM
Hope the dual walk is successful, but don?t push too hard.

10-14-2022, 06:47 AM
Heather, enjoy the tour. I hope your wife is OK with dressing.

10-14-2022, 06:49 AM
The only way you can really know if that is OK is to ask. But if she seems uncomfortable with it don't push it. Our male sides often have a tendency to do that and many women do not appreciate that these days. Good luck.

The idea of taking a "comedy tour" sounds like fun. Hope it is in good taste, though, and not insulting to those of us that are a bit "different."

10-14-2022, 10:15 AM
Two things I do know. First, the comedy tour is rated PG13 so it shouldn't be too bad. Second, I'm going to approach my wife later today along the lines of, "I'd like to propose something to you and don't want an answer right now. I'd like you to think it over and let me know your feelings before I pack for our trip." That will give her 2 days to think it over. I will NOT argue if she says she'd rather I didn't dress. But, if I don't ask, then there is no chance of gaining her approval.

UPDATE: i talked with her after lunch today. She had a grocery shopping trip to make. Upon her return, she said she thought about it and decided she simply would not be comfortable being out with me while I'm dressed. Oh, well, it was worth a shot.

10-14-2022, 03:49 PM
What about u going on the walk by yourself, Heather? Or is THAT in a no-fly zone, too?:straightface:

10-15-2022, 08:55 PM
I could go on the walk by myself; but, there is no way I would. This is OUR trip to share things with one another. Actually, the main purpose of the trip is to attend a reunion with the guys I served with in Vietnam. Over the years, my wife has met all these guys as she has gone to the 6 previous reunions we've had. But, to ask her to go to these reunions with me and then leave her sitting in a motel/hotel room by herself when we have decided to stop at a "destination" we've neither one been to would be quite selfish on my part. I will, as always, underdress during the trip and be wearing my regular nighttime attire of panties, stockings, nighties, bra, and forms. I wish she were comfortable walking by Heather's side; but, she isn't and that's okay. There will be other times for Heather to be out and about.