View Full Version : Treating our SO's the same way

04-11-2006, 05:59 PM
Since joining the forum back in November, I have witnessed a great deal of sympathy, compassion, understanding, encouragement, compliments, love, advice, and so on in the replies to posts. Now, my question is: Do we show our SO's the same? Do we compliment them? Do we listen sympathetically? Do we encourage them? As often as we should? Not at all? All the time?
I, myself, feel that I sometimes fall short on this although I really do try.

Joy Carter
04-11-2006, 06:05 PM
All the time but can't come to grips with this part of me. And it's not that I try to change her mind or make her do anything she dose not want to do but I have alway treated her with love and respect.

04-11-2006, 06:10 PM
Good point, but I have heard it stated by more than one person here that the dressing makes them more sensitive to their SO's needs.

You are thinking about these things now. Would you have been if you did not dress? I think being a cd does help us extend ourselves to the females we come in contact with. I think one of the keys is "don't be a selfish girl".

04-11-2006, 06:20 PM
Yes I do, but only after she found out, in my mind I blame her for hiding my dressing because I thought she would react badley and I would be out on the street. Since then my wife has said I am a much nicer person now.

It is a strange thing we web in our minds.


Christina Nicole
04-11-2006, 06:41 PM
Yes, I am very, very sensitive to my wife's needs -- between beatings, that is.

Just kidding. Bad joke in response to a silly question.

Warm regards,
Christina Nicole